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3 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Peeve: people who go on and on and on and on for pages and pages and pages and pages about someone else's peeve.  Just post your own peeve instead of using someone's to ridicule them forever.  

Or maybe some minimum IQ is needed to come up with your very own peeve instead of telling others they are too stoopid to be in SL because you dont like their peeve.


Are you peeve-shaming peeve-shamers?



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10 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

As for the welcoming crapola, why the hell should WE welcome somebody who want's to dumb down the system I use, because THEY have an IQ under 85, and expects US to provide them with free entertainment, because they think WE are "just clever AI driven NPC's" whose use is part of the platform. There is no "right to be welcomed" anywhere.

I used to extoll the virtues of the steep learning curve in SL because I didn't want to deal with idiots either. Now I think SL needs to be able to replace some of it's older residents as they leave with fresh blood, in order to keep this platform alive. I think it's a delicate balance they have to keep between keeping us oldbies happy by not breaking the things we love about SL and making the learning process easier for new players, so SL can retain more of them. 

If you don't want to deal with newbies, ignore them and boot them off your home parcel, but please don't tell them to get out of SL, because Linden Lab needs their money.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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17 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I used to extoll the virtues of the steep learning curve in SL because I didn't want to deal with idiots either. Now I think SL needs to be able to replace some of it's older residents as they leave with fresh blood in order to keep this platform alive. I think it's a delicate balance they have to keep between keeping us oldbies happy by not breaking the things we love about SL and making the learning process easier for new players, so SL can retain more of them. 

If you don't want to deal with newbies, ignore them and boot them off your home parcel, but please don't tell them to get out of SL, because Linden Lab needs their money.

They could also put that effort into not only attracting newer players but keeping us physically aging oldbies on longer  as the complexity of the platform presents an increasing challenge for those of us passing our 60's. It becomes more difficult to learn new things and also just more frustrating trying to keep the inventory manageable enough to be pleasurable for making new outfits and such. I personally find it is becoming less and less pleasurable having to deal with that mess because as I age, I just don't have the patience.

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30 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

making the learning process easier for new players

There really is no way I can think of to make the learning process easier because there is so much to learn.  Unless we go back in time when we all had the same bodies, the same type of clothing (system) and everything was opened the same way (rez, right click, copy to inventory).  Everything fit everyone.  Now we have clothes for specific bodies which inherently makes learning to shop, buy, dress harder.  No way around that.  Unpacking?  Some still needs rezzed but the majority are using unpacking huds.  

I honestly don't have a solution but nothing anyone suggests is, IMO, going to make the learning process any easier.  It's complicated.


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13 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

They could also put that effort into not only attracting newer players but keeping us physically aging oldbies on longer  as the complexity of the platform presents an increasing challenge for those of us passing our 60's. It becomes more difficult to learn new things and also just more frustrating trying to keep the inventory manageable enough to be pleasurable for making new outfits and such. I personally find it is becoming less and less pleasurable having to deal with that mess because as I age, I just don't have the patience.

One's Inventory will continue to be a mess if it's never cleaned out and organized. Imagine if you were to keep throwing more stuff into your closets and spare bedrooms, until you couldn't find what you want, so then you end up buying new stuff. Our virtual inventories are the same way. Either spend time organizing or get rid of a bunch of stuff and don't keep getting more.

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15 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

One's Inventory will continue to be a mess if it's never cleaned out and organized. Imagine if you were to keep throwing more stuff into your closets and spare bedrooms, until you couldn't find what you want, so then you end up buying new stuff. Our virtual inventories are the same way. Either spend time organizing or get rid of a bunch of stuff and don't keep getting more.

That sounds like my RL closets.  ;)

When you start having clutter problems, it might be a sign that you need to organize things better.  On the other hand, since I agree with Arielle's comment  (" I personally find it is becoming less and less pleasurable having to deal with that mess because as I age, I just don't have the patience.") , I think it's simply a sign that you have too much stuff.  My solution, therefore, is STOP BUYING NEW STUFF.  I mean, how much new stuff do you really need?  (Peeve, peeve, peeve... )


Edited by Rolig Loon
typos. as always.
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21 minutes ago, Robin Kiyori said:

Peeve, peopke treating IQ nu.bers as serious instead of the ableist incomplete nonsense that it is.

*Grumbles in autistic and Learning difficulties*

I haven't taken the whole IQ thing seriously since I learned how to stomp all over an IQ test just to freak the norms who were testing me. It's just pattern recognition, and the glass ceiling is mathematical cryptography.

What a scam.

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26 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Peeve: intelligent people :o 

"I just disproved an equation and calculated the sun's axis using a honey drizzler, muh muh muh!" 🥱

Yes, and I just won £25 on the February Premium Bonds and am going to blow it on rum and crisps B| 

(but please keep making technical and medical things work 🥴)

We only do that stuff because it makes us feel better about being abnormal. It's a cry for approval, I think. You've never seen an inferiority complex until you've met a person of high intelligence. Most of it is learned, not inborn.

We read a lot because nobody will play with us, and then come back and lord it over others that we can fix their computers. Truth is, if everyone stayed home in their rooms all alone and never did anything but geek out on scholastic crap, they'd probably all know how to do all their own tech work themselves.

I'm a nerd, so I can say these things about nerds. They know it's true, too. We're not better, just different.

I know multiple languages, can code a website from scratch, can write fluently and calligraphically in 10 different alphabets, 3 of which I invented myself, and am fond of translating and reading ancient esoteric texts. Some of that stuff is freakin' hilarious.

I also have difficulty ordering takeout, can't drive, am phobic of telephones, and hanging out with people socially in public makes me curl into a fetal position and scream if it goes on too long. If I didn't know how to fix everything in a house, I'd probably be homeless and have no friends.

If anything, I'm jealous of people who don't have brains that work like mine. Wistful, at very least. They told me I was smart until it stuck. It took me years to realize they were telling me that so I'd not feel so bad for being different.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

There really is no way I can think of to make the learning process easier because there is so much to learn.  Unless we go back in time when we all had the same bodies, the same type of clothing (system) and everything was opened the same way (rez, right click, copy to inventory).  Everything fit everyone.  Now we have clothes for specific bodies which inherently makes learning to shop, buy, dress harder.  No way around that.  Unpacking?  Some still needs rezzed but the majority are using unpacking huds.  

I honestly don't have a solution but nothing anyone suggests is, IMO, going to make the learning process any easier.  It's complicated.


Aren't Senra and Belli supposed to make things simpler? No need to build or choose or learn (as much).

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35 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

We read a lot because nobody will play with us, and then come back and lord it over others that we can fix their computers.

Well, it sounds a bit like me and the small circle of friends I had at school...except nobody wanted to play with us, so we got into Myspace and trying to develop psychic powers instead 🤩

I do actually envy the smart , my peeve isn't meant in a nasty way.

Edited by Rat Luv
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8 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

In RL people have to wait for new products to come out too, especially video games and tech items. The anticipation builds desire for the new item. People don't generally say "I'm never going to buy another Sims game or add-on, because they keep hyping this new product but I have to wait to get it".

Look at what happened too when Velour let the cat out of the bag early about the LaraX body, or when LL says some new function will be added "Soon".

Yes, but that's a necessary evil with something that is being developed. The product in SL is clearly completed long ago and they're attempting to mimic real world strategies in order to pour people into the event. I equate 'event only" sales to ads. A page full of ads that I didn't come for and refuse to spend my money on. I came for what I came for, I know what I want, and if I'm forced to wade through a sea of ads every time I come for it, I'll stop going there. Just look at how people react to being told they can't use adblocker anymore and that ads are mandatory. Internet riots o;....


But yeah, if it's in their shop later, after the event which I'll inevitably miss, I guess that's not so bad.

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17 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Well, it sounds a bit like me and the small circle of friends I had at school...except nobody wanted to play with us, so we got into Myspace and trying to develop psychic powers instead 🤩

I do actually envy the smart , my peeve isn't meant in a nasty way.

Yeah, I got that. I was glad you said what you did, so I could say what I did. It needed to be said.

And in my opinion, Myspace was one of the best things that could have happened to the internet when it happened. It was a major gateway for a lot of people, and got a large part of the population into being online and into the 21st century.

As for psychic powers, I'm really only any good at psychometry and palmistry. For all I know my familiar is a figment of my imagination. But it's still fun.

And just because smart kids get bullied doesn't make anyone a bully just because they don't identify as a fellow mentat. I'm glad you said what you did. If anything, nerds should try not to turn into bullies just because they have some cool points these days.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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12 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

And just because smart kids get bullied doesn't make anyone a bully just because they don't identify as a fellow mentat. I'm glad you said what you did. If anything, nerds should try not to turn into bullies just because they have some cool points these days.

Oh it should go without saying... the cleverclogs and the space cadets should team up against the bullies 👊🤩 

It just gets boring here sometimes with people banging on about others being 'stupid' 9_9

Edited by Rat Luv
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Just now, Rat Luv said:

Oh it should go without saying... the cleverclogs and space cadets should team up against the bullies 👊🤩

We can tell them we're educating them. XD

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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

/me catches up on the last 5 pages of the thread...

... goes back to bed

I skipped it -- too much. There's suppose to be life outside of the forums


PEEVE:  Darn people that peeve so much.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Aren't Senra and Belli supposed to make things simpler? No need to build or choose or learn (as much).

In my opinion, the simplification of the avatar creation process, was too simple.  They made them too homogenous when that's not how it actually is.  You don't buy one body and expect it to work well as a male AND female.  Same with the head.  The creation process is still going to be a steep.learning curve after you decide Senra isn't for you.  You could learn just as much from any of the library avatars.  Shaping, dressing, alpha layers, hairbases, etc.  

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I skipped it -- too much. There's suppose to be life outside of the forums


PEEVE:  Darn people that peeve so much.

I must confess. I did skip over about 95% of it. 

Peeve: It's taking forever for my name to drop off the list...




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10 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

I [...] can't drive

Is this for the same reason that I found it impossible?  My brain kept taking in too much information - I was very good at keeping to 50mph on the motorway but couldn't focus on what was necessary on an ordinary road.

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  • Moles

'We've received several reports that various related posts about IMVU, shopping in SL, LL's attitude to maintaining backwards compatibility, and other subjects, were off topic.

This thread is supposed to be about the semi-humorous discussion of pet peeves rather than detailed debates about particular topics, so I'm inclined to agree,  but after I'd started marking up posts for removal and realised I'd selected 35 of them with several pages to go, I gave up, since it's clearly a discussion several people wanted.     

Please, though, in future, consider starting separate threads in the appropriate subforum to conduct in-depth discussions of particular topics.    Let's keep this thread to pet peeves without going into too much detail about them.


Edited by Quartz Mole
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