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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Thanks for trying it out Orwar! I have to say that these moving images look a little .. surreal. Anyways, I didn't embed the image from the heritage site, I converted the mp4 to a gif and uploaded it the SL forum. I shoulda used a 3rd party image site like you did.
  2. Hey all, I saw this article just recently about this website that can animate old photographs using AI and decided to run my Bree avatar through it. But, instead of just a regular SL pic, I used one that was run through Artbreeder which is another AI based website that transforms your portraits. I made a thread about Artbreeder a while back. Step 1. Make a portrait on Artbreeder. https://www.artbreeder.com/ Step 2. Run that portrait through Deep Nostalgia. https://www.myheritage.com/deep-nostalgia Voila!
  3. I think somebody bought the new Invision Hide Content plugin! https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8395-ne-hide-content/
  4. Poses are easy to make. Short animations too. Just get Qavimator. You just need to have two frames of animation to make a pose. The first frame is completely ignored and the second frame is the pose. Super easy. There is a serious problem with making poses right now though. The beta grid isn't working so you can't upload for free to test the pose. Typically, you use trial an error to make a pose look correct. There is a preview in the animation upload window but the best way to preview is to upload it to the beta grid and view it on an actual avatar. I read it will take a few months to be fixed.
  5. I was at a store today and there was this box of Christmas pastries sitting at the service desk. My peeve is that it didn't give out any pastries! What is up with that? I clicked and clicked but it never gave me anything. I've seen this at other stores too. What's the point? When you put stuff out like that it means you want to share it.
  6. When you upload an animation into SL from your computer it shows the length of time in seconds but that is only see by the uploader. It doesn't really matter what duration you choose because every standing animation is (or should be) designed to loop continuously. If you set the AO to run stand animations for 50 seconds and you load a 20 second stand and a 25 second stand then the first animation will loop 2.5 times and the second will loop 2 times.
  7. I find it satisfying to occupy a virtual persona. I liken it to the way a rapper takes on a rap identity or an actor plays someone else even while doing interviews on television. It’s a separation of public and private that allows one to stay grounded. I don’t like reality tv stars or you tubers who put themselves on display. They seem to be the worst and vacuous of all people. I don’t like Facebook either with it’s pageantry of the mundane. What you said about women online is also true. That’s half the population right there. You might as well just ask only guys to show their real pics.
  8. Quantitative easing goes against the entire idea of limited resources. FYI, not really for or against the idea. Just tossing out my thoughts.
  9. I think it boils down to NRC being a limited virtual currency bought and sold using real money or NRC being a limited virtual resource bought and sold using linden dollars which is bought by real money. Either way this limited supply can be bought and hoarded by people who are not interested in creation or in buying items in a virtual world. Think of all the bit coin traders or banking role players manipulating this limited resource to raise the real money price of NRC. The game company can't correct this by issuing more NRC because NRC is limited. You can end up with a situation where new players enter the game and find that the price of NRC is prohibitively expensive. $US 5,000 for one NRC??? That's $US 100,000 for pair of virtual shoes! I can see why a game designer, who owns a lot of NRC, would want to create this kind of system.
  10. There are two questions here. 1) Should resources and land be limited to make a virtual world closer to the real world? 2) How do we go about limiting resources? I think most of us are going to stop at question 1 before thinking about question 2. Will limiting a virtual world benefit anyone? And how? I can’t think of a reason. It sounds like a way to introduce scarcity and inflate prices.
  11. That address is correct but I believe most of the Lindens are working from home. Most companies in California are communicating online so going through the help pages listed by others would probably be the best way unless the Lindens are specifically telling you to send something to them. As far as copyright, things don't have to specifically marked as copyrighted to be protected by copyright. An original work is automatically copyrighted. I just used copyright 5 times.
  12. I think everyone sees each other differently based on how their individual computers communicate to the server and how they render the screen. I would say, "Thanks, I see myself completely perfect right now but I believe you are seeing me different because SL is having issues right now. I've been seeing other avatars with all sorts of weird problems. Your avatar for instance is showing your system avatar on top of your mesh body and you look like an ogre. Do you see yourself looking normal? I guess we both have a problem! LOL!"
  13. I see average looking male avatars all the time around shopping events. They are all crowded around the single vendor that is selling a product for men.
  14. Just find a new laptop that has Nvidia or Radeon graphics and you are set. A desktop would be better.
  15. It’s so difficult to land on Mars but NASA has always managed to land their rovers and they even used the sky crane again. I look forward to all the new Mars pictures.
  16. One thing you have to do is be trendy. Look up the latest teen fashion trends for Spring 2021 and try to make a wardrobe following what everyone else is wearing. Don’t wear things that were trendy back in Winter 2020. Also, avoid what adults are wearing. When summer 2021 rolls around be sure to buy the latest clothes and throw out everything you previously have.
  17. It looks like they used a 'bloom' effect which makes all the light areas of the skin glow similar to what Stephanie mentioned but it's an automatic effect that can be applied in some art programs. I don't recall if Photoshop has it. They might have also done some blur and sharpening.
  18. Goodbye Oz! Your comments here have always been welcome and will be missed. May you have a happy retirement!
  19. I was reading up a little bit on the topic and a sustainable diet actually refers to how much fossil fuel is used by different types of food. Fossil fuel is a limited resource and is unsustainable. Normal crops use a lot of chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer. These chemicals take a lot of energy, fossil fuel, to produce. Organic crops try to use as little chemicals as possible. Food brought in from other parts of the country or world have to be transported to your grocery. These are transported by trucks, trains and ships which all burn fossil fuel. They also have to be refrigerated. Local foods do not require long transportation. Meat burns more fossil fuel than fruits, grains and vegetables because we have to produce more planted crops to feed animals compared to eating planted crops directly. Planted crops use fossil fuel through farm equipment. Processed foods require machinery and chemicals which use up more fossil fuel energy than unprocessed food.
  20. My comedy doesn’t translate very well... Although I have payment info (it takes money to make money), I have existed in SL with almost no payments made for any large amount. In fact, I may have taken out the sum of all my payments a while ago with a withdrawal of some linden profits.
  21. Every evening for at least a month I watched unfiltered live streams of the BLM inspired riots. Violence is violence whether it comes from left or right and I condemn it all. Some of you only condemn one side and I find that troubling.
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