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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Definitely. Oh well - I guess I was late responding - work was so busy I never got to the forums today.
  2. Your husband got indigestion when I fed him balut with kindness
  3. Her suspension was lifted, but she is still staying away from the forums because she truly does not want to get engaged with anyone again and endanger her inworld access.
  4. Here is the Wanted section in Commerce: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  5. It will be similar to how names were created years ago. You will be given a selection of last names to choose from and you can pick any first name you want to go with the last name as long as it results in a unique name. The only thing we do not know yet is how much it will cost and exactly when later this year it will be available.
  6. It is possibly a network problem, with your connection or maybe with your ISP.
  7. It is also possible that your antivirus decided to disallow that plugin, so check those logs and see if maybe the file got quarantined - it has happened before.
  8. I think this is one of those things that the LL moderators and other powers that be need to have a long discussion on. We, the Residents, have made some very valid points pertaining to the apparent current system.
  9. It does -- or at least that part of it does - I haven't played with all of the buttons from DEMO HUD to actual Head. I'm keeping the demo HUD for now though. I also sent a note to the Altamura creator. Since the buttons are visible on the demo, despite what the one customer service person said to Vanity, I'm thinking that the "invisible" was a goof.
  10. We have no clue exactly when the new homes will be ready, nor do we know what they will look like or if they will be on 1024 plots or stay on 512 plots. You cannot ever request a specific Linden Home. You can abandon and re-select (type only) up to 5 times per day, trying to get whatever you really want.
  11. Your ice-cream is gone because I licked it, so you bought more.
  12. Actually, the part she showed would be what is similar to the 'neck fix' thing on mesh bodies. I think it is used to cover the seam if the head and neck don't fit together well, but for my Maitreya body and system head it just always looked bad. For this head, when I removed it (hid it), then I was left with an actual seam/gap between the head and my Maitreya body. These pics show the neck area with that area removed, sized at XS and sized at S. Intentionally done with non-matching skin to see what it is doing. I'm guessing with a bit of playing with my shape sliders, I could get the gap to to away and then I wouldn't need that sleeve thingy, similar to how I got my Maitreya body neck to match up to my system neck.
  13. This is a bug specific to the HUD for the actual head (i.e. invisible buttons) - the buttons are very visible on the DEMO HUD. In my pic, the actual HUD is show with the demo HUD below it:
  14. Pose stand right in front of the window... Hmmmm
  15. Your bikini is beautiful but I tossed it when I went sunbathing
  16. @Vanity Fair - would you post a link to you blog please?
  17. There is a Forum Feedback section that I'd recommend creating a thread in for this suggestion
  18. I think this simply goes without saying. If you keep being bad, you might get banned for longer or even permanently. As to any corresponding ban from SL, I definitely agree with Phil on that - keep the two separate. And I'll repeat what I said in the other thread: If a post has managed to make it a week without being reported, any reporting after that should simply result in the post being deleted and only suspending said poster if the violation was really bad. We shouldn't all have to fear some snowflake getting offended from a post made months ago.
  19. If it is mainland, then you can use if for a store or a house or whatever you want -- there are no rules except to follow the land rating (general,moderal,adult). Yes, 1024 sqm of land will give you 351 prims to play with. There is no rent/lease. Some equate the tier payments to LL as rent, but I always thought of it more like monthly property tax. In any case, you BUY the land (either via auction or just searching inworld) and from then out, it is just monthly TIER. As long as the amount of land you own is 1024 or less, the TIER is covered by your Premium membership. And anything not on mainland is definitely not covered by any part of your Premium membership.
  20. It is just a head and looks very much like the head that came with the Jenny body except that this one is Bento - I don't think the head on the original Jenny body was/is Bento. Correction, per Lexxi's post below - the head with the full Jenny body is bento. The demo is out at the store now. The head is Omega compatible and the HUD does appear to be a full functional HUD.
  21. Altamura is putting out a Jenny Bento mesh head at the Expo Fair (starts tomorrow) and members of the group can get it for 80% off the price. At this point, I'm guessing it will be Omega compatible and thus 'regular' price will be similar to whatever Altamura''s other bento heads are. Group join fee is currently only L$50 so total price could be a good deal for breaking into the mesh head world - assuming you like the head.
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