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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Chat logs are only stored locally on your computer(s) If you don't find them there or in your backups (what backups? 😁) then they are lost.
  2. And now explain the following things about llDialog: - chose channel 0 and explain who communicated the button text. The object? surely not. - How does a listen work that filters the by avatar uuid? - A viewer is not connected to any in world script. The only way to communicate is chat. Sorry Wulfie but no. Your extended range shows that your viewer didn't use say but shout to send the button text, that's all.
  3. If you press a menu button your viewer makes you say the text on the menu button. As normal chat with chat range on teh channel specified in llDialog. You need to be within 20m of the root of the object that sent you the dialog or your answer will remain unheared. If that is reduced to 2m your dialog is broken most of the time.
  4. There is a difference between channel 0 and the rest. If all channels change the range I will not start to script fancy things but use RegionSay and RegionSayTo for everything. Is it interesting to know what the chat range is and what chat range the avatars used? Usually not (for me), just for some special cases and if you want to spam all avatars in a specific range. Chat extenders will be obsolete after this change. (If the chat range is adapted to the club size) Who sets the chat range on mainland btw. if it is really a region-setting? Oh, is there an exception for llDialog?
  5. You are in a virtual 3D space so if you script you want to: - move/rotate objects in that virtual space - manipulate/get info of objects/linksets - communicate between scripts/objects in linksets between different objects the whole grid the whole world Particles are only a tiny aspect of scripting, but if you plan to make a particle show you need to move/rotate/manipulate/communicate with objects and linksets. So it depends on what you plan. The more you know the more options you have.
  6. The channel is irrelevant. Just handle mainmenu and submenu answers in the same listen if .. then .. else chain. If that's not possible because for example all submenus are equal then you set a global variable whenever you open a menu: menulevel = 1; llDialog(...); and in the listen event: if (menulevel==1) { if (...) else if (...) ... } else if (menulevel==2) { ... } and so on
  7. Never ever happened to me. By interest: do you have every single attachment/hud on it's own spot - like me - or do you pile up?
  8. 100s of metaverses? When I read that I wonder who will fill that with content. If you combine a metaverse and a game - you have the players and some content to start with and some things to do. If it includes the freedom of SL and some build tools (which don't exist in SL) - that could work. Anything else - is another empty metaverse - it will not progress on it's own.
  9. You need only 2 objects - base and swing. It's easy to select both and move/rotate them as a unit - but of course SL is full of building noobs 😎 For adjusting things I'd do the following things: - On touch/menu function/automatic (after it was moved) the base broadcasts a message. - The Swing answers - in case there are multiple swings around the base will pick the nearest (thats easy to find out) alternatively every base swing requires a number - but who numbers them? - The base will send their position and rotation to the swing (llRegionSayTo) - The swing will add it's offset and relocate/rotate itself and snap into position Sounds complicated and the 1st time you script that there are some details to find out.
  10. I once read the same statement and it said in a function call a script can exceed the 64k limit. After that operation a garbage collection is performed and if the memory usage is then under 64k the script can continue. (MONO only) And MONO and LSL are both compilers and NOT interpreters. That is a huge difference.
  11. In the other thread you stated that your swing is linked. Sitting avatars and child prims are all linked to the root. The sit target makes it look like its sitting on a child, but technically an avatar is linked to the root and not the child. Moving the child prim will not move the avatar. AVSitter doesn't matter here - it don't changes the facts. So you need to move the swing AND the avatar - synced. That will not work smoothly - especially since the omega rotations will not help you here. The only useful method to make smooth movements is to make the swing a separate object.
  12. Firestorm opens the default editor for plain text files (which is Notepad for most of you). It can do the same with scripts but you can customize the script editor of your choice here. Of course it can only update the notecard/script in your inventory on save while you are logged in and have mod permissions.
  13. For US citizens it's Tilia inc. (in US) and for non US citizens it's Tilia branch UK limited (in UK). Well only a branch of an US company and not in the EU. (UK is no EU member) So personal data flows from one company (LL) to another (Tilia). (If that already happened - that was against DSGVU since I didn't confirm anything) Both are unknown about security and privacy and for both the european DSGVU doesn't apply. That's how I see it. Nothing changes? So no useful payment methods and no 2FA auth? (which is mandantory here) Just more data shared then - dissapointing. But ok - I decided as long as my prepaids continue to work I can continue to buy L$
  14. You didn't find more old threads to revive I hope? PI is 180° but you don't rotate huds with a global rotation, so it's: llSetLocalRot (rRot * llGetLocalRot());
  15. You can edit and recompile in other viewers. Since the original script is in the comment it's even possible to find out how things work. I wouldn't waste my time with bad readable scripts though if there is more to do than a tiny change.
  16. First of all - all prepaid cards I used over the years and still use worked and still work fine - no exceptions. For backup reasons (you can't trust LL 😁) I tested PayPal too - linked to bank account. - The bank account is too slow for LL payment but it works. That's because PayPal give me some credit (not much) and withdraws the money from bank account a few days later. I get an email everytime that tells me to make sure that transfer goes through. - A prepaid card as source works too. I see instant payment. - If the prepaid card is too slow for LL you can always put some money into PayPal - this money is always used 1st for transfers. If everything fails: - call LL billing - call PayPal There are maybe - well there are - differences between the countries - especially for debit cards - so you need to try out what works
  17. Hmmm, I should be able to adapt my flight script to it. If i have time and mood I'll do I think. I wonder what happens when I press the fire button. However here is Wulfies script again in LSL format: float TIMER; float MIN_SPEED; float INC_SPEED; float MAX_SPEED; float VTURN_SPEED; float HTURN_SPEED; float MIN_HEIGHT; integer driver_link; key driver; vector position; rotation direction; float speed; start() { llTakeControls(831, TRUE, FALSE); // All WASD controls + up/down driver_link = llGetNumberOfPrims(); position = ZERO_VECTOR; direction = ZERO_ROTATION; speed = MIN_SPEED; llSetTimerEvent(TIMER); llOwnerSay((string)["Start"]); } end() { llReleaseControls(); llSetTimerEvent(0); llOwnerSay((string)["End"]); } default { state_entry() { TIMER = 0.05; MIN_SPEED = 1.0; INC_SPEED = 0.5; MAX_SPEED = 85.0; VTURN_SPEED = 2 * DEG_TO_RAD; HTURN_SPEED = 2 * DEG_TO_RAD; MIN_HEIGHT = 5; llSitTarget(<0,0,1>, ZERO_ROTATION); llForceMouselook(TRUE); } timer() { position += <speed * llGetAndResetTime(),0,0> * direction; float ground_height = llGround(ZERO_VECTOR) + MIN_HEIGHT; if (position.z < (ground_height)) { position.z = (ground_height); } llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(driver_link, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, position, PRIM_ROTATION, direction]); } control(key id, integer held, integer click) { if (CONTROL_UP & held) { if ((speed += INC_SPEED) > MAX_SPEED) { speed = MAX_SPEED; } } else if (CONTROL_DOWN & held) { if ((speed -= INC_SPEED) < MIN_SPEED) { speed = MIN_SPEED; } } if (CONTROL_FWD & held) { direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(llRot2Left(direction), VTURN_SPEED); } if (CONTROL_BACK & held) { direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(llRot2Left(direction), -VTURN_SPEED); } if (CONTROL_LEFT & held) { direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(<0,0,1>, HTURN_SPEED); } if (CONTROL_RIGHT & held) { direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(<0,0,1>, -HTURN_SPEED); } if (CONTROL_ROT_LEFT & held) { direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(<0,0,1>, HTURN_SPEED); // Roll: // direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(llRot2Fwd(direction), VTURN_SPEED); } if (CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT & held) { direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(<0,0,1>, -HTURN_SPEED); // Roll: // direction *= llAxisAngle2Rot(llRot2Fwd(direction), -VTURN_SPEED); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm) { start(); } } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { if (driver = llAvatarOnSitTarget()) { llRequestPermissions(driver, 3092); // All auto-perms } else { end(); } } } }
  18. You can not set prims to a group but only objects and only by manual edit and not by script. After that you can link such a prim/object to another object and it will keep the different group. Nobody knows if that is a feature or just a bug that LL thinks isn't worth to fix. The only available script functions about groups is compare groups and get the group uuid - everything else is missing. Maybe security reasons, maybe group operations cause a high load on the databases.
  19. Don't let "vehicle" fool you. You need to wear it and sit on the "anchor" object rezzed in sim. Avatars can be moved a few 100m around as part of a linkset - unlike prims which are limited to the link rules. I didn't try the demo though, it's just theory based on things I tried in the past.
  20. Yep, one click and my camera is in your face - any distance and even from the neighbour sim. Not to mention that I can easily move my cam through all kind of objects and prims. Obfuscating objects? I can derender them so they no longer exist. That means I can always look under your bed and into your fridge and if the parcel flag is not set see your avatar. Privacy exists for real people (only to a degree) and not for avatars.
  21. I would never give an attachment or demo permission to take L$ - I would be pissed and buy somewhere else if that premission request ever pops up.
  22. I have 3 optione to do a masterscript: - I make - for example 10 - modules and include the one that I need for a specific version of a script. - I add 10 functions to the script and call only the one that is needed for the specific version. The other 9 unused functions will be optimized and automatic removed from the code. - I use the preprocessor #IFDEF type1 ... code for type1 here #ENDIF I can do all this because I use LSLForge for scripting. It's a big change to Install Eclipse and add LSLForge and some extras and script offline, but for me it was worth it. You can probably use the include function of the Firestorm preprocessor for similar results. I don't use it though so can't tell you much about. Advantage - 1 script to maintain and update. If you never maintain and never update you can stick to many specialized scripts of course. Using states has a big disadvantage: you need to code the event handler for every state. Alot of ballast and a nightmare if you make changes. May be an option for simple scripts though. Of course you need to find a balance. Before making overcomplicated super monster scripts it's better to modularize and run more than one script. I am totally unscrupulous to use multiple scripts if I have to. There are more important things than saving cpu cycles. (like my time and my ability to maintain the code and my mental health) 😎
  23. A backward search is not possible and not needed. It's none of your business. Someone comes to make trouble with an expensive name changed avatar instead of a cheap alt? laughable. You fear stalkers - and a changed name - which you can check up - is a bigger problem than an alt - which you can't check up? laughable. Someone never made trouble you just didn't like their shoes and banned them and now they can come back and you can't check them up because you don't remember their name? That's a serious threat - indeed - I laughed while thinking on that. 😄ðŸĪŠðŸ˜Ž
  24. I still think Nova is a firstname and not a lastname. 😛 Since I don't need a new name I am only willing to pay the "for fun" price to change an alt. That is definitely not a price which is even higher than a brand new game. So I simply ignore the name change thing. Not made for me. Of course - if you have invested many years and money in your "crap-name-avatar" you are more willing to pay the "I pay everything" price. Obviously thats the customers LL is aiming at. 😁
  25. Too much text by my taste. I shorten that to: "busy" 😎
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