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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Even IKEA furniture instructions can be confusing at times and they’re little crude drawings. That’s about as simple and dumbed down as you can get. I’ve seen instructions that are terrible myself. Those are rare though and by no means an excuse NOT to read the instructions.
  2. All jokes aside, SL is a pretty good example of this. It might be an extreme example, but I’m sure as a creator you see it all the time. I know in a lot of product groups I see people ask a question, people try to help them and the person that needs help goes off on a rant. My favorite goes like this: person that needs help: I’m looking for X. helpful person: Oh, Y sells that. person that needs help: Great! Anyone got a landmark? me: *does a quick search, it’s literally the first thing that comes up* Did you search it? person that needs help: I couldn’t find it. Can someone give me the link or a LM plz? *5-10 mins pass, someone probably gave them the LM* person that needs help: I’m at Y, I don’t see X. helpful person: it’s right by the landing point with the giant flashing new item sign over it. person that needs help: Yeah, I don’t see it. helpful person: I was just there, it’s right in the front.... person that needs help: I’m in the back of the store. Why isn’t anyone helping me?!? *5 min rant about the evils of mesh* Me: *closes chat box*
  3. No, I know. I just like taking shots at them whenever I can.
  4. Like I said, your shape is on you. You aren’t happy with any suggestion. That’s on you. It’s on. You. Cause you know, thousands of women are happy with those bodies. So it can’t possibly be you can it? What you’re asking for just may not be possible. Since you choose not to give a real life example of what you want. Good luck and merry Christmas to you. Hope someone can magically tell you what you’re looking for.
  5. I’m not being rude. Your shape is on you. Some one said make them smaller, you shot that down. Every major body....shot that down. You said you’re good with the cleavage. It’s on you. Honestly it’s not even all that clear what you’re asking for. Do you have any real life examples? Too boxy, too pointy....how many choices do you think you have?
  6. Listen...the only thing you can do is adjust the shape, try a different cleavage or try a different skin. It’s really that simple. The only person that can fix your shape is you. Good luck!
  7. The only other thing I can think of is adjusting the size like others have suggested.
  8. Maggi are you by chance wearing cleavage appliers on your upper body? Some skin makers make appliers with different kind of cleavage.
  9. Sweet baby Jesus, there are so many of those for freya. Addams has something like that. You might also want to try Seul, Spirit and Tetra.
  10. Also....why was this moved? It pertains to an avatar and AOs are one of the many things new people don’t understand.
  11. Doesn’t nVidea have a video capture software that’s bundled in its software?
  12. The best thing to do is make your own AO. Most of the bundles have good animations in them. Then there’s always a couple WTH?! ones. The last one I bought had normal animations, then it had one where my avi would literally grab her ankle and stand on one foot. So I took that one out because it was silly. I’m a fan of more natural movements myself. Just have to make your own. I always suggest to new players to buy a nice cheap one until they figure out how they work. Then make a couple.
  13. I was helping a male friend make over his avi and we couldn’t find a normal one. Then I found the almost still for men and saw they had one for women. Thats how I discovered Voir. I haven’t tried them out for myself yet, but I was impressed.
  14. I guess I’ll take a crack at it. Kuso makes really good animations for a reasonable price. 600-650 for a whole hud. They also sell individuals if you’re into making your own hud. Voir is also cheap and very good and has an ao called “almost still” and that’ll run you about 350 on mp. I’m not sure if they have a store where you can try them out though.
  15. These thinly veil advertising threads crack me up. He doesn’t want advice he wants help running it. Also he’s using the tried and true method of “Hey, I got this club see...I need people to do ALL the things! ummm....with me of course...yeah that’s the ticket.”
  16. My biggest problem with jewelry is a lot of it has the worst lod on SL. You have to zoom in 3/4 to see a lot of it, zoom out a little bit and it disappears.
  17. I have a couple mod bodies and I have to say the ability to add your own specular and normal maps has some amazing results. There are some fun things you can do with modding. The only problem is the bodies that are mod....well. I’d look either like a otaku’s wet dream or a beanpole femboy thing. Neither of which really appeal to me as a regular avatar.
  18. Barnsworth Anubis sells some smaller houses for around $500L. There are a couple others too, but I’m not at my pc so his name is the only one that jumped out. I also think you should go with the rental. If it’s a skydome you might be able to get rid of whatever is in there and Rez what you want. 349 for 400 prims is a pretty good deal.
  19. There definitely are people walking around with custom heads. Who is making them or how good they actually are is another issue. The problem is these people don’t really advertise that they make custom heads and they move in really small circles. It’s possible, but you really have to dig deep. Maybe search for groups that deal with mesh or do a post in the wanted section?
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