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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. BOM is great. I tried it on an avatar and was impressed by the ease of using makeup and hair bases. I do have a problem with an avatar that has an applier skin and the creator has not come out with a bom version. I looked at the other bom skins from that creator and I don’t want to switch to them. It’s a minor issue that I can live with. Maybe it will be available in the future.
  2. There are VR apps that do the same thing so I guess it's a thing now. Now if we can only simulate having to look over a tall person sitting in front of you.
  3. So the answer to the Original Poster's question is YES, you can sell Second Life screenshots as NFTs, if you have the proper release forms from all subject avatars and permissions from every single creator involved in the creation of those avatars or any visible objects in the foreground and background. You need permission from the parcel/region owner and also follow the Linden Lab TOS and machinima policy. Glad we cleared that up!
  4. I had my first Pfizer shot last week and was feeling good until the evening when my arm felt sore and painful to move around. It was fine the next morning. Hopefully no problems on the second one. On the plus side, I barely felt the needle. Some nurses are really good at jabbing people.
  5. Spider Mum Cooking Mama for you Nintendo fans Sugar Mama Sugar Mum Sugar Matriarch Oba Mama
  6. Is it relationship advice? It seems that your friend wants to move to the next stage of your friendship. It's up to you if you want to move forward.
  7. It's probably this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Secret-Store-Juniper-Blazer-Maitreya-Lara-V-Tech-Flatchest-Slink-Physique-Hourglass-Coal/11451514 There's a pencil skirt at that store but it's not the same as the redhead is wearing: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Secret-Store-Robin-Pencil-Skirt-Coal/7371367
  8. Hey everyone, just a heads up about a mobile app called Moonlight Game Streaming which lets you play SL through a stream from your home computer if you have an Nvidia card and have the Nvidia Geforce Experience software installed. I tried it with an Ipad and it works very well over my local network. The controls need some work though because there is only a gamepad overlay on the screen which doesn't seem to work at all with SL. Anyways, you can DuckDuckGo for it and test it out yourself.
  9. FYI, Shadow PC was bought by another company just recently and their service might change radically.
  10. This is why I suggested a central location where everyone arrives into SL regardless of where they logged out. This Nexus will create a crowd that makes people know they are in a large community. It will also impress new users who first arrive. You don’t have to stay at a Nexus since it’s just an entry point to the rest of SL. It’s a place where strangers meet without any purpose. A place for accidental meetings and serendipitous events. Where do we get things like that in SL? Nowhere.
  11. When we first started using mesh clothes there was very little choice and there was a good chance people would look the same but thankfully we’ve reached a level of choices similar to what we had with system clothes. I have never run into anyone with the same mesh clothes.
  12. I used to absolutely hate this group but I guess enough time has passed. Maybe in a few more years I'll even like The Cure.
  13. You need to turn on BOM in the huds for the eyes, the head and the body. Then you need to remove all alpha layers. Then you need to wear a head skin, eyes texture and body skin.
  14. @FairreLilette I suggest you read everything you can on cryptocurrency, NFTs, opensea, wallets, exchanges, Ethereum, etc. before you even start. If it's confusing then don't start until you learn enough where you are not confused. There are fees everywhere even when you are doing some rather mundane things like transferring currency from one account to another. These fees can be very volatile too.
  15. There's no need for people to be close to each other in SL. With teleportation everyone is one click away. A map in SL is not the same as map in RL. We don't exist in XYZ distance from one another. You need to think 4-dimensionally.
  16. It pretty much works the same way as linden dollars. You exchange from real dollars to crypto and vice versa. At a crypto broker website, you will have a regular currency balance which you can transfer to/from a normal bank account and you also have a crypto balance or multiple crypto balances. To transfer your money between balances you have to 'buy' and 'sell' crypto at the current exchange rate your crypto broker uses. With NFTs, you need to know that there is a gas fee that can run over a $100 US dollars. On some exchanges like Opensea, they push the fee to the buyer but you might have to pay some of it if you don't follow the normal selling process.
  17. They probably all moved to new linden houses on the Belisseria continent. They have houseboats.
  18. I really wouldn't any of my tokens to have fungi. That's disgusting. No wonder why people pay so much for them. I don't understand what copyright has to do with it. How do you copyright mushrooms? They might be poisonous.
  19. You can try this service called Shadow.Tech. It’s a complete remote pc that lets you install anything on it. The lowest option is $12 per month but even this option gives you a good graphics card. If you try it let us know how well it works.
  20. There used to be a standalone pair of breasts called Lolas Tangos. This was when mesh body parts started appearing for system avatars. I don't think Tangos are still available and they wouldn't be usable with male mesh bodies because you would need a skin applier for those breasts to match the skin of your avatar. There probably aren't any clothes that would work with both the male body and breasts together. I'd suggest looking for something similar on the SL Marketplace and maybe it will have a skin that looks similar to yours, I mean your friends skin.
  21. The scripted unpacker box that gives you a folder of items is really starting to get old. I liked it a few years back when it was first used but currently it's feels like wasted clicking on buttons. One box is fine but I regularly get many boxes from demos to gifts and the whole process becomes tedious. It feels like a process that was created to help a store owner but does not help the customer.
  22. In the default SL viewer, when you take a snapshot, the button is 'share to profile feed'. It takes a few minutes for the snapshot to show up in the feed tab of your profile. In my experience it works most of the time but occasionally gives an error that it can't upload.
  23. Instead of making rock walls you could separate flat land with mountains and forests. Since these would cover more area than walls you could place skyboxes high in the sky over these mountains and forests. Maybe you could add a common area for all the residents to relax at. I've never had a sim so I don't know if doing these things are possible.
  24. I started in a Ford Thunderbird that had this green color. It had an 8-track.
  25. You click on the 'eye' icon which brings up a menu with several eye colors and you pick your color. It's shown on page 7 of that online booklet thingy that Rowan linked to.
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