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Some merchants put their SL20B gift box out at the Gift Area multiple times.  So, not only do I have to unpack additional items, but then I get things unpacked and find that it is a repeat of something that I unpacked 5 min earlier.

And, no, I did not accidentally pick up the same item twice.  I blacklist of every gift after I pick it up to ensure I don't pick up the same thing more than once.

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I always feel a bit churlish complaining about sales, because I have a sense of how much work can go into creating and marketing things in SL, and I also suspect that some creators are more or less compelled to participate because it's become a really important way of maintaining a profile.

But as the creator in this case is one of the largest women's clothing stores in SL, and is quite clearly not a "small" operation, I am giving myself permission.

Said creator has been plastering my notifications and group chats with its promotion of a "Mega Sale" this weekend. It's a "Deal Rush"! "Select exclusives have been brought back and are at a special low price of only L$60 per item!" Hype, hype! EXCITEMENT!

Except that, where this particular creator generally includes, say, 5 or 6 colours or patterns per pack, these are now L$60 per single colour.

Which, admittedly, is how a lot of store sell sales stuff these days, but it's not their usual practice.

I'm feeling that the sale isn't quite as "Mega" as advertised. 🤨

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

If the big stores are feeling the pinch .. the small stores are screwed.

If that is why they are doing this. I haven't actually heard any suggestion that the economy is in particular trouble, though. Are there indications it is?

51 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Exclusives making comebacks like Cher are a whole other peeve.

What even does "Exclusive" mean? I mean, seriously. Exclusive to what?

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10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

What even does "Exclusive" mean? I mean, seriously. Exclusive to what?

IKR? Doesn't sound very "inclusive"!

On 6/23/2023 at 9:26 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Some merchants put their SL20B gift box out at the Gift Area multiple times.

Possibly trying to making finding gifts easier has unintended consequences?


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9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

If that is why they are doing this. I haven't actually heard any suggestion that the economy is in particular trouble, though. Are there indications it is?

Those I know are holding their breath and hoping there will be a miracle pick up after the summer slump. 

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29 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

IKR? Doesn't sound very "inclusive"!

What it is, like gachas, is a ploy to artificially raise the "value," and hence the price, of something by making it, supposedly, scarce. Buy it now, because it will never be available again!!!! No one else will own this!

Except, of course, as Ayashe notes, "exclusive" turns out to never really be very exclusive after all. They drag 'em out time and time again, hype them once more "available NOW for a limited time!" (until the next "limited time" comes up), and raise the price. Or, in this case, sell each individual colour for L$60, rather than package them as colour packs.

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On 6/22/2023 at 12:08 PM, Marigold Devin said:

And New Zealand lamb is cheaper and (arguably) nicer than UK lamb. (It's a long time since I ate lamb.)

Scottish strawberries are amazing, the best for taste and texture in my opinion, Egyptian ones look fantastic but I find them too sour and chewy.

And we had some outstandingly good grapes that came from Chile that I can't get the taste of out of my memory, and other grapes have just paled into comparison.

I think I care less about the carbon footprint of my food than somehow bringing all the lovely things in this world to my door, but the bags for life made me wonder why, when my home town is the capital of the manifacture of plastic wheelie bins, isn't there a factory here too making bags for life.

Of course I was just having a pop directly at supermarkets who pat themselves on the back and are trying to be seen to be doing something good and worthy. 

And space travel, how much carbon footprint is that using anyway, and is it really worth it?



Peeve: finding an error and being too late to correct it. Manifacture?! What the heck? I blame the hot weather and distraction of the neighbours' dog. But manifacture?! *snorts and rolls eyes*

Edited by Marigold Devin
to add an apostrophe!
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Peeve:  An official SL history exhibit at SL20B that completely ignores the year 2002.

No. SL's birthdate was NOT 23rd June 2003. That was just it's public opening launch date. Second Life was around much earlier than SL20B suggests.

SL began in 2002 on the same current SL grid (used initially for Beta testing), with the same oldest SL regions (the 16 San Francisco regions) and even used the "Second Life" name (formerly "Linden World") on 1st November 2002.  How else do you think we have some 21 year old avatars,  21 year old objects and soon, 21 year old sim regions?

And even earlier during 2002, there was Alpha testing on the smaller different "Linden World" grid, which was closed when Beta testing began in November 2002.

Frankly, ignoring the year 2002 from the history exhibit is an insult to all those earliest Lindens and Alpha/Beta testers who pioneered the building and testing of the virtual world that you still enjoy today, 21 years later.



Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Except that, where this particular creator generally includes, say, 5 or 6 colours or patterns per pack, these are now L$60 per single colour.

I know the store you meant and they've just got more greedy over time. I have a few of their "exclusive" versions from when they were just testing the ground with those. They had full solid and print packs with 10+ colors/patterns/prints. Then they did separate those to a few more packs, then eventually even more so it became 3 colors per pack, and in the last few (6+?) months they are selling them per color like you said.

They've also started to re-release some of those "exclusive" packs (not even that old ones, but 2019-2021 so they already had Legacy+Perky sizes) with updated body sizes for Reborn and Gen X, and some of the previous packs are not being updated. According to their CSR it's because "previous exclusive packs are not the same and new have different colors" (which were 95% the same after comparing the pack I have and the demo of the new one).

I have stopped buying there since then, partially because of that and partially because the quality of their stuff went downhill last/this year a lot. Especially when it comes to little rigging mistakes and other small things like incorrect auto-alpha (which you can't ever fix yourself, because their HUDs do not have the kill script function). I sent a few IMs to their CSR about such mistakes and got told they'd let the creator know, but nothing got fixed at all.

Quantity over quality won, because they did a lot of sloppy rigging and made other mistakes when they were making their first steps rigging for the mesh bodies in 2015-2017. I remember skipping quite a few releases I liked because rigging was very pretty bad and fixes never happened, textures also were a hit or miss. Then they got quite a lot better, quality improved and designs while simple (given their store's style) were pretty decent, and now it seems to went downhill again with "new release for every weekend" and "THE exclusives!".


I'm all for the stores trying to make some more money and will happily support them if they release quality stuff. But when the methods to get more money become simple "extracting" them, either via low quality releases, gachas or doing something like putting basic colors (black and white mostly) behind the fatpack wall, then I do completely the opposite.

Edited by steeljane42
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Peeve: Greed generally.

Specifically, finalising supermarket order online for my brother just now, and they announce they are "sorry" that the price has gone back up from £3.66 to £6. Well I am equally "sorry" that I shall not be putting that into my trolley this week. 

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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Except, of course, as Ayashe notes, "exclusive" turns out to never really be very exclusive after all. They drag 'em out time and time again, hype them once more "available NOW for a limited time!" (until the next "limited time" comes up), and raise the price. Or, in this case, sell each individual colour for L$60, rather than package them as colour packs.

This. There is an appeal, especially for someone like me who has a bit of a hobby seeking out unique items tucked into dusty stores with little to no traffic, in things that will be sold once and gone forever. I like rare stuff! So yeah, slap an "exclusive" label on something, and I might be willing to pop over and take a look, especially if it's reasonably affordable.

Prince's estate got me with that once. I've got a limited edition vinyl copy of an unreleased track he recorded on guitar in his bedroom as a teen. Limited run, place your orders now we're only doing this once, extremely affordable (especially for vinyl, what??). He's gonna haunt me one day for that I'm sure, but #worthit. Do you think I'd risk the wrath of that man's ghost for an item they plan to re-release in the future? NO MA'AM. They'd better not even try!

It's probably better for stores to just wipe the "exclusive" name out altogether and just say it'll be a limited-time release, with a slight possibility of re-release in the future - no guarantees. That'd be the most fair way to do it.

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8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

If that is why they are doing this. I haven't actually heard any suggestion that the economy is in particular trouble, though. Are there indications it is?

What even does "Exclusive" mean? I mean, seriously. Exclusive to what?

It means get over here and buy this before the word exclusive goes numb and looses it's exclusive meaning.. hehehe

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11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I always feel a bit churlish complaining about sales, because I have a sense of how much work can go into creating and marketing things in SL, and I also suspect that some creators are more or less compelled to participate because it's become a really important way of maintaining a profile.

But as the creator in this case is one of the largest women's clothing stores in SL, and is quite clearly not a "small" operation, I am giving myself permission.

Said creator has been plastering my notifications and group chats with its promotion of a "Mega Sale" this weekend. It's a "Deal Rush"! "Select exclusives have been brought back and are at a special low price of only L$60 per item!" Hype, hype! EXCITEMENT!

Except that, where this particular creator generally includes, say, 5 or 6 colours or patterns per pack, these are now L$60 per single colour.

Which, admittedly, is how a lot of store sell sales stuff these days, but it's not their usual practice.

I'm feeling that the sale isn't quite as "Mega" as advertised. 🤨

Peeve: My shopping options keep dwindling because of creators pulling this kind of crap. That's not a sale, that's a rip off. I'm already bare bones on everything and they want to take even that from me.

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6 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Peeve:  An official SL history exhibit at SL20B that completely ignores the year 2002.

No. SL's birthdate was NOT 23rd June 2003. That was just it's public opening launch date. Second Life was around much earlier than SL20B suggests.

SL began in 2002 on the same current SL grid (used initially for Beta testing), with the same oldest SL regions (the 16 San Francisco regions) and even used the "Second Life" name (formerly "Linden World") on 1st November 2002.  How else do you think we have some 21 year old avatars,  21 year old objects and soon, 21 year old sim regions?

And even earlier during 2002, there was Alpha testing on the smaller different "Linden World" grid, which was closed when Beta testing began in November 2002.

Frankly, ignoring the year 2002 from the history exhibit is an insult to all those earliest Lindens and Alpha/Beta testers who pioneered the building and testing of the virtual world that you still enjoy today, 21 years later.



Try 1999.



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11 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:
6 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Peeve:  An official SL history exhibit at SL20B that completely ignores the year 2002.

No. SL's birthdate was NOT 23rd June 2003. That was just it's public opening launch date. Second Life was around much earlier than SL20B suggests.

SL began in 2002 on the same current SL grid (used initially for Beta testing), with the same oldest SL regions (the 16 San Francisco regions) and even used the "Second Life" name (formerly "Linden World") on 1st November 2002.  How else do you think we have some 21 year old avatars,  21 year old objects and soon, 21 year old sim regions?

And even earlier during 2002, there was Alpha testing on the smaller different "Linden World" grid, which was closed when Beta testing began in November 2002.

Frankly, ignoring the year 2002 from the history exhibit is an insult to all those earliest Lindens and Alpha/Beta testers who pioneered the building and testing of the virtual world that you still enjoy today, 21 years later.




Try 1999.



Hardly.  The fact that there were precursors to SL does not diminish the reality that Second Life was launched on June 23, 2003.  It may strike you as unfortunate that the history in the Tapestry of Time at SL20B doesn't emphasize prehistory as well, but it would not be true to say that SL existed before 2003.  To draw an obvious parallel, the United States celebrates its founding on July 4, 1776  (yes, I know there are quibbles about whether the actual date should have been a few days earlier or even much later, when the Constitution was adopted, but that's a separate discussion --- not for this forum).  The USA obviously had a precursor, but it would be a falsehood to say that it existed as a nation before then.

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5 hours ago, steeljane42 said:

I know the store you meant and they've just got more greedy over time. I have a few of their "exclusive" versions from when they were just testing the ground with those. They had full solid and print packs with 10+ colors/patterns/prints. Then they did separate those to a few more packs, then eventually even more so it became 3 colors per pack, and in the last few (6+?) months they are selling them per color like you said.

They've also started to re-release some of those "exclusive" packs (not even that old ones, but 2019-2021 so they already had Legacy+Perky sizes) with updated body sizes for Reborn and Gen X, and some of the previous packs are not being updated. According to their CSR it's because "previous exclusive packs are not the same and new have different colors" (which were 95% the same after comparing the pack I have and the demo of the new one).

I have stopped buying there since then, partially because of that and partially because the quality of their stuff went downhill last/this year a lot. Especially when it comes to little rigging mistakes and other small things like incorrect auto-alpha (which you can't ever fix yourself, because their HUDs do not have the kill script function). I sent a few IMs to their CSR about such mistakes and got told they'd let the creator know, but nothing got fixed at all.

Quantity over quality won, because they did a lot of sloppy rigging and made other mistakes when they were making their first steps rigging for the mesh bodies in 2015-2017. I remember skipping quite a few releases I liked because rigging was very pretty bad and fixes never happened, textures also were a hit or miss. Then they got quite a lot better, quality improved and designs while simple (given their store's style) were pretty decent, and now it seems to went downhill again with "new release for every weekend" and "THE exclusives!".


I'm all for the stores trying to make some more money and will happily support them if they release quality stuff. But when the methods to get more money become simple "extracting" them, either via low quality releases, gachas or doing something like putting basic colors (black and white mostly) behind the fatpack wall, then I do completely the opposite.

I haven't bought enough new items from this store to be able to complain about slipping quality. The new outfits often are not my style and the older outfits tend to be less expensive, especially if I only want them in one or 2 colors.

My big peeve about this store is that they don't have a store credit gift this time for Shop & Hop. All they have is one free outfit that Persephone wouldn't wear. I think it at least still has a fatpack HUD, though, so Alycia might pick it up.

Peeve #2: I don't currently have time in my life to devote to sending 4 avatars through Shop & Hop, then open all those packages and sort all that inventory. Thank goodness Fabulously Free has a detailed list of all the S&H stores, their gifts, and highlights for gift cards, store credit, and items for male avatars.

Btw, all the SL birthday events, new regions, and free stuff, might be big reasons for why sales are down right now.

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14 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve #2: I don't currently have time in my life to devote to sending 4 avatars through Shop & Hop

Things like is why all my alts haven't had hardly anything new in the past few years.  I barely manage to get Lil through the various shopping events.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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This is not a peeve, but a suggestion for stores that want to sell exclusives at a higher price. - Sell limited time packs in white, black, and faded colors that are Modifiable for tint. Charge double the regular price for such Modifiable packs, but people will still rush to buy clothes which can be tinted exactly to the colors they want. It's a waste of time and inventory space to have 3 or 4 "exclusive" mini packs for an outfit, just to have 2 colors in each mini pack that I actually like.

Peeve: This post has me considering buying actual fatpacks, instead of several cheaper minipacks. 😆 

Another peeve for this store we've been discussing: Please make another outfit for guys that doesn't have holes in the jeans.

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10 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Those I know are holding their breath and hoping there will be a miracle pick up after the summer slump. 

The market is slow at the moment for my tiny shop too.
I'm glad that I don't have to depend on SL income. So I have no pressure whatsoever to produce for events or sales.

But in a few weeks I will ditch my land and only keep my Belli home if the market stays this slow. Back to the sandboxes for a while I guess.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: My shopping options keep dwindling because of creators pulling this kind of crap. That's not a sale, that's a rip off. I'm already bare bones on everything and they want to take even that from me.

   You don't have to go quite that far - bare-skinned will suffice!

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6 hours ago, steeljane42 said:

Quantity over quality won, because they did a lot of sloppy rigging and made other mistakes when they were making their first steps rigging for the mesh bodies in 2015-2017. I remember skipping quite a few releases I liked because rigging was very pretty bad and fixes never happened, textures also were a hit or miss. Then they got quite a lot better, quality improved and designs while simple (given their store's style) were pretty decent, and now it seems to went downhill again with "new release for every weekend" and "THE exclusives!".

In addition to all you've said, with which I agree, I'll just add, on a somewhat different note, that I think there was a period, probably around 2018 or so, when I really liked their styles, which were interesting and distinctive. They did a leather jacket that I just kept buying, incrementally over time, in different colours because it was so well done and versatile.

Now, however, pretty much nothing that they do excites me. It's all the sexed-up soccer mum stuff that seems to proliferate in the mainstream these days. Jeans -- but with slightly provocative holes! -- and tanks, with just a hint of underboob. Now that nice-looking Bob with the SUV and 2.3 children from two doors down will really notice me!!!

Be sexy, or don't be sexy, for god's sake. It's all like something out of The Ice Storm or American Beauty: frustrated, undersexed middle class Americans.

Ugh. Sorry for that sociological rant.

Anyway, the continual reissue of the same damned mesh over and over again in new "exclusive" colours and patterns is just one reason why I barely shop there anymore.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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