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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Pay once a week. It's a hassle but if the owner disappears you are only out for one week. It also works if the problem is on your end and you need to abandon the place. Only out one week at the most. You might want to check if the landlord has a lot of rentals that are not being rented out. They could be losing money and might abandon the land.
  2. Perhaps a Mudskin skin with very little makeup. You might be able to recreate her boots by getting boots for men which would have the wider calf portion. Maybe add some black arm warmers. The rest of her gear seems to be things you'd find classified as cyberpunk.
  3. It could be another pose or animation is running on your avatar. You need to start by removing everything attached to your avatar including huds and checking if you walk normally using the standard system walk. If that works, you can try wearing just your AO to see if it walks correctly. If it works then you can try adding things one at a time to see if a certain attachment or hud is causing the problem.
  4. My avatar is 1.87 meters or 6'1". I recall I used to be over 7 feet tall when I first started. It's hard to really go by the exact measurements because everything in world is sized differently. 6 feet tall is still shorter than most when you walk around SL. I put together a new avatar without any consideration to height and just went by how she looked with others. She's 2.11 meters tall or 6'11". She seems average amongst women and most men are much taller.
  5. I can’t tell if it’s an April Fools thing or not! 🤨
  6. I think #3 would difficult to explain to friends and family. #2 isn’t that good for me because I only have a skybox. So #1 clothes will probably work really well.
  7. To apply a skin you need to 1) buy a skin applier and apply skin to the head or 2) buy and wear a BOM skin and turn on BOM in the Catwa style hud. I just read on the Catwa website it has no applier hair. To have a hairbase you need a BOM hairbase or an applier skin with a hairbase included. The Catwa Queen head is designed to work better with BOM.
  8. I think @Maddness Axon made a good point. You need to initiate the conversation. Being yourself may not be good advice if you’re an introvert. I actually tried to be the most talkative person with an alt of mine a few years back. I shouted in general chat when I arrived and said hello to everyone. Then I replied to every person who started chatting. I also walked up to every person and tried to IM them. It was tough because I am also introverted. But, that alt did make the most friends.
  9. I was starting to think the same thing. If LL doesn’t do it a store could try a daily visit reward. Maybe an event could do it too. Maybe a person could offer a daily visit reward to their friends.
  10. I'm guessing this isn't them just moving their avatar with the keyboard to follow you but an automatic thing. It's probably an attachment that they wear and it contains a script that moves them toward the set target which is you. It can be used for good reasons too. Here's an example of it which shows a few ways that the follower will fail. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/AvatarFollower
  11. The way I've seen it work is that each day you log in you get a reward. It's a cumulative count so you can log in one day and get the first reward and log in five days later and get the second reward. It's more of an incentive to keep people playing when they first join. The rewards seem to be the key to this whole idea.
  12. Not everyone has to use it. Those who log in will reap the benefits and it might be the right incentive to retain people. Maybe a daily login with tiered rewards based on your rez day. I think actual lindens should be left out as rewards. That should fix any exploitation. I made my idea great again.
  13. I'm playing this game which has a daily log in reward and I log in every day to get it. I also do a daily set of quests. I think something like this might work in SL. Log in one day and get twenty lindens. Log in the next and get a pose. Log in fifty days in a row and get a mesh head! Log in one hundred days and get a day with a Linden! What do you think? Another great idea from me? Or should we put this back into the file drawer?
  14. The latest Maitreya body has feet. It has several foot options in one of the tabs on the control hud that comes with the body. If you didn't get your Maitreya body recently you should go to the store and get an updated version.
  15. I don't think the idea of selling goods on credit should be dismissed out of hand. It might work for certain goods and certain sellers. I see it as a way to make money from transient visitors to SL. There's no way you can sell a $10,000L house to a new resident but if you sell it for $1,000L and $9,000 credit then they might just buy it. Even if they leave, you still get $1,000 from someone who would have never bought your product in the first place. Another strategy would be built-in-obsolesence. Let's say you sell a nice mesh dress that tracks how long it has been since purchased. You script the dress to get "dirty" or "torn" after a month and the customer has to bring it into a laundry & alteration service that you provide for a fee of course. Eventually the dress gets so old that you have to throw it out and buy a new one.
  16. If you’re going to be a teen you should also add pimples. So glad I’m not a teen anymore.
  17. Oculus Quest 1 refurbs are for sale at the Oculus store. If you are so inclined.
  18. Whatever you bought at the beginning of this thread... you need to throw that out! Those are so last month! Wear what's trending today before it gets old tomorrow.
  19. I don't usually kill spiders but this one slowly descended on it's web right in front of my face. It landed right on my desk in front of the keyboard. I would have a spider running around my desk as I was sitting there. Just google California brown house spider.
  20. A spider just glided down from the ceiling between me and the computer monitor! It was less than an inch long but was right in front of my face! Ugh. I let it land on my desk and crushed it with my trackball mouse.🕷️
  21. Oh Yes. Backup that shape! I was demoing a new head once and when I went back to my saved outfit my face was all messed up! I did make a shape copy and named it as a demo shape but after trying on multiple heads I just forgot to switch over. With faces it takes me several months of calibrating until it is just right and to lose it all is frustrating.
  22. How Pi day should be celebrated. Happy Pi day.
  23. I have always remembered PI up to 3.14159. See? I wrote that out without looking up above to Gopi's original post.
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