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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Hi @Aluviel Nakamura to get to the texture shift option you press F5 to open the settings menu. Here's some additional screens. 1. Below is the Steam VR home screen. This isn't my home screen. I copied it from a website. 2. When you start Firestorm VR you will still see the Steam VR home in your headset but you will see the Firestorm VR window on your desktop. You press ctrl-tab to enable VR mode. The tricky part is pressing ctrl-tab when you can't even see the keyboard. Use the Force! Or just peek under your headset. 3. After pressing ctrl-tab you get the screen below in Firestorm VR window on your desktop. 4. The Steam VR home will change to the screen below in your headset. 5. Pressing TAB will enter VR mode and you will see the same screen in both the Firestorm VR window and in your headset. Pressing F5 will take you to the options menu which is not a regular Firestorm menu. It appears in the middle of the screen. Every time you press F5 it will scroll through each setting and pressing F6 and F7 will adjust the value up and down. Texture shift is the setting that you need to adjust to correct the double vision. It looks like mine is at 60. The Firestorm VR window on your desktop will show as a small window (not full screen and not maximized). I think the Firestorm VR is resizing the window view to display it properly in your headset. To move, you can use the keyboard movement keys. You can also double click with your mouse pointer or double click with your VR pointer.
  2. I tried the demo of Mirana and compared it to demos of Slink Hourglass, Krupa, Belleza Freya and Lara. In terms of curviness, I'd rate them from least to most as Lara, Hourglass, Freya, Mirana and Krupa. The Mirana is unique among the bodies in that it has a rather large ribcage and very small shoulders. This allows you to have a girl with thin arms which actually addresses a peeve of mine where the default system body has too narrow a ribcage/torso. The shoulders are also positioned as if they are being pulled backwards and upwards which I guess is okay if you want to look like someone who is pushing their huge breasts outwards. As others mentioned it has a large butt which is different from the other bodies in that the cheeks are lower and the thighs shaped to accommodate the size. I tried different skins and BOM works. I'd say that the Mirana does actually have a unique design that sets it apart from the curvy shapes of Krupa, Hourglass and BBL. If I had to make a curvy girl it seems like a good choice. If Mirana can lower the price and get a small following of clothes designers it might be able to get a foot in the door of the curvy shape market.
  3. I recall being at a Fameshed X event once and there were these male avatars with flaccid body parts that actually flopped around as they walked. 🍆 I don't know how it was done and I certainly didn't want to stare or click on it. Clicking on body parts always has consequences. But, that sort of thing ought to be used on earrings.
  4. I've rethought my novel idea and now think that reading a book can't be considered cheating. I know that people can cheat on their spouse simply by talking to another person romantically and it's this aspect of actual contact with another person which can be objectively used to say someone is cheating. Our original poster was actually interacting in a romantic manner with another person, hence, his wife's accusation of cheating is true. If he was at an AFK club then he would not be cheating.
  5. I don't think immorality should be defined by what one person in a relationship thinks it is. If the wife thinks that what he is doing is porn and cheating then he can point to one of her romance books and say that he thinks reading about sex is cheating too.
  6. A big laptop is great if you don't plan on carrying it outside the house. It may also be able to disperse heat better which is always a problem when gaming.. or running SL. It can be heavy though. They're called desktop replacements because you just put them in one spot and pretend they are a desktop computer. I was at a store once and looked at a large 17" laptop that was super light and could be lifted with one hand... that was nice but I don't think it was for gaming. So.. check that weight spec!
  7. If you weren't using it much then it was the best decision. It may feel bad now but it won't feel that bad later on down the road. It's not like you closed out of home ownership forever. You can always go back again or you could rent a place if the need arises.
  8. Tried to reproduce this but everything is just glowing. Hard to tell exactly what is happening.If you rez a cube and set it to glow does it have the same problem?
  9. I found this on the amazon aws site. Is this how SL is set up?
  10. You can use copyrighted material under the fair use rule. Making your house look awesome with a movie poster would not be fair use.
  11. Right now. I just let go of my peeve that there are too many peeve threads. Actually, letting go of a peeve ,or even a deeply harbored feeling, to end your suffering is a very Buddhist idea.
  12. How come nobody told me about this new trend? I need to get shiny now!
  13. There are some very good reasons: Taking photos/verifying how your avatar looks to others. Verify permissions Verify login status Verify all sorts of merchant activity Verify land status
  14. There's a link at the top of these forums that says Grid Status.
  15. A top tier account is a person who knows how to do everything in SL, currently. A plain old...old account... just doesn't cut it. You're just a noob again if you don't know how SL works, currently. But, brand new people aren't bad at all. It's like meeting a person from another country.
  16. Why would you want to block an entire thread? It would be better if you don't block nobody.
  17. Per answers.microsoft.com There is a keyboard troubleshooter under settings->update & security -> troubleshoot -> additional troubleshooters -> keyboard. You could also uninstall the keyboard in the Device Manager and reboot the computer which will reinstall the drivers. In my experience, I was given a laptop that had a different key layout than what I was used to and I kept hitting the wrong key as touch typist. Check if the keys match the previous keyboard you were using. You might be able to re-map the keys to your old layout or you might have to learn to type differently.
  18. Do d**kp**ks count? I guess they're not that strange nor do they feel random. A woman sent me her nude once. That was weird. As for objects, we now get warnings all the time about not accepting things from strangers because they might drain your bank account. So, no thanks!
  19. If you're the kind of person who just makes one nice windlight setting and uses it all the time then EEP will not be a huge problem for you. I made a few, imported a few, set my viewer to one persistent EEP and that was it. To non-parcel owners, EEP is pretty much windlight but just accessible as objects in your inventory. I guess if you're a photographer who made a hundred personal windlight settings there might be some pain converting all of them but it's like getting spanked 100 times. The pain will go away eventually. @FairreLilette EEP doesn't get rid of MIDDAY light. In the LL viewer, it's one the default environments that is built into the system and is not an inventory object.
  20. You can make an alt with the same email. It’s been so long that I don’t know if the policy has changed.
  21. Merry Christmas! I will be sending out a handmade framed picture of myself to people! It’s only 150 land impact. It’s set to full bright and has a little flashing bling scripted in! I set it to no mod, no transfer, and copy! So you can have my picture in every room of your house. Thinking of adding an script where if you touch the frame, you will animate kneeling down in awe. But that might be too much. Gotta stay classy y’know!
  22. There’s too much information available on the web. I saw someone post condolences for a dead person once and minutes later you could see they were playing a fun web game. Privacy is good thing even between friends. I think LL should fix this or maybe just remove functionality on the website.
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