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  1. So I found his link on a PBR reddit discussion (below) that is a pretty comprehensive guide to PBR, lighting and probes. It's not like you can rez a sofa and use your own preferred windlight like ALM, Between the environment adjustments and rezzing probes for different objects and trying to find a balance between PBR and non PBR objects, it seems like a lot of unnecessary extra work to see the textural subtleties or reflections of PBR objects. Why wasn't PBR standardized in to make it less complicated and more user friendly? One button general setting and more standard windlights capability and less probing? PBR feels more like a creator benefit than an average user benefit. Sure, PBR it looks nice but I think most folks just want to rez their stuff without having to futz with all this extra work involved. I can't imagine being new to SL and this is what you are faced with. ALM may lack he nuances of PBR but it's significantly easier to use. An on/off radio button and a variety of EEP/windlights. Especially for those who can't use PBR for whatever reasons. While ALM does add extra hot sauce to my lapdoggy, I cannot do shadows - that's like the last hot sauce on the Hot Ones - my gpu does not like it. Anyways, this how to PBR probes, etc., guide looks very helpful for people moving into using PBR and it's easy to follow so will share. Kudos & thanks to the author, Kristi Aurelia. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ut5mR_S9sAYDwWvFHNpRqrJ31y2hpqVSZHd8sbeua4/edit#heading=h.2jbb6oy7k2oq
  2. I can't imagine anyone wants their face reflected on that thingy, 😁
  3. It's technical terminology for challenged builders like myself. 😁
  4. It wasn't an ask. It was an observation and as was noted in a reply after, the market will determine what people will buy. Which is why I don't buy PBR only things. There is still an overwhelming amount of content that is not PBR only and has both PBR and legacy textures and just legacy textures/materials.. PBR only will become a problem when sim experiences become substantially PBR and a lot of foks won't be able to enjoy those experiences.
  5. I use ALM. On & off, though, depending on the place / environment. . And I know others who do as well but are not using PBR viewers yet. I also create stuff with materials so need to use it for that. I'm not all fancy pants bing ping pong baked channels etc. I just genera simple texture maps. Hopefully there will continue to be builds and content everyone can experience.
  6. That's a totally different issue. If, for example, a place in SL uses a mix of PBR only and PRB with backup materials or materials only, if people are unable to use a PBR viewer for whatever reason, theyu will not see textures on the PBR only objects. So people who can't use PBR viewers can't fully experience the build.. . So it goes beyond purchasing objects. As was noted, the market will determine how people move forward with purchases but there is nothing they can do about PBR only sim builds if they can't use a PBR viewer as they won;t be able to see anything. And for a lot of those folks, upgrading a computer that runs viewers with PBR smoothly and low / no lag is not an option.
  7. Why would I buy something I can't see? Just pointing out that as was noted earlier in the topic by Quartz Mole, objects that have both materials & PBR can be viewed by both PBR and non PBR viewers so pretty much everyone in SL can see them. Other people on this topic have brought this issue up as well.
  8. So back aways on this discussion, Quartz Mole said that as long as creators use materials first then PBR effects everyone would be able to see textures rendered on PBR and non PBR viewers so not to worry. All would be fine.. Apparently that advice seems to have been discarded as I am seeing more content being created with PBR only rendering it useless to people who don't use or can't use PBR viewers. As I've already seen on this discussion, some people are not able to upgrade their computers so if PBR only content proliferates, their SL experience will be greatly diminished and if viewers get deprecated and new versions with PBR are mandatory, it may shut out people who have long supported SL. There should always be legacy viewers that can accommodate less robust older computers. And creators might consider this when making content. I hope Linden Lab is paying attention to this.
  9. okies i was putting it in the wrong place as in deleting the other part. Then trying o add it back. All good. Works great. thank you much, Frionil. xoxo
  10. TY Frionil I pasted that in but this piece below was excluded from my original script and your original music player script - and when I played the music it stopped after the first sound file. So where does this go assuming I need this timer to play the files sequentially.? I tied adding this but keep geting error messages when trying to save the script. timer() { string s = llList2String(sounds, snd*2); float d = llList2Float(sounds, snd*2+1); llSetTimerEvent(d); if(s) { llPlaySound(s, 1); snd = (++snd)%llGetListLength(sounds); s = llList2String(sounds, snd*2); if(s) llPreloadSound(s);
  11. derp thank you. Quistess. . that fixed the particles but it's still starting the music player back up or sumpin is after unsit. Any idea why that is?
  12. Hiya Folks! I'm running into some issues with these scripts. The main controller script sits and animates an avatar then tells a music box script to play a song, and particle scrips to spawn their particles. >> On my wish list: I'd also like to add additional scripted objects like the particles one that would rez an object(s) and a fader that would make a transparent object sowly appear then vanish, all tied to certain points in the song which I'm been using sleeps to do the timings of. All scrips that work together are controlled by a unique channel and say word. I put sleeps in the particle gen scrips so they sync with the music, I have a sleep in the main controller that is the length of the music so the avaar continues the animation until the song ends then is unsit. There is also a stop command for the particles to stop. However, the particle won't stop and for some reason when the script says stop, the music starts back up again. I have a unique channel and unique say word to start the whole shebang and that channel and word is in each receiving script for the nusic player and particles I also noticed when I had two of these set up in the same area, when an avatar sat, it started their music player and started the adjacent ones even tho I changed the channel numbers and say word differently on each of those. I thought having specific channels and words prevented this issue? Here are the scripts: CONTROLLER SCRIPT: >> As a side note, would love to be able to add code that would play a second or third or more animations that starts at different time points in the song. integer channel = -76543; default { state_entry() { llSitTarget(<-0.57042, -0.37938, 2.70104>, <-0.05166, -0.00952, -0.99220, 0.11308>); } changed(integer change) { if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) { llSay(0, "READY TO FIRE DANCE? LET'S GO!"); llSleep(01); llSay(channel,"FIREDANCE"); llRequestPermissions(llAvatarOnSitTarget(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { string anim = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0); if (anim != "") { llStopAnimation("sit"); llSleep(03); llStartAnimation(anim); llSleep(160); //change this to the length of the song llSay(0, "stop"); llUnSit(llAvatarOnSitTarget()); // unsit him } } } MUSIC PLAYER SCRIPT: The music box script - this is Frioni's neat little music player script from the forums here. With my listen mods. //THIS IS THE LISTEN AUTO PLAY ON SIT VERSION list sounds = [ // pairs of sound name/UUID + length, given length is shorter than actual sample length "flamedance-9.9s--01", 9.9, "flamedance-9.9s--02", 9.9, "flamedance-9.9s--03", 9.9, //"soundN", 9.9, "", 0 // list terminator that stops looping, would start over otherwise ]; integer snd; default { state_entry() { llListen( -76543, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if ( message == "FIREDANCE" ) { llStopSound(); llSetSoundQueueing(TRUE); } { llSetSoundRadius(3); snd = 0; string s = llList2String(sounds, snd*2); float d = llList2Float(sounds, snd*2+1); llPlaySound(s, 1); llSetTimerEvent(d); snd = (++snd)%llGetListLength(sounds); s = llList2String(sounds, snd*2); if(s) llPreloadSound(s); } } timer() { string s = llList2String(sounds, snd*2); float d = llList2Float(sounds, snd*2+1); llSetTimerEvent(d); if(s) { llPlaySound(s, 1); snd = (++snd)%llGetListLength(sounds); s = llList2String(sounds, snd*2); if(s) llPreloadSound(s); } else { llOwnerSay("You totes brought the heat!"); } } } THE PARTICLE SCRIPT default { state_entry() { llListen( -76543, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if ( message == "FIREDANCE" ) {//SL19B WATER-P1 { llSleep(95); //added sleep to start particle at certain points in song llParticleSystem([ PSYS_SRC_PATTERN,PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE,0., PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE,0.002519, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT,41, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS,2.210227, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN,3.945094, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX,4.131247, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL,<0., 0., 0.00257>, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN,0.768418, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END,2.654429, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA,<0., 0., 0.>, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE,(key)"ce59afae-e3e9-9cb0-15c2-45687d718203", PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY,(key)"", PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE,0.50683, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR,<0.66585, 0.32731, 0.07477>, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR,<0.97418, 0.9927, 0.99857>, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA,1., PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA,0.14454, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE,<0.37682, 0.42065, 0.>, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE,<3.53706, 3.14143, 0.>, PSYS_PART_FLAGS,PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK | 0 | PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK | PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK | 0 | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK | 0 | 0 ]);} } else if ( message == "stop" ) { {llParticleSystem([]);} //turns off particles // STOP not stopping particle and starts up music player - why? } } } THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP YOU CAN PROVIDE xoxo pixels
  13. Let's hopeThunes drives SL financial transactions better than Toonces drive a car.
  14. Frionil: TY!!!!!! It was th missing PI and took off the neg negative. Added PI and it works great 🙂 llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | ROTATE | SMOOTH | LOOP, 5,0,0,0.0, TWO_PI, 0.02); Thank you all for your help xoxo pixels
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