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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. You’re going to need a skin that does Maitreya, lelutka and lola’s. It sounds like you’re going to need a skin maker that does omega somewhere in there. Pumec does all three, Skinner does omega and lelutka and I think Itgirl?
  2. That too! I’m on my phone so mine is the alt phone version!
  3. Go into your settings, then account and then ignore user. Type in the user you want to ignore and they’ll be both blocked and (I believe) you won’t see their posts either. Not sure if their quotes will be blocked. But there you go!
  4. I more or less agree with this. Then again, it depends on the person and what they’re trying to do. Someone wearing mesh, it’s pretty easy still. Just add the item in question, make sure it’s for the right body and bam. You’re good. Appliers/omega seems to give people the hardest time. Imagine helping someone for an hour only to realize what they’re trying to apply isn’t omega! That’s kind of rough, usually that’s where the problems happen. I suspect that’s one of the reasons LL is going to BOM.
  5. The only thing you really missed out were little things that got incorporated into mesh bodies and heads. Original mesh, you had to wear an alpha layer, half the time those didn't fit right, so you had gaps and things poking out where they shouldn't. If you were good, you'd figure out how to make your own alpha that fit you, so it was more work for you if you wanted it right. Before mesh hands and feet, shoes started coming with mesh feet and you had to match your feet to your skin, via a hud. There were invisiprims. Before there were mesh bodies, there were prim and sculptie boobs. Later the mesh butt came, then different mesh butts came. If I wanted those things, I'd just go back to my 10 year old account. I don't really miss those things....maybe flexi-hair, but I can still find that so you really didn't miss out on much.
  6. Yup, I think we’re having a rose colored glasses look at the past.
  7. My then and now looks like this: Oh, that’s nice, I’ll get it. I just have to adjust this sculptie....move this over here. *fifteen minutes later* Got it! Those shoes are nice! Wait....I have to get feet? There’s hands too? .......ok..... Whats this “applier” thing? A mesh butt? It does make my avatar look a little better though. A shopping fair? Wow! Everything I’d want is right there. There’s more shopping events? Geez! A whole mesh body? It does appliers and mesh? Count me in! *two bodies later* All I do is shop. There’s sooo much stuff out here. I’d be nice if there was a mesh head to go with this mesh body. *buys a static mesh head* This is nice....I wish this head moved with the sliders though. You know, so I could customize my look more. *fitmesh comes out followed by bento* This is crazy, there’s so many choices! These shopping events sure are crowded. TLDR: It’s all in how you look at it.
  8. A lot of people need to be told what to do and what is possible though. That’s why a lot of people don’t get it and end up leaving. Since we’re talking about video games. Take a game series like Final Fantasy. People's biggest gripe is it’s story is on the rails. They don’t want it on the rails. It’s still a good game and very popular. Compare it to a game like Romancing Saga. Same type of game, but it’s not on the rails. You could play it 20 different times and get 20 different outcomes and still come across things you’ve never seen before. It was my favorite jRPG. Most people have never heard of Romancing Saga and a lot of people just didn’t get that freedom that came with the game. SL is sort of like Romancing Saga, except there’s no training wheels. For most people it needs training wheels and it probably should come in game form until they’re ready to ride.
  9. They have something like that at mermaid cove or whatever that fair is called.
  10. You’re right. It just sucks at being a video game. It’s good at other things though.
  11. That's a really cute outfit! And it's for Belleza too! Getting it!
  12. Good news! We’re beta testing the omega head right now, won’t be long.
  13. Be careful with Vanilla Bae stuff. When you’re out in public some guys can and do click on your avi. Unless you’re into that... then it’s fine.
  14. I have more, but I figured I’d give them to you a little at a time.
  15. I take notes on people too. Sometimes you run into them months later and they aren’t presenting themselves as the person you met before. That and a lot of people have selective amnesia when it comes to certain things and conversations.
  16. Belinda you might want to check Ingenue for shoes. Sadly, they don’t do Belleza, but they support Maitreya and Slink.
  17. Good job picking the right head for you!
  18. It’s called Piggu. I have the female counterpart to it it’s called June. If it’s anything like June though it’s not all that customizable and the head is not removable. It is mod though. Not quite what you’re looking for, but I think it’s as close as you’re going to get.
  19. Hello *looks up and down like a robot*
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