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4 minutes ago, Spiffy Voxel said:

Not a Peeve, but a Celebration because this topic has reached its 900th page!

That's because all the rules and restrictions of the other threads do not always apply here. But with no moderation here we would be at 1200 pages by now. That isn't a Peeve, btw.  I can't have a real peeve here - it would violate something.

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2 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Hey, some of these folks are PROFESSIONAL Peevers!

   .. Throws some belated page-901-confetti on the PPs.

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4 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Hey, some of these folks are PROFESSIONAL Peevers!

I hope they will not be peeved about that remark. Than we will be at page 950 in a few days. :D


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I was walking up to my jeep at our house we have in town, when this pitbull ran up on me, as it's owner was trying to call it back to their house..

I seen it's tongue was hanging out and it wasn't aggressive at all, So I said, Hey buddy how are you doing?

Then just went about getting my things out of the jeep.. She ended up getting the dog back over by her..

Then Yelled something and I couldn't hear her.. then yelled it again..

She said, Did you spit on my dog?

I was like, What? o0

She said, did you spit on my dog. he has spit on his head..

I said, no why would I spit on your dog?

She said yes you did, it's right here on his head..

I said, it's probably his own.. then she  said some things that I can't say in here..

So I finally told her.. Let me tell you this.. I don't spit  on the ground or anywhere because it's gross.. And if your dog would have came at me in any other way than he did , which was friendly..

I wouldn't have spit on him, I would have shot him. One more word and I'll just call the police and we can see if you have the 50,000 dollar bond to have a pitbull within town limits, let alone  your dog on my property without a leash runnin wild..

Do you want to keep going Karen? Because you should be thanking me for not shooting your damn dog.

Sometimes people just get on my nerves..



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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10 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:


I was walking up to my jeep at our house we have in town, when this pitbull ran up on me, as it's owner was trying to call it back to their house..

I seen it's tongue was hanging out and it wasn't aggressive at all, So I said, Hey buddy how are you doing?

Then just went about getting my things out of the jeep.. She ended up getting the dog back over by her..

Then Yelled something and I couldn't hear her.. then yelled it again..

She said, Did you spit on my dog?

I was like, What? o0

She said, did you spit on my dog. he has spit on his head..

I said, no why would I spit on your dog?

She said yes you did, it's right here on his head..

I said, it's probably his own.. then she  said some things that I can't say in here..

So I finally told her.. Let me tell you this.. I don't spit  on the ground or anywhere because it's gross.. And if your dog would have came at me in any other way than he did , which was friendly..

I wouldn't have spit on him, I would have shot him. One more word and I'll just call the police and we can see if you have the 50,000 dollar bond to have a pitbull within town limits, let alone  your dog on my property without a leash runnin wild..

Do you want to keep going Karen? Because you should be thanking me for not shooting your damn dog.

Sometimes people just get on my nerves..



I feel this is a uniquely American story, guns and pitbulls.

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Objects (especially HUDs, body parts, clothing and other attachments) with scripts that will reset every time you rez them and list an initializing report to the owner, who has absolutely no clue what it all means, does not benefit from this knowledge whatsoever, but, instead, gives them a vague suspicion that their product is 'calling home'.

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1 hour ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Objects (especially HUDs, body parts, clothing and other attachments) with scripts that will reset every time you rez them and list an initializing report to the owner, who has absolutely no clue what it all means, does not benefit from this knowledge whatsoever, but, instead, gives them a vague suspicion that their product is 'calling home'.

I always get the impression that is stuff they forgot to comment out in the script, like debug messages. I know the things I make spit out a whole bunch of debug since I am learning and want to know what is happening.

Probably not though since it seems like most of them do it and these are production scripts made by clever people.



Edited by AmeliaJ08
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I'll preface this by saying that despite my contributions the last few days I have avoided doing much more than 'reacting' to things here as I have been fighting off the flu and thus on an even shorter trigger as far as my tolerance for BS goes.

That out of the way ...

There are members of this forum who can be predictably counted on for varied things: Their viewpoints, being helpful and such. There are also those here that one can reliably predict in a more negative fashion and a rather recent thread - one which is a joke, no matter what the OP claims - showcases this quite well.

Said OP should have stuck to Reddit where they can carefully curate an echo chamber of empty headed agreement for their harebrained ideas while pretending to have the best interests of Second Life users (or anyone really) at heart. It is what they are good at and this has been shown time and time again.

We also got to see the forum 'champion' show their true colors once more - even while they try to present their statements and actions in a positive light.

And somehow there are people here who will give them the attention they crave.

Therein lies part of my peeve: These are people with track records and whose true colors do not take long to show to someone they have not interacted with before. Why does anyone take either seriously?

Brush them off, laugh them away and get on with your days.

The other part of the peeve? Well lets just say it is getting quite irritating to see staff pretending that one must be nice to such types.

If you want nice, don't run a forum. Run a drum circle and sing Kumbaya.

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3 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

I'll preface this by saying that despite my contributions the last few days I have avoided doing much more than 'reacting' to things here as I have been fighting off the flu and thus on an even shorter trigger as far as my tolerance for BS goes.

Get well soon!


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7 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

There are members of this forum who can be predictably counted on for varied things: Their viewpoints, being helpful and such. There are also those here that one can reliably predict in a more negative fashion and a rather recent thread - one which is a joke, no matter what the OP claims - showcases this quite well.

Said OP should have stuck to Reddit where they can carefully curate an echo chamber of empty headed agreement for their harebrained ideas while pretending to have the best interests of Second Life users (or anyone really) at heart. It is what they are good at and this has been shown time and time again.

We also got to see the forum 'champion' show their true colors once more - even while they try to present their statements and actions in a positive light.

Peeve: While some may not appreciate it (no judgement), sometimes I see these threads as an opportunity to see the full range of human emotion, and the current (questionable) state of the human condition. 

Drama! Deception! Attack! Defense! Butthurt! Grievances! Fire-walking! Name-calling! White-Knights tilting at windmills! Ignorance! Education! Moderators, swooping down and casting judgements, in the role of the "gods"!

What's not to love?

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Peeve: People who think that their personal views and perceptions are always the truth and the only possible solution, no matter what.
Other peoples ideas are never accepted. People are simply told to get another life or sing Kumbaya.
Valid arguments? Very seldom to be seen.

👫🎹Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya🎺 👫

Edited by Sid Nagy
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1 minute ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: People who think that their personal views and perceptions are always the truth and the only possible solution, no matter what.
Other peoples or ideas are never accepted. People are simply told to get another life or sing Kumbaya.
Valid arguments? Very seldom to be seen.

Peeve: When SOME people (not you, Sid) don't even back down enough to admit their viewpoint is their opinion.

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Ah yes, because not entertaining certain things somehow equates to not accepting other people or their ideas or to assuming one's own viewpoint is the Gospel Truth ...

Get a grip.

I'll debate and argue with people who are actually present for such.

Those have been few and far between. Enough so that I do not bother most of the time anymore. Not to mention that some of these troll topics (and that is exactly what that one is - period) have been rehashed in varied ways so many times over the years that everything there is to say - for me anyway - has already been said. 

I'm not interested in feeding them.

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I have a blister on my foot, a pretty big one and I wanted to try to get 15k steps in a day over the next couple of months.  I'm going to try to get them in today, but not if it is only going to make it worse.  Also tornado warnings, bleh 😒



On a plus side, I just noticed that pushing win + "."  shows animated gifs.. I did not notice that before in Windows 10, I think I only got emojis before moving to Windows 11.  

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9 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Ah yes, because not entertaining certain things somehow equates to not accepting other people or their ideas or to assuming one's own viewpoint is the Gospel Truth ...

Get a grip.

I'll debate and argue with people who are actually present for such.

Those have been few and far between. Enough so that I do not bother most of the time anymore. Not to mention that some of these troll topics (and that is exactly what that one is - period) have been rehashed in varied ways so many times over the years that everything there is to say - for me anyway - has already been said. 

I'm not interested in feeding them.

Peeve: I am reminded of a pivotal scene in the book, "The Sirens of Titan" where two characters are stuck together and only one knows the nature of the reality they are in.  As a volley in their verbal fight, one says, "Don't Truth me, and I won't Truth you."  The point being - each had their own "Truth", but in that case one would have blown the other's minds so they were doing them a favor by not "truthing them".

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1 minute ago, Istelathis said:

On a plus side, I just noticed that pushing win + "."  shows animated gifs.. I did not notice that before in Windows 10, I think I only got emojis before moving to Windows 11.  

Yep! I usually use it for just emojis.  Between this and the ability to search in that dialog, it's kind of cool.


ETA: Some do not show up in "Dark Mode"!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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7 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Other peoples ideas are never accepted. People are simply told to get another life or sing Kumbaya.
Valid arguments? Very seldom to be seen.


To be fair, Sid, this describes all of social media and online interactions. 

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were talking about Twitter with that statement. 😂 Or the big, massive arguments across Discord and Steam that I spent all last week popcorning on.

Speaking of Steam, now that's a peeve - quite the Wild West and I don't think they have much moderation at all.

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16 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

To be fair, Sid, this describes all of social media and online interactions. 

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were talking about Twitter with that statement. 😂 Or the big, massive arguments across Discord and Steam that I spent all last week popcorning on.

Speaking of Steam, now that's a peeve - quite the Wild West and I don't think they have much moderation at all.

Peeve: I thought we were all rather civil, and learn from each other without much resistance!

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

To be fair, Sid, this describes all of social media and online interactions. 

True. I was general speaking, it was not meant personally against someone who told one of the Moles to go and sing Kumbaya (indirectly of course).
Maybe I should not have used that example. But I find my point still valid in general.

Sorry @Solar Legion, I had no intention to attack you personally.

Edited by Sid Nagy
added: (indirectly of course)
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