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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. We have A who wants to give the hud to B A's hud rezzes a copy of the hud. This copy is in it's inventory. The rezzed hud can then temp-attach to avatar B. Alternatively the hud could give that copy directly to B so B has it in his inventory. (Attach doesnt work - only the owner can give attach permission - so temp attach or give to inventory is possible) Ok, B has the hud now and wears it. Now B wants to give the hud to C - but that is not possible. B's hud has no hud-copy in B-hud's inventory. Only A-hud has that copy. So things get more complicated. - A's hud rezzes a copy of the hud. - A's hud sends a hud-copy to the rezzed hud. - The rezzed hud can now temp-attach to B and B's hud has a copy inside so B can give a hud to C now. And C to D and so on. Problem now: temp-attach will work, attach will not work, giveinventory only works for inventory giveinventory works grid-wide so if we place a server somewhere we could circumvent things. But that requires grid-communications which is not that trivial. Easier if everything happens on a sim. So, yes, 1st needed is an exact description what this is for.
  2. It's about llGiveInventory. If you use it then check the Caveats: When scripts are copied or moved between inventories, their state does not survive the transfer. Memory, event queue and execution position are all discarded. Scripts reach destination disabled (not running, and cannot be made to run unless the destination object is taken to inventory and rezzed again, or the script is recompiled). To send a running script to a prim use llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin and llRemoteLoadScriptPin. The OP's question is NOT a giver prim but a self giving object so that requires to give scripts and the object to the rezzed object b4 finally giving it away to make it ready to the next round. So if a HUD is supposed to be given without a giver object and without going to the inventory that is not so easy. I'm not quite sure if I did think it through at all. Fact is: you can not put the object itself into the objects inventory. Then the giving process will work only one time since the given object will also need a copy in it's inventory and so on. I did it once with a gold bar. If you touch it - it gives you a copy of the goldbar from it's inventory and self delete - you have taken the gold bar. Now you rez the gold bar and it works again. Well - since it was only a little fun gimmick I stacked 10 gold bars into each other and didn't solve it properly. Means that it will stop working after the 10th time you rez it.
  3. The scripts are set to not running and only running scripts reset. You need to send a script with llRemoteLoadScriptPin This script can set other scripts to running and delete itself
  4. The existing experience permissions are all avatar/inworld related. I see no problem with that. This here connects to an external service. For me that crosses a line and I will block all experiences once that is implemented.
  5. Nova Convair

    Noise Pollution

    Tested too, yes works 2-way, so that easily solves this kind of neighbour problems. I'm pretty sure last time I tested it - blocking was only 1-way - but that could be a while ago now.
  6. Nova Convair

    Noise Pollution

    No. It restricts the sound that YOU emit from your parcel. To restrict the sound of your neighbour - your neighbour needs to set it. It's a privacy setting and not a protection setting.
  7. Servers are not obliged to answer ping or trace requests and as you see - some don't answer. So what you see is normal.
  8. Usernames have nothing to do with 2FA. If your login data is leaked or phished it's completely irrelevant. 2FA prevents loss of account here and even the worst 2FA method is 100 times better than no 2FA. It's about time that SL will use that. In europe it's already mandantory for all sales and money transfer services so the whining about 2FA - I can't even hear you. 😎 If you wan't 100% safety - sell your computer. Oh and put some work into it - I have a 2nd 2FA method defined for every of my 2FA's. If the smartphone gets eaten or the key breaks through in the middle or whatever - that makes the difference between just flipping over to the new phone or vanish into the void of digital non existence. 😁
  9. What I've driven so far were not really cars, like a hovering car (well, it flies low) or the jet that I fly so low that it's bottom scratches over the road and then see at what speed I can keep it on the road. (near to the max speed of physical vehicles - a round course of course - no sim crossing at that speed) or the tank (you can follow it but not stop it) It's SL so expect the unexpected. 😁
  10. We have a different set of unicode pages. The viewer accepts everything but the server has a limited number of codepages it seems. So if you send your garbage to the server it will dump everything that it can't handle. You can try once per week what works or steal working characters from other avatars names.
  11. You can't and it's not your library. The library is a bunch of pointers that everybody has and lets you access this public objects. I'ts not part of your inventory. If you use an object from the library you will get a copy placed in your inventory. That copy is yours then.
  12. @Xiija the script needs the same owner as the land to work. If the land owner is a group the object needs to be deeded. If the land is only set to a group the group of the object is irrelevant for the function. That works fine since I'm doing that for a few years. It's impractical to deed everything so I placed a deeded relay to set and get the url. Other scripts just talk to that relay.
  13. The landing point works for others - not for you! (not for owners) Set your home position and use that or use a LM
  14. Never cared much for SL Email but the limitation is in the email format itself. The body can use UTF-8 and the charset can be defined in the email header. UTF-8 is only a small subset of unicode so you can not send unicode names that way. You need a html body for that. The header can only use standard ascii and the subject is a part of the header. There is a possibility to code in quoted printable or base64 in the header so that will allow utf-8 for the subject. So it seems the different ways to send an email have different abilities.
  15. Some things in this thread sound no longer uptodate. I can use either a vsync mode that will use vsync if the fps is over the monitor freqency and switch off vsync if its lower. So there is no drop to 30Hz or something. (Adaptive Vsync/Fast Vsync) Or I can use a variable monitor frequency that will adapt to the framerate. (within limits) The reason that players say a higher fps looks better is because there is no constant fps in games. Even if you run at 100 fps there are frames that are much lower and thats what the eye can catch. A constant 60 fps will look better than an average 100 fps. For SL: Fast Vsync is fine - no tearing - frames over monitor frequency are dropped. That is 100 Hz in my case. I get around 100 at home with shadows and that place has some complexity. I run at 3440x1440 - thats 60% of the Pixels for 4K. In full clubs I need to switch to my club setting to keep the fps at 30. The GPU load is usually shown with 30-35% (a Nvidia 2070) so I don't think that high level GPU's give much benefit for SL - not even for 4K.
  16. I'd use a single face on a prim. Paint a texture with hud and active/inactive tabs for the 1st tab Repeat for every tab Thats it - the rest is scripting The script needs to keep track what tab is active and check the coordinates where the user clicked. If the tabs and buttons are ordered somehow in a raster then it's only a bit of math to turn the coordinates into a button number. If the buttons are placed chaotic then a list of button coordinates is needed. If a tab is clicked just change the offset or - if all the tabs don't fit on one texture - switch texture
  17. A hud with a minimize button / a rotation axis next to the hud / a minimize button (only the button) Rotation replaces the hud (which is off screen now) with the minimize button. If done clever it will work left and right docked (or up/down) You don't see a rotation the hud vanishes/appears instantly (for me) Or slide the hud off screen so only the minimize button stays visible. I personally read the hud size and calculate the move b4 I slide, then resizing will not affect it. Can be made so it will work for multiple docking positions too.
  18. My record is 7.6 GB of ram with FS. (that is no problem for me) A place full of avatars - plastered with many hundred 1024-textures and I have maxed out the texture caching of the viewer. So of course the ram usage skyrockets here and 8GB are nothing for that. 😎 Don't use a 32bit viewer, that will be limited to less than 4GB and increase your crashing change tremendously. In FS you can limit the texture cache - do that. Impostors - maybe set a lower number? View range - maybe adapt it to the location?
  19. Powertoys / Keyboard Manager - https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/powertoys/ I personally don't need it, I don't hit the insert key by accident, but I run the Powertoys for other purposes.
  20. #3 of course - some minor details to solve: "who are you? what did you do to xxx?" Wrong picture on my passport. That will turn into a serious identity crisis. 😎 #2 is tempting - I'd really love to have my own spaceship in orbit. #1 wearing THAT in RL? seriously? where? Well the few that will work ... nah .. not that important.
  21. What is normal? For me that's what most ppl use and that's FS atm. The LL viewer is the reference. If I would care what other people see I would use the format of the most used viewer. Since I don't care - I stick with my viewers format. (ok that makes it easy - FS in both cases 😁) So LL should do something and adapt their viewer to the norm. 😎 Or force the TPV's to adapt to LL's reference. And since they are on it - maybe weed out the 100 different formats for any type of uploaded picture.
  22. The message is: This website is under heavy load We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later. I wonder how many potential customers are in SL. And since they are scattered over the world I don't expect that they try all at the same time. Not much capacity for a service running on AWS cloud. They are not prepared and have a heavy bottleneck somewhere. This here is a storm inside a glass of water compared to other internet services. Interesting that MP is running that low.
  23. Locking adds an additional "are you sure?" dialogue for destructive operations and prevents movement - when editing. It has nothing to do with scripts. I don't use it - I have backups. But everything is linked so that makes it easy :D
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