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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. We already have a working system - based on anarchy and local dictatorship. Works fine and no overhead and no dumb blubbering people aka known as politicians and no taxes. That works because SL is not RL and for the same reason democracy can't work in SL. Too many people confuse RL and SL it seems. 😁
  2. The problem is to identify objects. While in an object inventory there is not much you can check. I make 1 cube and name it "rock" and feed it 100 times to your machine. What you pay per "rock" ? You need to add a code to the objects name and make sure that it can only used once.
  3. - A few 100 semi transparent planes are a perfect fps killer. - Enlarging that to a size where a submarine fits in and can even be driven will raise your LI into heights never seen before. Not useable by my opinion.
  4. There is NO volumetric water in SL. The Linden water is just a number. At that level the viewer will render a water plane. Under the plane is nothing - but the shaders change and show you everything in a blurry simulated under water view. If you use a water megaprim it's similar. In case of a cube you have just 6 planes that will give you the impression of a water volume when you look at it from outside. But if you go into the prim you don't see the planes - from inside there is nothing to see - no water and no plywood if you test it with a plywood prim. You could make a mesh cube that has inside planes but that will look like a hollow cube with water walls - not worth the effort. It's better to only make a surface plane that will look like water from above and from below and you can ping it with llCastRay so your submarine knows where the surface is. Movement is flying at zero gravity in mid air. Any physical on non physical movement is useable. If you have windows: for a water effect you need to tweak the windows of the submarine. Same for a submarine base with underwater windows.
  5. There are multiple ways ... - The teleporter sets a sit target and unsits you a short time after sit. Range: about 300m - The teleporter moves you as part of the linkset with SLPPF and unsits you after the move. Range: about 1000m - The whole teleporter moves itself to the target position - that includes the sitting avatar. Then unsit avatar and return to start position. Range: sim - The teleporter rezzes a transporter (glowing sphere for example but can be anything) avatar sits, is transported with the sphere, sphere dumps avatar and self deletes. Range: sim - The teleporter sends you a map where you have to click the teleport button. Range: grid The map teleporter requires a touch - the others a sit. It can be set up so a touch will sit the avatar. The paranoid ones that block sit on touch need to right click and select "sit" (I suggest to replace "sit" by "teleport") - well their problem - give 'em a free tin foil hat. The powerful direct teleport function only works for the owner. To make it work for everybody an experience is required. There are numerous variants how to feed the teleporters with targets. - list of coordinates or just one coordinate in notecard or description or script itself or user entry by chat - teleporters talking to each others and build an automatik network - evaluating one or multiple landmarks that are dropped into the teleporter - grid wide network (stargate)
  6. Yes, the wiki is not helpful to learn how to script. It's a reference from scripters to scripters. And they have their own language. The wiki is very helpful once you master scripting - until then it sometimes gives more questions than answers. And the examples never describe the special case you are looking for. 🤓
  7. That doesn't sound like you are aware how the event handlers are used. That's a standard textbox call: handle = llListen(textboxchan, "", avataruuid, ""); llSetTimerEvent(30); llTextBox(avataruuid, "enter something", textboxchan); You can put that wherever you want - it depends on how you want to trigger the textbox. changed or run_time_permissions or touch is fine for that. However the answer you receive always in the listen event. There you close the listen and stop the timer and proceed with processing the answer. And you need a timer event in case the user just closes the textbox without entering something. The script will wait forever then (and never close the listen). So after 30 sec. you close the listen and stop the timer.
  8. I never expect that people can enter a vector. listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { list vec1 = llParseString2List(msg,["<",">"," ",",","/"],[]); llOwnerSay(msg); llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(vec1,"|")); vector vec2; vec2.x = (float)llList2String(vec1,0); vec2.y = (float)llList2String(vec1,1); vec2.z = (float)llList2String(vec1,2); llOwnerSay((string)vec2); } With that you can enter a vector, with or without <> with or without spaces at the wrong places or just 3 numbers separated by space, comma or slash
  9. In other words they declare all customers as stupid. Same lame excuse as for the no mod stuff. However, I think Optimo stated good reasons and a 3rd one is: they have no clue of SL and believe in fairy tales. 😎
  10. FSTagShowARW is only useful if you use nametags, so it's useless. 😎 Nicks UI enhancement works fine but of course can stop working one day if the next update makes changes here.
  11. Someone is looking at me !!! OMG OMG OMG 😁 Nobody has any influence on others camera. I could imagine that wearing of invisible large prims could obfuscate a noob (didn't test due to irrelevance) but if I ever encounter someone with that I will make my camera crosshair visible b4 placing it in front of the face of that avatar and leaving it there. Just saying. 😎
  12. Completely wrong. Mono scripts do NOT use 64K while LSL scripts always use 16K. If you have many small scripts like bullets LSL will use up alot more memory that mono. A few 100 times more for a stream of bullets is a possibility. Simple example: a bullet with a short 1K script - will use 1K in mono and 16K in lsl. 100 Bullets will not use 100K but still 1K in mono (plus variables space) (for equal scripts the code is in the SIM's memory ONCE) and 1600K in lsl. But the question was not about memory but performance. Things changed for rezzed objects lately and I noticed that my rezzers take some time now to rez 50 objects. Not a problem here though. Numbers needed. Need to make tests and see what comes out.
  13. 100% of the rendering is done in your viewer. 0% on the servers. There were and are services that can stream games content to your computer. In this case 100% of the rendering is done on the machine that streams the content to you. Since you rent a powerful computer hosted by the service that way it explains why this services are not that cheap. My LOD level is 2 and will stay there. Everybody that produces content that doesn't work under that LOD factor is incompetent. Default LOD factor is 1.25 btw so content is required to work under 1.25. The answer of the merchant is very creative though. 😎
  14. Another confusion of SL and RL 😎 What you need a bank for? Lend you money. In RL they do a risk analysis b4 they give you some and if you don't pay they'll take all your available stuff. In SL? No analysis and if you don't pay the money back then you don't pay the money back. Point. So - not possible in SL Store money. In SL the safest place is your own or your alt's account. You don't need to walk around with a bag on money so why you think you need that. For those that need help in processing their money: get mental help in RL - SL is no therapy place. Investment. In RL you need money to develop a product - manufacturing - logistics - delivery - advertisement. In SL everybody can do that - no money needed. Advertisement can be a little helpful. But compared to RL mostly everybody in SL is rich enough for most things. And of course if you don't pay your share to the bank you don't pay. Point. Land speculation? In RL that ends in a bursting bubble and everybody whining. In SL it will start in a bursting bubble. Means in RL you can get rich if you bailout in time in SL - not. 😁 So what's left is banking for a fictional virtual currency. But the value of a currency is represented by the wares and services you can get for it. So even for roleplay it's not very attractive. Forget it 🤑
  15. I have put this animation into my AO and I get this animation when I sit on a cube. Btw. with no sitting animation at all in the AO you get the same animation because that's the standard sitting animation. Everything is like expected. (Running FS and I don't use the FS AO.) Edit: Just read Whirly makes sense since my AO replaces the animations and don't overrides them.
  16. It sounds like this animation has a low priority and does not get to play. There is another AO or something replaced the default sit. To test things: Try a sitting animation with a high priority Get nude (everything) and relog, then try again
  17. I see no problem to move/rotate linked prims smoothly. Not that smooth as TargetOmega or KeyFramedMotion but it's not bad if the "scripts run" of the sim isn't ultra low. The link parameter in llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast is for what? The link # of the fin. Nobody needs a 2nd script and messages here. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(fin1link, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(<x1,0.0,0.0>*DEG_TO_RAD), PRIM_LINK_TARGET, fin2link,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(<x2,0.0,0.0>*DEG_TO_RAD)]); (move both in sync in a single call) The link#'s? I personally get the link#'s by name in the script but you can drop a script into the root that uses llDetectedLinkNumber and llDetectedTouchFace and tells you what was touched. Now the speed. Lets say we want 15 fps and 30° per second and want to rotate it by 45° Thats 1/15 = 0.067 for the delay between steps and 45/30 = 1.5 sec and 15 * 1.5 = 22 steps and 30/15 = 2° per step So you need a loop with SLPPF and add 2° in each step and a llSleep(0.067) followed by a final SLPPF with the end positions. Of course the script will be unresponsive in that 1.5 seconds. If that is a problem you run each step of the loop in a timer event and setup the data in global variables b4 starting the timer. Euler rotations are a problem in certain scenarios - there is a reason SL uses quarternion rotations. In this case I think it should work though, but I only know it for sure after I tested it 😁 Another option is to use SLERP (you find that in the wiki) that allows transitions between two rotations. Oh - and it makes no sense to use more than 15 fps. In theory 45 fps is max. possible. But the sim doesn't send 45 updates per second to your viewer. So you dont see most of the 45 steps. If you are lucky you get 15.
  18. What do you use to display a web-url? A Browser. llSetText is no browser. Shared media is a browser and Rolig already posted a link about that. You probably want to look at this, maybe you find something for you: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/World_API
  19. Oh, a good laugh. Freaking out when there are crosshairs but make crosshairs visible. 👍 Do you know that viewers can supress this crosshais? That means there are ppl watching your avatar and you have no way to know. Oh and always wear underwear or alpha under your clothes. You'll find out what I mean. Btw. it's not you that changes clothes - you put new clothes on your pixel toon. If switching off visibility doesn't work for you then you are renting the wrong place. Btw. the crosshairs can be placed on your avatar even if it's invisible - in case someone likes to troll you. But whatever you do - there is no privacy in SL. 😎
  20. And answering a question that was settled 9 years ago helps who exactly? Tell us, I'm curious.
  21. Black screen happens when the graphics driver crashes. Since the driver restarts - the computer will not crash but the viewer may or may not survive. That can be verified by inspecting the system logs. That can be a viewer issue. I never have this Issue and I don't read any posts here complaining about it, so it's your computer it seems. It can still be a viewer issue that requires a very special setup. Maybe you maxed the texture memory in FS without having sufficient memory. Maybe it's a heat issue or one of the other 100 possibilities. Maybe compare the settings of LL and FS viewer and setup the FS viewer the same way as LL and see if it makes a difference.
  22. Gestures will work, just define 2 for on and of and assign them to keys The AO most probably filters by the owners uuid. In this case a scripted object doesn't have your uuid and can't send commands to the AO. If the AO script is no mod it can be changed to listen to you and your objects.
  23. In most cases the creator of no mod stuff calls me an Idiot that way 😎 I act accordingly.
  24. That is pretty irrelevant because you have no access. 😎
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