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Tazzie Tuque

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Everything posted by Tazzie Tuque

  1. Yes Sasy you have a very good point.. I do make a lot of my own textures, but seem to have hit a brick wall with leather for some reason.. but having said that I have only been working in photoshop had not heard of Filter Forge.. I will for sure investigate it.. Thanks
  2. As long as I have been in SL (13 years) I have yet to find any really good leather textures to apply to my clothing designs. I have tons of suede, and thick heavy leather textures which are fine for furniture and boots etc. but I still cannot find any really nice very fine leather textures for things like pants and dresses. So if anyone here has any info on where I might find fine leather textures please let me know.. They must be seamless of course. I have already wasted loads of lindens on textures that say they are fine grain but when I get them they are always heavy grain and when decreased in size they look just fuzzy and vague not like leather at all. So if anyone can help out here I would be most appreciative. Or, if anyone knows a trick to creating them in photoshop I would be interested in that too:) Thanks all
  3. I don't use gimp so I can't say if you have or have not done anything wrong in gimp.. I am a die hard photoshop addict lol.. But I have uploaded tons of texture maps for mesh objects in SL and never had an issue, I prefer to use .tga format but .png will work just as well. Perhaps the texture map is not saving in the correct format? And perhaps you need to be sure you flatten the image before saving it, and if you are saving in .tga format make sure you are saving in 24 bits and not 32 bits.. dunno if this helps but just some thoughts I had about it.
  4. Personally I own Maitreya Lara and all 3 Belleza Bodies and I wear Maitreya most but sometimes Isis.. As a clothing designer I prefer to include at least Maitreya,, Belleza all 3, and Slink both physique and hourglass. If I use a template mesh made by someone else I will not even consider purchasing it unless it has all three of those. Sometimes I will put out some Tonic both, and at times I will include eBody or even TMP or some of the Jumo like werewolf and fox. But as I said at the very least the "big 3" must be included. If I am making appliers again it will be for those 3 as well plus OMega. Fact is there are just too many out there to do them all, given the time it takes to make for and the return in sales, it just is not worth it to do more.
  5. The problem is not with your appliers, they work it is that your skin includes eyebrows, and when you have that, they are there no matter what you try to put on top of them.. you need to get a skin for your head that has a no eyebrow option, then your appliers will go on correctly.
  6. Alyona, I responded to this via IM as I fear there are still folks who might see any links to my work as advertisement.
  7. This is a very interesting thread, in that I have been a clothing creator in SL for 13 years (come this Sept) and when I started there was no such thing as mesh, everything in clothing was on clothing layers, and things like skirts etc were made from standard prims, then came flexi. I continued to make non mesh clothing for quite some time after mesh came out, but quickly noticed that if I wanted to keep up and make any sales I would have to accommodate the demand for mesh. However, having said that I re made some of my more popular layer clothing and put them on appliers for the 3 most popular bodies and Omega. Eventually, I ended up doing more mesh, but sometimes I still make a part of an outfit using appliers to go with the mesh, and I make sure they are done in high resolution as I have pretty much always done. Trends do indeed change which certainly does make it a challenge for clothing designers to be sure.
  8. Yes Adam if mesh clothing is made to be worn by any specific mesh body then it is best to rig it to fit the specific mesh body you wish to make for. As for the most popular I am not sure if you are thinking women or men, but one way to see is to look in Market Place and see what most of the clothes there are made for. As for when new bodies are released: that totally depends on how much change there is in the body, but any change will probably require that clothing that is rigged to the old body, be updated to fit the new one in order for older clothing to work well, but sometimes with the use of the alpha sections on the body hud, you can get away with still using the older version of clothing. Fitmesh, can also work for mesh bodies even if it is not rigged for a specific body, however, those clothing items sometimes require changes in some body parts itself which changes the body shape and some folks really don't want to do that, but if you have an average size avatar, with no exaggerated parts, fitmesh will work often having to use the alpha sections on the hud to cover any area where the mesh breaks and the body pokes through.
  9. your best bet to finding something similar is to go to Market Place and type in the search, Fitmesh corsets, then sit there and go through everything that comes up, I know I have seen loads of corsets in MP so I am sure you will find something similar. Since it is for Maitreya that you want, your chances of finding something are pretty good.
  10. As noted in the above posts: all that has been said is good advice.. I just want to make one point clearer; since you did not say what type of clothes you are trying to wear; I can assume that perhaps the clothing is not fit mesh, in which case the only thing you can do is use your alpha hud for your body and alpha out the boobs completely which may or may not work depending on the cut of the neckline etc. of the clothing as alpha sections often are larger than the area you want to alpha out leaving a gap between clothing and skin .. But in general Fit mesh (and especially fit mesh made specifically for your mesh body) will work using the sliders and Alyona said "when boobs pop through clothing you have to make the boobs *larger* not smaller in order to get the clothing to cover them.". and as the others have said always demo demo demo..
  11. It is really hard sometimes to tell what skin is what and by whom, especially since it is on a head, it could be just a head skin for one of the many heads out there. And then it could also be just the make up if it is a mesh head, the eyelashes and make up could be add on applied to the head. It could be a combination of a whole lot of things. Check your inworld IM's I am going to send you something that might help more than just taking pics of things you see on folks in SL that you like.
  12. What has been stated previously is all good so not sure I could add much to it, except that no matter what you want to create whether just building within SL or creating something in another program i.e. mesh and importing it to SL, it is a really good idea to learn the basics of the building tools in SL because an understanding of how things work in SL will help you big time no matter what you decide to create. So yes, a good starting place might be basic building classes which you can get through The Builders Brewery. The main thing of course is always to have fun!
  13. Yes I have seen that sometimes in MP as well, no demo there, have to go to the inworld main store for a demo. Well, I have been in your situation nakies trying on demos, and I agree it is annoying. But I can sort of understand why some merchants do that. You see, MP charges a percentage of the sale (other than 0 or 1L) on each purchase, so if someone buys an item from MP the seller gets less than if the same item was purchased in the main store inworld (unless the merchant marks the MP prices up to compensate, which I don't think many do). So if the demo is only available at the main store perhaps the hope is that you will like the demo you will then purchase the item in the main store instead of MP. As a merchant myself, I do not do this, I have demos on MP as well as in the store.. Sure I would like to make the full profit from sales in my inworld store rather than give MP a percentage of my sales, but in reality, MP is handy for a lot of folks so my demos are there, and if they make the purchase on MP, it is better than annoying folks just to get them into my store, for a demo or a purchase. I would rather not annoy my customers lol..
  14. Well, to begin with I assume you are talking about mesh accessories, in which case yes you would have to learn a 3D program in order to model the items you want to make.. before you even begin to think about things like rigging to a specific body part or body. So the best place to start is: A. if you have the money invest in a good 3D program such as Maya.. if you are broke like most of us lol, there is a free program called Blender you can get and Download to your computer, and there are numerous videos available on this program to assist.. BUT it is essential that you learn the ins and outs of the 3D program first so there is a learning curve. After you have mastered the basics of the program then you can move into designing and creating the items you want. This is just a place to start sorry there are no shot cuts or fast easy ways to accomplish what you want to do that I am aware of. Perhaps someone else may have more or other suggestions. You can start here : https://www.blender.org/
  15. I must say this whole clothing, mesh, appliers, bento thing is getting incredibly confusing and almost impossible to keep up with whether you are a shopper or a designer. On one hand I love that new and improved changes are happening, but on the other hand, it causes a chain reaction with other aspects of fashion. I recently ran into this with my fav long time skin, I saw new appliers for new make up but only available for a head I don't have, and the skin update changed the colour slightly so my head won't match now unless the skin maker does one for the head I own.. and if I upgrade to the new skin I have to buy it all over again to get the new shades (the old ones are being retired so I was told). And I did not know there was a newer dev kit for making Belleza appliers and I do not recall getting any information on that so it is fair to assume a lot of those who make appliers wouldn't have known. I also have a Belleza Body and still didn't know anything about a new Bento body.. lol sometimes I feel like I am running up hill and sliding back 2 steps for every one step I gain.. I am losing ground keeping up that is for sure!
  16. This is too funny! Seriously? This is SL. And having said that, anything you want, you can do including wearing two sets of ears if you want to. It is just a matter of personal taste and what the individual likes. That is why SL is so much fun! And we all do not have to understand other's choices at all. Just respect them.
  17. I wish I had an answer for you because I have run into the same problem with the Maitreya body and specifically the glove layer.. Some times it looks right but most of the time it looks like your picture. And it is not the designers fault as there is only one way to make appliers. it seems that perhaps the layer just under the glove layer is too big so it protrudes through the glove layer to cause that issue. Afraid only the body maker can do anything to fix that.
  18. Interesting poll .. I voted and left the comment: "Items advertised in SL, NEED to be from shots taken IN SL so we know what we are really getting, not some glossed up picture that makes things look better than they really are." I should have added, perhaps working a bit on SL photography skills might help.
  19. I firmly believe: 1. Advertising Pics must be of the item as it is in SL. and preferably with at least two views of it 2. Any mesh clothing item must have a demo and in the case of poses must at least have a place where you can go to test them out in short DEMOs are a MUST if anyone wants my patronage
  20. well if you do a search in MP you could put in Belleza, shoes that should bring up quite a few made for Belleza
  21. Unless someone has inside information all we know about that is what LL sent out in an email about improvements they plan to make in the future: here are two of them: Animesh - Last year, we introduced Animesh in beta available to all Creator participants. This year, with diligent and invaluable input from the community, we plan to roll out this exciting new feature for everyone! Bakes on Mesh - Extends the Viewer and the Avatar Baking Service to allow wearable textures (such as skins, clothing and tattoos) to be applied directly onto mesh body parts as they are on system avatars. To do this, you'll 'wear' the textures as you would for the system avatar, and then edit the mesh body part to indicate the body part that should be used on each of the mesh faces; the corresponding system body part is then automatically hidden for you. This project also increases the supported resolution of wearable textures by 4 times (from 512 pixels square to 1024 pixels square). That is all I know about it, have been watching for updates as to when but not seen anything yet.
  22. AND you might try Vanity Hair Vanity Hair, I was just there today and there are tons of braids, dreds, afros, check them out!
  23. if you are looking to make men's mesh shoes, then the only program I know of that is free is Blender. Just put the Word Blender 3D into your search online browser and you should get a few links.. you can download it from the net and as I said it is free.. there are also some tutorials available on Youtube.. but be warned there is a pretty stiff learning curve if you are not already familiar with 3D modelling. Once you get something made, it will have to be rigged so it fits on the feet as you want it to.. and you may have to then look into a program called Avstar which works with Blender.. but not sure if it is free.. I don't use either but have messed a bit with Blender, and found it sort of confusing to learn.. but it may have been improved and you may be better at picking things up than I am lol. Good Luck
  24. FYI I did indeed take the time to do exactly as you indicated above.. You should NOT assume ignorance of the folks who post here.. it is a huge mistake. I did not post my experiences as a challenge to anyone to prove me wrong.. I did all I could to make these things work, and they simply did NOT.. MY experience. lets just leave it at that ok?
  25. But from my own experience I have to say, not everyone was so lucky! I invested in two different breedables, and they were really hot at the time; but only a select few managed to make any money on them.. the majority of us invested tons only to get back, such common ordinary offspring that couldn't even sell on the market, meanwhile having to fork out more lindens to keep them fed and healthy.. I can say without a doubt I lost big time on both of those ventures.. so in my view I would say it was a money pit for sure. Yes it was a gamble, but not really in the true "gambling" sense so not really against TOS. I tried it I lost big time, and won't do it again! Lesson learned. Oh and as for Gachas; wont' touch those either, inevitably I always get stuff I don't want, and after sinking tons into a machine to get what I do want, usually give up and accept the loss, I don't have time to play around on some swap or sell forum or group either .. so after a few tries and a lot of discouragement, I learned a lesson on those too and won't touch them again.
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