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New region idea: An Adult Region.

Anna Nova

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2 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I never said that. I just wanted to know, why do you want adult regions so bad? Again the way the OP worded it, was that they wanted to have sex everywhere. That doesn't mean I am telling you what to do. I just want to know the reasoning behind wanting adult regions.

Or you could go back and read the several posts i have posted that already clearly answer this

Here is one for reference... 


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4 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I never said that. I just wanted to know, why do you want adult regions so bad? Again the way the OP worded it, was that they wanted to have sex everywhere. That doesn't mean I am telling you what to do. I just want to know the reasoning behind wanting adult regions.

Simple example .. pony play, it's not about sex and it makes zero sense indoors, while technically it's fine on M land (there is one notable place on regular M mainland), few feel comfortable doing that.

Sure, some people will have adult enabled hot-tubs and whatnot, and some will want to do the slex on the lawn .. but they will be the minority.

Most just want a chill neighborhood that's adult friendly and comes with no judgements or worries about upsetting people.

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7 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Most just want a chill neighborhood that's adult friendly and comes with no judgements or worries about upsetting people.

Amen to that! Maybe just maybe we'd like a place with less restrictions. Without having to fear if our choice of decor is going to trigger some morality cop with nothing else to do but sit on their platform, spy on their neighbors and hash out how many people they can AR for doing stuff they don't approve of.

Edited by Hunny Bunny
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Why hasn't this thread been locked?  It was a stupid topic to begin with to suggest a "new" idea that has been around for quite a while and the name calling.  But I guess it is okay to call people prudes and insult those not into adult activities since that seems to be the main purpose of SL.  

It is humorous that the people wanting more places for their "adult" activities are sounding like little kids whining "I want to do what I want to do where I want to do it"  And at the same time complaining about being pushed off into a corner while requesting a new corner to call their own.  Maybe some people need to grow up.

I realize that it is the adult activities in SL that keep it going, but the reputation of Second Life as a porn type site is also what will keep it from being a leader in the metaverse.

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26 minutes ago, JustinAlternot said:

I guess it is okay to call people prudes and insult those not into adult activities since that seems to be the main purpose of SL.


27 minutes ago, JustinAlternot said:

I realize that it is the adult activities in SL that keep it going, but the reputation of Second Life as a porn type site is also what will keep it from being a leader in the metaverse.

It would appear that ship has sailed and I agree this thread should be locked if instead of debate it becomes a place for people to whine about people "whining".

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8 hours ago, Hunny Bunny said:

Amen to that! Maybe just maybe we'd like a place with less restrictions. Without having to fear if our choice of decor is going to trigger some morality cop with nothing else to do but sit on their platform, spy on their neighbors and hash out how many people they can AR for doing stuff they don't approve of.

This.  If I put up any type of somewhat obvious adult furniture inside one of my Linden homes (such as a simple St. Andrews Cross, or a Backbone toy cabinet), etc. I'm going to trigger somebody in Belli M regions right now, today. It doesn't matter if I turn off parcel visibility. That hides the AVs doing things on such furniture, but it doesn't hide the furniture itself.  And yes, why not have a pool with adult anims, and actually make use of them from time to time? (Visibility off, of course.)

But as things stand today, if you don't want some random neighbor deciding you need to be reported because "too adult", you have to leave your house empty and desolate, and toss everything in a skybox up above. Where's the community-building in that?

Edited by Devin Heartsong
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Bottom line...

Having Adult rated Linden homes benefits everyone.  It benefits those who want them simply because yeah we do want them.  We want to be in a community that is more inviting towards people that enjoy this sort of thing.

It also benefits those who do not like adult content or think it should be hidden.  Because now more and more adult content gets moved out of Bellisseria and into some Adult version of it.  In a sense it does indeed hide us.  Except now instead of being hidden in a very old, outdated place that will encourage more and more adult users to leave SL and bring their dollars out with them.  Instead you create a place that is inviting to the adult community and now they want to give more of their dollars to SL.  Discreetly hidden still yet with a feeling that their needs are also being met.  

This can be done very simply by taking this Newbrooke theme or whatever theme comes after it and creating a small version of it off the coast of Zindra.  

It is reasonable ask.  The adult community rarely asks for anything we are pretty used to taking the scraps that LL throws at us.  Not even asking for something equal in scope.  Just something that shows that updated content is for everyone, not just the moderate rated folks.

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These forums are filled with the software equivalent of "barrack room lawyers", as in people who like to give authoritative-sounding opinions on subjects in which they're blatantly (and I mean glaringly) not qualified. 

Obviously I can't vouch for the complexity or not of spinning up a new region within SL (and hubris aside, neither can you), but truthfully the relative technical difficulty is likely not the deciding factor here.

I'm assuming the Lindens are working in the context of some sort of refined/groomed Product Backlog, driven for the most part by the Product Management team.

The product management team's focus isn't really on what's technically easy or not... there are no "just copy and paste it mate" conversations; which most informed practitioners recognise as a recipe for absolute carnage and ridiculous amounts of technical debt down the road.

I suspect the real reason for this request apparently getting the cold shoulder is simply that placating a very small minority desperate for even more scope to indulge their "adult" picadilloes, doesn't sound like something which is good for the product, the business, or the brand.

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12 minutes ago, QwiQ said:

I suspect the real reason for this request apparently getting the cold shoulder is simply that placating a very small minority desperate for even more scope to indulge their "adult" picadilloes, doesn't sound like something which is good for the product, the business, or the brand.

Are you sure that it is a "very small minority?"  Your opinion sounds very authoritative, so I'm sure you are right.  

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21 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

Are you sure that it is a "very small minority?"  Your opinion sounds very authoritative, so I'm sure you are right.  

Ahh, the high road Matthieu 🙂

If you ever find the wherewithal to make a substantive contribution however, I'll be all ears!

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10 hours ago, Hunny Bunny said:

Amen to that! Maybe just maybe we'd like a place with less restrictions. Without having to fear if our choice of decor is going to trigger some morality cop with nothing else to do but sit on their platform, spy on their neighbors and hash out how many people they can AR for doing stuff they don't approve of.

I mean it is your Linden house, your property. You can decorate it how you want to. I wouldn't let Karen's get to you like that.

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1 hour ago, QwiQ said:

suspect the real reason for this request apparently getting the cold shoulder is simply that placating a very small minority desperate for even more scope to indulge their "adult" picadilloes, doesn't sound like something which is good for the product, the business, or the brand.

Adult content in SL isn't just about the people at the extremes, adult content is the upper end of a spectrum of activities and expression, enabling the spectrum is what matters.

Case in point, people don't buy furniture with adult animations explicitly for the purpose  of making avatars hump (and almost all furniture can be bought with an adult option now), they buy it to keep that possibility on the table should their other more lowkey social interactions lead in that direction.

SL is one of the few places online where real relationships can happen, expressing that relationship is a necessity for all the social interactions prior to that point. "Humping avatars" is broadly hilarious, so serious expression of affection, commitment and connection more often take a more involved and nuanced path (which is why BDSM themes in SL are so prevalent).


Every failed virtual world has had a hard cap on activities and interactions for fear of "humping avatars", and the end result has always been the same, those worlds are devoid of life. Worlds that explicitly focus on "humping avatars" are similarly under used.

Facilitating adult content is core part of that emotional bandwidth factor that has kept SL alive and thriving all these years, demands for a social setting that encompasses this basic human need are not to be unexpected and are critical to the overall health of the platform.

A side effect is that there will be some "humping avatars", which feels like a very small price to pay.

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I am not convinced that the number of people that would jump at an Adult Linden Home community are a small minority.  The number might be smaller than those happy with Moderate areas, but it would still be a sizable and worthwhile chunk of residents.  Heck, I rarely if ever indulge in anything adult and I would want one just out of curiosity and a different community feel 😁.  Same goes for a General rated area.  THAT might be a smaller number of residents, but I wouldn't get a general rated home.  The family RPers, kids, and church goers can have that.  Their community center can be a school with a giant playground.  Hhmmm  I wonder what an adult community center would be like.  /me wanders off trying to make her imagination work on the feasibility of a Bring Your Dom to Work day.

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3 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I am not convinced that the number of people that would jump at an Adult Linden Home community are a small minority.  The number might be smaller than those happy with Moderate areas, but it would still be a sizable and worthwhile chunk of residents.  Heck, I rarely if ever indulge in anything adult and I would want one just out of curiosity and a different community feel 😁.  Same goes for a General rated area.  THAT might be a smaller number of residents, but I wouldn't get a general rated home.  The family RPers, kids, and church goers can have that.  Their community center can be a school with a giant playground.  Hhmmm  I wonder what an adult community center would be like.  /me wanders off trying to make her imagination work on the feasibility of a Bring Your Dom to Work day.

Spot on point about the size of the community... We are bigger than people imagine precisely because we are so hidden behind an adult rating in a small corner of SL land hardly visible on the map unless you are really good at camming....

Although honestly I don't think i would even ask the Moles to create buildings or public furniture like park benches or anything that is any different than what they already create in the Bellisseria homes.  When they built Zindra and Horizons it was a neutral piece of land that could have been given any rating and worked.  The idea of adult land is less about the Moles gearing the content towards an adult land and much more about simply giving the land itself the adult rating which would empower the residents there to create the kind of community feel that could come from a fully immersive adult rated environment.  Having lived in a private estate over 10 years ago that tried to do this, I already know it can happen and that it was a pleasant experience.  It was not all secks.  We had parties and dances and get togethers, and yes secks happened sometimes too but it was not the norm. 

I think most people judge the idea of Adult rated land based on tropes and caricatures of what they think its all about. Adult rated community folks get tossed into this big basket of exaggerated assumptions.  A community need not be defined solely by its most extreme elements.  And yet because those extreme elements exist i would defend their right to exist as well.  Which i think is the point that @Coffee Pancake makes much more eloquently in her last posting.

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1 hour ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean it is your Linden house, your property. You can decorate it how you want to. I wouldn't let Karen's get to you like that.

So, you're saying that without a doubt that I can have a frosty the snow phallus spouting glittering sprinkles on the lawn of my M rated parcel?

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2 minutes ago, Hunny Bunny said:

So, you're saying that without a doubt that I can have a frosty the snow phallus spouting glittering sprinkles on the lawn of my M rated parcel?

That exists somewhere?  I kinda want to see it.

I'd have to turn my particle setting up for full effect.

Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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If you want themed region in an adult area, check out Aurora Town. It's most of the Paceglen region of Zindra. They rent houses. Not too expensive. The residential sections look much like Belli. There's also a commercial district. If someone built what you wanted, it would probably look like this.

(Aurora Town used to be larger, but they seem to have downsized. They had a private monorail system and more commercial buildings. Now the area is surrounded by vacant lots with rental boxes from the usual landlord.)


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13 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

As much as ~I would love to see this be a thing, if this would be so popular, why aren't there many private regions providing this? Or maybe there are? I can't say I've looked extensively.

Like many of the best parts of SL, it's a niche that someone undertook to do well. Others include the Blake Sea area, the Fruit Islands, the City-State of New Babbage, and the Confederation of Democratic Simulators.

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12 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Same goes for a General rated area.  THAT might be a smaller number of residents, but I wouldn't get a general rated home.  The family RPers, kids, and church goers can have that.  Their community center can be a school with a giant playground. 

Just as an aside - family RPers generally prefer M rated regions. General rating limits role play - mom and dad can't really have an argument or go on a steamy date, visiting cousin isn't irritating grandma dropping f-bombs, swear jar does not exist and grumpy neighbor isn't spooking teens with his gun while yelling "get out of muh lauuuwwwnn!"

Other than that I genuinely agree with most of your points.

Edited by June Starlight
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