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Matthieu Quander

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  1. It isn't possible to put out a theme that will please everyone. An effort is being made to solicit customer opinion prior to putting out the next one, which is a good thing.
  2. I'm both surprised and disappointed that Santa Fe homes didn't make the cut. It generated a lot of response on the thread requesting ideas. I like both Craftsman and Midcentury Modern, but do not find them to be significantly different from existing themes. Tiki it is, I guess.
  3. I'm in the same boat, and just demoted an alt to basic instead of renewing him. I had to let go of a Log Home that I have had for years, but I can no longer justify keeping it. I have been hunting for an acceptable replacement parcel with my main, but everyone who reads these threads knows how that has been going. As for this thread's question, my answer is possibly, but not likely. If the home selection process allows me to get an acceptable parcel via the normal process, I prefer to go that route. Of course, it is debatable whether it is possible given how the current process is(n't) working.
  4. I rarely do the same build twice, and see each move as an opportunity to do something new. I also stick to a few basic personal rules. Every house needs a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living space Blocking off rooms or windows is not allowed The outside should feel as decorated as the inside I generally start with add-ons, as I need the LI to build them. I typically throw up a a few basic wall shapes and play with them until I like the flow and feel inspired. I usually have a few vague decorating ideas that develop as I go. Some builds feature a specific color palette, some don't. I'm not sure what impact PBR will have on my decorating. I have been procrastinating getting into it.
  5. Tacos and Cookies Region. Clearly a hangout for the 420 crowd.
  6. I just got one as well. I have no idea what it means either, but I hope it means a change is going to happen. SL Feedback Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding the Linden Home selection process. This issue has been brought up in the past and will be set to tracked. We understand the frustration of receiving the same parcel repeatedly and appreciate your detailed suggestions for improvement. While we have no estimate on when this may be implemented, please stay tuned for future updates. Thank you for your continued commitment to Second Life.
  7. While we are at it, can we not have doors that open at least 160 degrees rather than the 90 that we get in most homes, or better yet, leave them out, as was done with the stilts.
  8. As you may have noticed from this thread, this mirrors my experience and that of others. Yes, you can use Premium Plus to get one of the vacant parcels, but it's really unacceptable for this to be the normal experience. This phenomenon is definitely a contributing factor to the low occupancy rate of the Chalets, and to a lesser extent, the Log and Fantasy Homes. I have resumed my Log Home hunt. I have actually had some days where I received 5 unique parcels, and thought that perhaps they had addressed the issue. Then I had a day where I received the exact same parcel on three consecutive rolls. And while I did not get the same home on 3 consecutive rolls this morning, I did get the same home 3 times in my 5-roll session. It is maddening. There is no need to rehash the theories as to why it remains the way that it is, but I am very curious whether this issue is being discussed, and if so, whether they intend to do anything about it. I don't know what to make of the silence.
  9. I think it's a better fit for 1024 parcels than 2048, plus I selfishly want it at the Premium price point.
  10. Santa Fe style. It would go perfectly with the Mediterranean landscaping, and many of the home textures from that theme could be reused.
  11. Good stuff. Thank you for the clarifications. I called out Stilt Homes specifically, because I am fascinated by how the "on Land" sub-theme is often ignored by home shoppers. I can understand why people who want a home adjacent to water avoid some of the "on Land" parcels, but there are some really really nice homes being left vacant because people don't realize that "on Land" can mean "mostly on Land." I'm glad to hear that there are some new floor plans on the way for Log Homes. I expect that to have a significant impact on that theme's occupancy percentage.
  12. I have to quibble with his Stilt Home numbers. Stilts being 3 different sub-themes complicates things. The on Pier and on Water sub-themes are at 100%, but on Land is not. And he may as well have reported Mediterranean at 100%. Sometimes there is availability, but often there isn't (now being one of those times). It's also noticeable that he did not offer any Chalet, Log Home, or Fantasy numbers. New floor plans for Log Homes should at least help that theme.
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