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  1. "Ok team, how can we make Second Life even more dead?" 🤦There goes most of the popular shopping events.
  2. hehe, I was only using them for screenshots, I never wear them all the time. I'll have to get point lights
  3. It does this even on ultra, and when there's no other light sources around (that I can see, anyway)
  4. so last night I noticed that, for whatever reason, light (be it a face light or another object with the light feature toggled on) isn't showing at all on my head, ears, hair, and tail. This only happens when their textures are set to alpha blending, but setting them to anything else messes up the textures. If I edit the object with light enabled, THEN it shows properly on head/ears/hair/tail until I close the edit menu. It's something to do with the objects or SL because it literally stops working right at the seam between head and body. I'm including some images showing what it should look like (taken from edit mode) and what's actually happening. Anyone know whats up?
  5. I feel like this is something simple but ADHD brain isn't letting me figure it out. I want a script that will make an object (or, better, a linked object) change from 100% transparency to 0% transparency for a few seconds on touch....can anyone help?
  6. I've got a script for a dancer, but I'm not sure how to get it to loop back to the beginning once it plays the last sound. Can anyone help? string ANIMATION = "hold"; // put here name of your animation float SOUND_LENGTH = 9.12; // put here length of your sound float SOUND_VOLUME = 1.0; // puth here volume (1.0 = max ) integer numNames = 0; integer playing = FALSE; integer actNum = 0; playSound( integer stat ) { if ( stat == TRUE ){ actNum = 0; llPreloadSound( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_SOUND, actNum ) ); playing = TRUE; llSetTimerEvent( 1.0 ); if ( ANIMATION != "" ) { llSleep( 1.0 ); llStartAnimation( ANIMATION ); } } else { playing = FALSE; llStopSound(); llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); if ( ANIMATION != "" ) { llStopAnimation( ANIMATION ); } } } // End playSound( integer stat ) // ------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------ default { on_rez( integer num ) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llRequestPermissions( llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION ); } // End state_entry() run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if ( perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION ) { numNames = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_SOUND ); if ( numNames > 0 ){ llOwnerSay(" Commands 'smangon' or 'smangoff'"); llListen( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "", "", "" ); } else { llOwnerSay( "Any sound in the inventory!" ); } } else { llRequestPermissions( llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION ); } } // End run_time_permissions(integer perm) attach(key attached) { if ( attached != NULL_KEY ){ llResetScript(); } } // End attach(key attached) listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { message = llToLower( message ); if( ( message == "smangon" ) && ( playing == FALSE ) ) { playSound( TRUE ); } else if( ( message == "smangoff" ) && ( playing == TRUE ) ) { playSound( FALSE ); } } // End listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) timer() { if ( playing == TRUE ) { llSetTimerEvent( SOUND_LENGTH ); if ( actNum == numNames ) { actNum = 0; llSetTimerEvent( 0.2 ); } else { if ( actNum>0) { llStopSound(); } llPlaySound( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_SOUND, actNum ), SOUND_VOLUME ); ++actNum; if ( actNum < (numNames - 1)) { llPreloadSound( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_SOUND, actNum ) ); } if ( actNum == numNames) { playing = FALSE; llSleep( 1.5 ); llStopAnimation( ANIMATION ); } } } else { actNum = 0; llStopSound(); if ( ANIMATION != "" ) { llStopAnimation( ANIMATION ); } llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); } } // End timer() } // End state default // ------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------
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