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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Since I’ve been on these forums, I’ve seen some interesting statements about women’s appearance. Things that make me scratch my head have been (and I’m paraphrasing): I don’t wear makeup on my avatar because I don’t want to look like a *****, if you’re wearing a short skirt you’re asking for it (or deserve it...don’t quite remember which) and I can go on and on. Its very interesting to me how people look at other people’s avis and what you see isn’t exactly what they see.
  2. You’re right. What I meant to say was “today it’s 22 degrees, Friday it’ll be 32 degrees. That’s 90 degrees in ‘murkin. That’s what I get for stuffing my face and trying to do world to ‘murkin conversions at the same time. Good catch.
  3. It may be some cultural things involved in this discussion. It may be some things that deal with location in this discussion. I’m really not sure. Heres what I know though. Where I am in real life it’ll be about 22 degrees by the weekend. That’s 90 degrees in ‘murkin. I’ve seen 4 women wearing rompers and countless ones wearing shorts, short skirts, tight jeans, leggings, tank tops...in other words skimpy clothes. That was just in the last hour being outside on my lunch break. Normal clothes on a Tuesday I take your point, yeah there are some clothes where the shorts are very short, the skirt is ridiculously low etc.Its not like some epidemic where women in SL only wear those clothes. I dunno, part of the whole premise seems like shaming and a little disingenuous to me. Where do you find normal clothes? The majority of clothes in SL are normal or based off of normal things.
  4. I realize it’s SL and you can wear what you want, so you’re going to see extreme cases. But.... Some people need to just go somewhere where there are a lot of people and look at how women are really dressed in real life. Leggings, rompers and athletic wear aren’t outside of the norm. Neither are above the knee skirts or tight fitting jeans/pants. SL isn’t that far off the mark with clothing.
  5. One of my favorites *ding ding* Rando smirks Me ignores
  6. 2015-2018 got a lot of people over from IMVU too
  7. I was trying to think of a way to phrase this one! His close cousin is the guy that seems nice, but tries to guilt you and is so self deprecating it becomes unattractive.
  8. I’m pretty sure she came out with an update where they were fitted for Slink or Maitreya. I’m thinking it’s for Slink Hourglass. She has a group, your best bet is to join and ask there.
  9. There are quite a few beautiful non-Catwa heads out there. Thing is, you have to settle for less products and/or features. Most people never seem quite willing to do that, so here we are with a 5000L head.
  10. Because somehow, someone wanted "White Pride" to be ok when, "Black Supremacy" on SL does not mean what he thinks it means.
  11. The black supremacy thing is a play on the old "Black brute" trope. There's a difference between "Wakanda Forever" and "Black Bull" stuff. And you see a lot less "Wakanda Forever" type stuff than...well anything.
  12. ...or! Or! Hear me out.....those black supremacy groups are actually racist against black people. I know, I know...kind of counterintuitive. I went down this rabbit hole on here before though. But it has to do with fetishizing and stereotyping black people. It's a little more subliminal, but it's there.
  13. Here’s another one of my favorites: *rando’s look at cross hairs have been locked on you for a long time uncomfortably long* *ding ding* Rando: Hello Me: Hey, What’s up? Rando: Come over here. Me: lol, why? Rando: So we can talk Me: What are we doing now? Rando: *types out something and deletes it a couple times* So I can get a better look at you. Me: Did I not Rez when you were looking for the last 5 mins? Rando: never mind
  14. I’d have to go back to my original avi to find bling jewelry. Even then....I’d have to dig. Might have to push the contest back to at least Monday.
  15. I had to google Kohl’s to see what she was talking about. I think what she wants is more casual, looser fitting clothing. My thoughts on that: 1) You can find that stuff anywhere, it’s usually mixed in with the tight fitting stuff. There isn’t really a store that just focuses on comfy looking clothes. So you have to piece outfits together. A nice pair of leggings, jeans or slacks from Addams with a nice blouse from Blueberry or Pixicat with a pair of sneakers from Tetra. You have to do what I call spot shopping. Go to different stores with nothing in mind, but buy the things you spot that you can turn into an outfit. 2) Looser fitting things in real life may be more practical in RL for many reasons. But in SL it’s not as practical. Loose clothing just doesn’t look as good asthetically, clothes don’t fall on your body in SL like they do in RL. Gaps and spaces between your body and clothing are frowned upon. There are also geometry considerations. Long story short, it’s easier to make perfect form fitting items in mesh.
  16. You make the best analogies! This and the TV one sum up my feelings about the topic.
  17. Just Because makes a lot of nice modest clothing.
  18. A lot of women’s fashion in SL is taken directly from RL. R.I.P Polyvore! Along with social media like Instagram, Tumblr, etc. In a weird way SL’s Flickr scene directly mirrors Instagram, even down to the pictures people take. Honestly, wearing those kinds of clothes are fun. They might not be practical for say....work. But I don’t need to wear scrubs or a pantsuit in SL. People seem to forget SL is a place where everybody is perfect, young and idealized. A little while back I bought a pantsuit except it had a rhinestone bodice instead of a blouse to go with it. Would I wear something like that in real life? Probably not. It’s mostly because I couldn’t afford it. But it can be mine for 299. I’ll go for it!
  19. I don’t know why SL has a big D/s scene, but I run into this one every so often. *ding ding* Sir Daddy Dumerson: Hello Me: Hey, what’s up? Sir Daddy Dummerson: What’s up? What’s up?! Is that how you greet people? The sky is up. That is not a proper greeting. Me: Listen, I’m not a sub and I speak two other languages besides English. They all have a version of what’s up, and they’re all acceptable in an informal setting. Sir Daddy Dummerson: *goes off on a long tirade about D/s mainly about how all women are secretly submissive, blah, blah, blah* Me: So like I was saying, I’m not a sub. You’re wasting your time. *closes box* *Twenty minutes go by* Sir Daddy Dummerson: ??? Me: What? Sir Daddy Dummerson: Did you give any thought to what I said? Me: No *closes box*
  20. If you want the old appearance, why are you getting a new head?
  21. There are some goodies in here. The one that gets under my skin lately is “What are you doing” or “WYD?” I’m talking about someone on the same sim that can see you. The one that cracked me up, made me spit my soda out last week went like this: *ding ding* Rando: Your avi looks just like my baby mother RL! Me: *I’m not sure where he’s going to go* Ok? Long pause Rando: Same look, same style...*another long pause* same big t***ys. That wasn’t the funny part. When I closed the box he was standing in front of me in a static pose with his mouth hanging open. I walked away from him and he followed me around like that until I tp’d away. Then he IMs me again. Rando: You even treat me like her
  22. This is one of those things I look at as a creator and a consumer. I think renders are ok to use, but it’s a borderline thing. You have part of SL that knows what a render is and that what they’re getting isn’t going to look exactly like that. The other part of SL is the problem. The part that doesn’t know it’s a render and expects the product to look exactly like it does in the picture. So from a consumer standpoint. It’s borderline false advertisement. There’s no way to make the product look like it does in a 3d modeling program. If you have a really good pc and good lighting, you might get close....but eh. I was working with mesh yesterday and happened to do some renders of the clothing. First it looked so crispy! Yum. That leads to my next point: your ad is done while you’re working on it. (I still think some post processing needs to happen) it’s a time saver. Using a render pretty much says “I made this” so you know it’s authentic. Last, you get to see the creator’s vision. You know it’s not exactly going to look like, but you’re seeing what they had in mind.
  23. From what I’ve seen, Lelutka has been getting more skin and makeup. It has its own powder case releases. Choose one of each that you like, grab a demo of each. Then go to your favorite skin stores and try them out. The most popular choice isn’t always the best choice. The best choice is always going to be the one you want.
  24. I’m sorry...I bit my knuckle and everything, before I typed this ....I deleted it. Can you post a picture of what you’re talking about? Not a second life picture...a real life picture. I want to see what you mean before I offer any advice.
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