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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Oh, new possibilities. If I dislike a shop I buy something cheap, leave a bad review and get banned. Then I can not buy anything anymore by accident. (I tend to forget that things) 😎🀣
  2. There is no water! Your viewer renders a water plane at the height that is given by the sim. If you are under water your viewer uses different shaders that make your view blurry and simulate an under water view. Invisiprims maybe work if you run ultra low graphics settings - I don't know - but your visitors have their own settings.
  3. With a password length of 12 it slowly starts to be decent. (as long as it isn't just a slightly altered name) So if it tells you your password is weak then that's correct. Of course it's totally crap to expect someone to remember plenty of long random passwords. You are forced to use a password safe for handling. There are new auth methods available like fido2 but only Microsoft uses it atm. Definitely too modern for LL. 😁 2FA is missing too. It would be mandantory in my country btw. since a SL account can be used to spend real money. That forces me to use a prepaid card to counter that lack of security. So if your problem is the minimal password length - congratulations - security is nothing you need to think about - lucky you. 🀣
  4. What I do is: I put the light parameters in the description field of the light. One script can easily switch many lights then, no need to store data and it's easy to change the light parameters. Has additional possibilities like finding and switching a whole group of lights or alter the color (red alert) and so on, everything is possible.
  5. Der Grund fΓΌr den Bann ist unbekannt. Wegen der Werbung? Oder wegen der IM's die vielleicht im Hintergrund ausgetauscht wurden? Woher willst du wissen ob der Trump Fan pampig geworden ist oder nicht? Eine einzelne Beobachtung dieser Art taugt nicht fΓΌr Aussagen.
  6. It's in the description of llUnSit. It's always worth to check the wiki b4 using a function. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlUnSit
  7. It's not the hotel guests that troll in masses. It's the average idiot that gets banned and immediately logins with their alt to return - and fails miserably. For the hotel guests - they are not banned from SL but only that specific sim. How often do you think that a collision happens here. It's not even worth to think about it. Professional griefers are not target of this. The way SL is made I can always log back in with some efforts. Thats not the topic of this thread.
  8. It's obviously a door script and the one who renamed it forgot it or is too clueless to take out the close function. 😎 If you ever want to have done something right you have to do it yourself. There are many door scripts around but they all make some assumptions about hinge/axis/linked so most probably require some changes. Nearly all door scripts have an autoclose so that needs to be taken out or deactivated too. Need to change the door-sound too. If you can find a window script that will save some work. Maybe hire someone that taylors a script to your window.
  9. No login problems (germany) Probably a matter of routing. I have only 13 hops now to the sim server and I'm routed over Amsterdam and no longer over Frankfurt. However thats shorter and faster than a year ago and works fine. The sim server doesn't handle the login though, there are other instances involved. Maybe a DNS problem, I suggest to change that temporarily for testing.
  10. That is nothing new and SL is not the only "game" with that problems. In other game environments the scenes are designed though and so this can be easily avoided. In SL I made my own universe sphere for that reason - with alpha mask. That requires optimized textures. In the scene don't use multiple overlapping transparent faces. Trees with alpha blend textures are a no go. LL couldn't fix it in the last 15 years and they never will fix it. So it's up to you to not make it happen.
  11. It will return an empty string for an empty string and the expected value for string length >= 2 So you need a little extra to handle the string length == 1 case. I take Roligs code for that: string capfirstlet (string src) { string firstlet = llGetSubString(src, 0, 0); firstlet = llToUpper(firstlet); if (llStringLength(src)==1) return firstlet; string new_src = firstlet+ llGetSubString(src, 1, -1); return new_src; } If you don't like middle-exits you can always complicate things 😎
  12. With advanced lighting on the number of light sources is not limited. Projector lights don't work with alpha blend textures. Depending on distance, angle, colour, whatever you get things looking too bright or too dark or in teh wrong colour. Try point lights or alpha mask textures (which is probably not an option) Need to add that I have switched off attached lights, so whatever you do - I will never see it - I will see you in the dark with shadows. So don't expect that everybody will see you enlighted. 😎
  13. And of course it was so important to answer that question after 9 years. All that years the OP has waited for that answer. 🀣
  14. EEP doesn't exist. (it's not in my viewer) The default SL day is irrelevant. (and btw. the lighting looks like crap lately so it's never used) I set a WL theme by location and mood. That's my night WL or my day WL or space WL (when in space) Interesting effect: if I TP somewhere with a dark WL on and I see not much because there are zero light sources - I know the builder has lo graphic (because he doesnt seem to know that a roof casts a shadow) and uses most probably midday all the time. However - I can always switch the light on if I want to stay. I have a couple of WL's ready for all situations.
  15. Very few people are able to explain only their observations in their reports. Most blubber more or less garbage about things they believe or expect instead of sticking to the facts. I guess LL had enough of that. 😎
  16. Short answer: no You need to upload all textures (10L each) - then your website can distribute the texture UUID to a script and the script can apply the texture by UUID. A MOAP face can display a texture from a website, but thats not practical for normal building textures and only useful for special cases. A bot can upload the texture and send the UUID to an inworld script. Your bot requires some money since upload = 10L and it should avoid multiple uploads of the same texture. You need to handle the triangle user-script - website - botscript.
  17. That happens for a long time. It was worse a few years ago. And it has nothing to do with connection. The object is already fully loaded and textures in the graphics card, because it instantly appears on a right click. In full resolution and fully textured. There is no loading involved here - everything is already loaded. The viewer simply doesn't do its job - all viewers. In my home location - lets say in 98% of all logins or TP-in's everything is there. Sometimes the floor is missing (visually). Right click or moving camera or moving avatar and zap it's there. Can happen with small objects too but that's very rare for me. A few years ago that was way more often, so someone "fixed" it in LL style. (not 100%) 😁 I can imagine that people who are slow loaders will never recognize it.
  18. There is no way to see someones scripted agent status and in your profile you only declare this to LL and nobody else. It's obvious that LL wants it that way. If I think about it I agree.
  19. All said I think. Interestingly - If LL opens an office in my country it would be closed immediately plus some punishment. Adult content without age check is against the law. I can even imagine that they will start to block illegal foreign services like SL one day. That would force me to use a VPN - with extra monthly costs. We'll see if that will stay under the radar or not in the long term. Blocking of porn sites already happens. I really wonder about the states. They freak out if there is a nipple visible for a second but they don't restrict any access. Interesting.
  20. LL should never have used meters but bananas instead. 😎 Would have stopped useless RL/SL compares. "Hey I'm 47 bananas tall" "???" questions? It's a virtual world and you have nothing to compare. No measurable light speed and no physics experiments. If you put 256 1m cubes in a row it reaches exactly from one to the other side of a sim and LL said that a sim has 256x256m. But they could lie 😁 - soooo you still have no proof. If someone builds a house and furniture in original size - they will find out that is doesn't work. (or ask everybody to shrink instead 😜 ) Go to a chair that stands next to a table and sit down and stand up. Works in RL - great job. Now do it in SL - oh you don't fit between table and chair? And somehow you teleported on that chair? And get catapulted into the ceiling when you get up? Or alternatively stand in the middle of a phantom table and chair? And you get 2.5 m visitors that would never fit through your RL door or on your RL furniture? So all that numbers are irrelevant - relations are relevant - things need to fit and to work. The result has not much in common with RL - just the looks are similar.
  21. You can set it for each avatar. If one avatar stands up all other cameras are reset though. (or got that fixed? I doubt that) Requires extra code to detect and fix this situation. llSetCameraEyeOffset / llSetCameraAtOffset are a prim property and can be used as long as you have one seat per avatar.
  22. Absolutely everything can be done with lists. It may be ugly and unreadable and inefficient but who cares about this minor details 😎
  23. I don't know the quality of the LSL random number generator - never tested that. But for one case I was absolutely not satisfied with the result. Not enough "jumpyness". So I made this one for random integers. I don't know how the quality really is nor do I care. The goal was that it looks random. string seed = "he65FGt2"; integer irnd(integer max) { ++max; seed = llMD5String(seed,0); return (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(seed,0,6))%max; }
  24. Similarities with other people is purely coincidental 😎
  25. A SL float has a precision of - lets say - 7 digits. So you can expect about 40 million possible results in a [0,4] range. The implementation of the random number generator may or may not lower that number but it's still high. So what to expect how often a single specific result will appear? You can lower the precision to - for example - 3 digits by rounding. In a range of 0.00 to 4.00 there are 400 possible results and the chance to see a specific one will be much higher.
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