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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. She actually has quite a few nice group gifts. There’s also a nice top and ballet slippers too.
  2. This..... What you said right there drastically improved performance.
  3. Is that what I think it is in the reflection?
  4. Jewelry, old hair and dresses with 10000 flexi attachments can do that easily. I have a dress that has flexi prims that shoot my complexity up to 850k. A few pieces of jewelry could shoot it up to a million. Some people do use second life with their complexity set to “no limit”. Someone can see her, it’s probably not many though. I would’ve set mine to “no limit” to see it. It’s probably the three I mentioned.
  5. You have so many choices! Addams Seul Spirit Pixicat is my favorite store and she does FLF just about every week. Villena/Pumpkin Legal Insanity Just Because (another one of favorites) theres so much stuff out there for you!
  6. A lot of rentals come with a hud or have a control panel where you can remove all the furniture. You could always ask if that option is available.
  7. I just use my own dances. I haven’t used a dance pad in ages, but that was because I was under the assumption that they’d be old dances where the transitions consisted of floating in the air with your head twisted 180 degrees around.
  8. Izzie’s might have an add on like that already.
  9. I loved Genesis Lab the most underrated head. @Ceka Cianci wait until the Genus Project comes out of beta!
  10. We got them in Canada a few years ago. I ate one and instantly felt sad deep down in my core. I never tried one again. This year they came back as the waffle down. It’s basically chicken and waffles. Which sounds pretty good, but the wrongness of the double down keeps me from ever trying anything like that again at kfc.
  11. Not only that, Belinda, a lot of skins have a browless option. That way you can buy what ever eyebrows you want and just apply the ones you want or swap them out when you get tired of those. Thats why you want to shop around and see what is available for the type of head you’re interested in. You’ll know exactly where to go and what to get so you can have your look together right out of the box.
  12. Belinda, spend time with the demo head. About a week, whatever time will allow, and just tweak. It looks like you’re already leaning toward the Lelutka and that’s great! Also take the time to see what products are available for it: skins, lipstick, hairbases, eye appliers, blush, contour, etc. That way you’ll have your shape all ready when you’re ready to buy it. It looks like you have the hang of it already though.
  13. Definitely keep at it! It sounds like you want something between a pose and an AO. It sounds doable. I have a couple of poses that move a little. When I jump on tomorrow I’ll let you know who they’re by and you can take a look.
  14. Welp, good luck! Let us know what you put together!
  15. Either one really. Something that involves two or more players. I know they have games like greedy, etc but SL could do with more things that bring people together.
  16. You could always take out the animations you don’t like. For some reason most AO makers have at least one animation that looks silly in there. As to you question the closest AO to what you’re describing is from Voir and it’s called “Almost Still” personally I didn’t like the walks, so I took them out and swapped them for ones I liked. But the standing animations are great.
  17. You get a pretty good deal already with premium, I think.
  18. Omega works fine for me, both Isis and Freya. I haven’t had any problems with any skin appliers. The only problem I’ve had since the update have been nail appliers. Omega works fine for those though so it hasn’t been a biggie.
  19. I like your setup Zeta. I haven’t gotten to clothes yet, but that’s what I plan on doing with dresses and skirts!
  20. The way it’s awkwardly hinted at too. Usually in the span of 3 mins of meeting. Rando: Do you use mic? Me: Sure, sometimes when I feel like talking. Rando: Yeah, it’s just so much easier than typing. Me: except you have to be on a sim with voice enabled, adjust the volume, etc, etc. It’s kinda not, but ok. Rando: That’s Ok we could always Skype. Me: (Thought bubble) I don’t even knooooooww yoooooooou! (What I end up typing) I really don’t feel comfortable Skyping with people I just met. There’s a lot of weirdos on here. Rando: Why? Me:
  21. Since I’ve been on these forums, I’ve seen some interesting statements about women’s appearance. Things that make me scratch my head have been (and I’m paraphrasing): I don’t wear makeup on my avatar because I don’t want to look like a *****, if you’re wearing a short skirt you’re asking for it (or deserve it...don’t quite remember which) and I can go on and on. Its very interesting to me how people look at other people’s avis and what you see isn’t exactly what they see.
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