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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Detach the V4 feet and while your on it - detach hands too. The V5 has no separate hands/feet. That means your outfits all need overwork. Reading the documentation would have told you that too.
  2. Click on the head or lips symbol above the sliders to choose what to change.
  3. I assume things start after Boot is executed. offset is set to z-size minus minimal z-size divided by the number of animation steps - in an overly complicated way. hi_end_fixed is -0.5 - unnecessary if you set that in the variable definition Now the Move you set a new scale by using offset and move the prim by half offset to keep the position But you do 10 times the same thing so not much to see here. You want to change offset between the loops offset = -offset at the end will not work then - if you change offset - so you want to use a local copy of offset instead of global-offset
  4. It's lack of intelligence, lack of the ability to read, lack of the ability to think. You showed him your position so you must be able to see his position too. Plain and simple - so you are spying on him. You're a spy !!! ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜Ž
  5. I'm hype proof! ๐Ÿ˜Ž 1st I have to get it. Then I will test it. Then I will know it and it's to late to hype. ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Speaking about a long time: Checking one channel per second will take 136 years for all 2^32 channels. 4294967296 รท ( 3600 ร— 24 ร— 365 ) =โ€ฌ 136,19 If you make 100 per second that's still over a year but you need many open channels and many scripts running at the same time since you need to wait a little bit for an answer and that will be a few frames of 1/45th second. Of course statistically you will have success at 50% of the channels but here you can be very lucky or very unlucky. Well - luckily you are lucky ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  7. My main navigation tool - always on. I see parcel borders, a 20m ring so I see my local chat distance, different coloured dots for avatars friend and vip's and if I enter a busy club I do not need to wait the minute until everybody has loaded, but can directly walk through the crowd without stepping on someone. I can not even imagine how all this people without mini-map stumble through the virtual world - blind and helpless. ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜‹
  8. Some people confuse themselves and their avatar. It's screenshote from a "game" posted. There is no way to prevent anything. But it's possible to protect against derendering. Just alpha out some bits. If that ever happens to me - I will place some likes. I don't protect bits too since I couldn't care less.
  9. I still have a changed attentions.xml and attentionsN.xml stored - in case I want to use the SL viewer. A conversation priority of 0.0 should prevent you from focus anything or anybody. In the result there will be no crosshair on the avatar or object that you focus on.
  10. I have no favourite colour since black is no colour. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  11. This happens with a corrupt database - which I encountered only once in all that years - If you have that often I seriously doubt it in your case. This happens too with a corrupt cache. Since LL switched to transfer by http (a few years ago) that didn't happen anymore for me. By my opinion only a defective computer can cause regular cache corruption or a software that manipulates cache entries like a virus or an Anti-Virus software. Maybe clear cache and see if that makes a difference once everything is reloaded. But without knowing the cause nobody knows if teh same files get teh same corruption that way.
  12. It's easy - just don't log in and do something else. Posting here shows that you seem to have no clue what you want. Find out what you want 1st. Then do it.
  13. I'm sure the FBI enjoys this funny moments from time to time. ๐Ÿค‘
  14. Just add a delay on attach and - if possible - a "cancel running attack" command on detach.
  15. Recursive functions work. So do functions called by other functions. Works all like expected. But you must not do state changes from functions! That's forbidden! :D If you ignore that and do it anyways - then don't complain if things don't work like expected anymore :D I would not use it since that can break everytime LL changes something in the script execution. In the past I could solve all my scripting needs without using a crowbar.
  16. That's RL thinking. Of course you need that in SL. - With EEP you can make a 2nd sun out of the moon and you need the positions of both suns to determine if it's night. - Especially with EEP the moon can be everything and of course you might need the rotation. - A scripted alarm tells you the moon is in the right position to turn into a werewolf. - Your stonehenge script needs the position to start the effect when the moon is in the right position. - Every night you launch a rocket with your waste onto the moon when your neighbours are not looking. :)
  17. Switching off everything may be the craptop emergency setting and even help there. Modern hardware doesn't care about that insignificant settings (that includes ALM). That makes no difference. Shadows, draw distance and impostors. That's the only settings with a noticeable impact.
  18. Lock your Camera crosshair on them, block them and go afk. I personally block the camera information sent, so nobody can see where I look. B4 that I had to fire an unpolite comment plus blocking from time to time. But it's not worth to waste time on that. The people don't have the intelectual capacity to interpret what they see usually. I use one avatar or object as anchor and hook my camera on - then swing the camera around that anchor and look into the direction that i want to watch. So It doesn't mean anything where the crosshair is. Besides of that - If I want to look over an avatar I will do that and will not care if they like it or not. LOL
  19. Everybody can touch it and the owner gets a dialog - if in the same sim. The dialog answer will only be processed if the owner is within 20m around the root of the object though. Is it supposed to work that way? Maybe a distance check and ignore when owner is too far away makes sense - depends what it is for. I wouldn't open a new listen for every dialog - one is sufficient - if the timer triggers then close. You will get a runtime error if you exceed 65 listens - do you expect excessive use? There is a possibility to close all listens at once: In the timer event: state closeall; and the closeall state: state closeall { state_entry { state default; } } State change closes all open listens.
  20. No, not really. Example for float, vector and rotation: if (llFabs(float1-float2)<0.01) ... if (llVecDist(vector1,vector2)<0.01) ... if (llAngleBetween(rotation1,rotation2)<0.01) ... The 0.01 needs to be replaced with the precision you need.
  21. There are decimal numbers (like 0.1) that you can not convert into a binary format (like the SL floating point). If you convert it anyways it will not be 0.1 but a tiny bit different. If you really dare to do that in a loop then your error will sum up and become more prominent. So, that's a great example you gave. There are many ways to compensate. I never directly compare 2 floats/vectors/rotations for equality btw. - for the same reasons.
  22. If you link a hinged door to an object - there is no hinged door anymore - all parts are directly linked to the root now and you can imagine what a script in the hinge will do now - nothing useful. A script needs to: identify all door parts calculate the relative position of the hinge for each part the hinge-prim is quite handy here since it allows to compute that data easily for the rotation the script needs to collect the rotations and movements-steps for every door-prim and execute all moves/rotations in a single SLPPF call - for each step Qie already explained why you need to have steps and a single move/rot will not look like a moving door. Thats all doable and I see no problems but the whole script surely will have some complexity. I would never sell such a script on MP since non builders/non scripters would buy it and fail miserably when trying to set it up. I'm not patient and friendly enough to deal with this customers. ๐Ÿ˜ So maybe you can find such a script on MP but I think you will need to ask in the employment section of this forum. Oh - and if the object is resized - a new setup is required - if the invisible-hinge is left in place the script could do that automatic. Dealing with multiple doors in the same linkset is another point. Not needed for furniture. If someone links that multi-prim-door-furniture to a bigger object - what will the script do? You see - it's possible to add many bells and whistles to the script. ๐Ÿ˜Ž At least - some details to think through b4 starting that project.
  23. Since you mention that it doesn't always work: It only works if you are wearing the hud BEFORE you enter a no script zone. If you attach it while you are already in a no script zone - it will not work. To make it work in a no script zone - fly up 100m - attach it - fly down. The no script zone only goes from ground to about 80m above ground.
  24. Since mesh I never even considered to make a linked multi-prim-door. I have one door that opens to 3 sides (1 part left + 1 part right + 1 part up) - requires a rats tail of extra code though. ๐Ÿ˜Ž Auto setup on bootstrap and change numbers if resized. (I'm too lazy to manually get new numbers in that case) Find the door pieces in the linkset on setup and when linkset was changed. There is more than one door in the same linkset, that needs to be adressed and I am too lazy to manually rename the door pieces of course - script job to find the right ones. People will click the (scriptless) doorpieces. The door script should get that clicks. Multiclick protection. (3 AV's in front of the door - door opens - closes - opens ... with 2 AV's it's more difficult ๐Ÿ˜Ž) Collision is not my thing. I walk my face into a door, then get squished between door and wall or door switches off physics - which is not immersive. No, don't like it, don't do it. But I use spaceships instead of houses so there is a different point of view here. However, I will not do it again - one door - one prim - that's how I will keep it. ๐ŸŽ…
  25. All of this brains are made of plywood (like everything in SL) and are just painted over. So I wouldn't think about that too much. Not to mention that I have no clue how thinking with a painted plywood brain works at all. ๐Ÿ˜
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