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11 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Here we have a policeman...a black man who speaks about his experiences when speaking to other BLACK people and WHITE people jump in to speak for them.  Around 4 min mark in case you don't want to hear the sanity this man speaks.

That's a really interesting video. About 17 min mark he talks about solutions, which is something I was asking about earlier in this thread and got some good responses. It's great to see his enthusiasm, and I hope it inspires others. From my few visits to the US, the people there are warm, welcoming and funny (only immigration guys a bit stern). Hope they find their way back to that.

ps. for the person who keeps talking about me, I have discovered the ignore button on forums. I likes it. 😊

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5 hours ago, Nick0678 said:

Interesting video, i love her spirit and the way she expresses her arguments towards those white people. (VERY WHITE SKINNED to be fair for almost August)

Also some of the protestors wearing jackets and blouses? Are they cold or something? Weird americans.


Yes, she is very passionate and makes some good points about the need to clean up their own backyards first since there is way more to worry about from other blacks then there is from police. She mentioned Chicago a couple times and and a quick search shows how murders are way up in several American cities since this all started and police response is down:


but BLM seems to ignore that and continues its demands to defund the police and in effect shackle those that remain from dealing with it :(

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4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

You do realize that's from the alt-right Breitbart News?

Well I wasn't till you mentioned it and in any case don't see your point as I am more concerned about its content then who or what posted it. One cannot become awakened/woken until one is in full possession of the truth. From that perspective I have had to even change my default search engine from Google to https://duckduckgo.com/ as Google is very lopsided in its search hits being predominantly alt-left.

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13 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Yes, she is very passionate and makes some good points about the need to clean up their own backyards first since there is way more to worry about from other blacks then there is from police. She mentioned Chicago a couple times and and a quick search shows how murders are way up in several American cities since this all started and police response is down:


but BLM seems to ignore that and continues its demands to defund the police and in effect shackle those that remain from dealing with it :(

I see.. 18 murders in one day and just one city sounds like a war zone to me.

We have a maximum 10 per month over the whole country, that woman has every right to be upset with anyone patronizing her.

And wtf is that "shame on you" stuff trying to psychologically manipulate her. Stay and talk or take a walk. Imbeciles.

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7 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nobody is ever totally 'woke' -- I learn something new every day. Tonight I learned more about the inspiring Harriet Tubman and how she helped free slaves on the underground railroad during the period before the Civil War. Social injustice is a scourge upon the earth, and if not fought it can ruin lives or vastly limit potential for those oppressed.  We all have to fight to be free, and if we can it's good help others who are having trouble too.

* I recommend the movie, even though it had the Black bounty hunter. Fortunately he wasn't central as some reviews claimed, and it showed the real conditions of the period where White slavers were being the biggest villains.

I disagree with you on so many points here, including how white people helped free slaves and worked the underground railroad too - in fact, it probably wouldn't have succeeded without them, but the only thing I will address is the part where I bolded your words.

Whilst I agree that slavery was a hideous part of history, I am throwing it out there that it is unfair to call people villians who in their point in history were just people living their lives the way the world was back then.  Maybe not always in the nicest way possible, but it's just how life goes.

A weird, but only way I can make my point, example.  Let's say 100 years from now, the vegans finally got their way and eating meat is looked on as barbaric and people who did were worse than Hitler.  Would you like people from the future calling you a barbaric villian because they are pushing their values and way of life back onto us as we live today? (This is assuming you are a meat eater of course.)

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3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Well I wasn't till you mentioned it and in any case don't see your point as I am more concerned about its content then who or what posted it. One cannot become awakened/woken until one is in full possession of the truth. From that perspective I have had to even change my default search engine from Google to https://duckduckgo.com/ as Google is very lopsided in its search hits being predominantly alt-left.

Breitbart is a collection of fairy tales for fascists. But whatever it takes to avoid the “alt-left”, whatever that is, I guess.

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3 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I disagree with you on so many points here, including how white people helped free slaves and worked the underground railroad too - in fact, it probably wouldn't have succeeded without them, but the only thing I will address is the part where I bolded your words.

So you can make this correlation, but you're posting videos of a black woman (incidentally there were two black people telling her to go home) telling white BLM protesters to go home.


Before anyone jumps on me, you its a collective you

Edited by Janet Voxel
just to be clear
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3 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Let's say 100 years from now, the vegans finally got their way and eating meat is looked on as barbaric and people who did were worse than Hitler.  Would you like people from the future calling you a barbaric villian because they are pushing their values and way of life back onto us as we live today? (This is assuming you are a meat eater of course.)

This is a very interesting analogy.  So many things that come out of ignorance.  I call it Monkey-see, Monkey-do.  It's like when you are a child and bacon is put in front of you for the first time, you don't know what it is, but you eat it, just like everyone else.  So much of this world and our lives are like that, follow the leader kind of thing.  But, it's propaganda and lies that are the real villain in all our lives, even today.   Since 9-11 certain Christians want us to fear all Muslims for example.  

I have a story to tell.  A Christian pastor visited my building and folks gathered in one of our large rooms for a Sunday service.  The room is right by the elevator.  As I walked by I heard the pastor saying "Muslims won't be happy until all Christians are dead.  Every last one of us."  This is the propaganda I am speaking about.  It's the instill the fear that someone is trying to kill you and your family fear.  It's the fear that drives men to war, among other things such as taking the land, the goods and the childless women so those women can bare sires of their loins on the land.  

I'd vote for a vegan world in a heartbeat as it is barbaric.  I do not, however, call meat eaters villains, though I have gotten into debates with some meat eaters but they were not heated debates.   Still, an interesting analogy though.  Sorry, answering when not directed at me.  

Propaganda is the biggest villian and it's been in all our lives in one way or another.  Plus, outright lies, as Pussycat mentioned.

But, all of us eat that bacon in one or another.  Some of us are becoming "woke" to governments tricks, however, in regards to governments attempting to propagandize us against each other.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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11 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

This is a very interesting analogy.  So many things that come out of ignorance.  I call it Monkey-see, Monkey-do.  It's like when you are a child and bacon is put in front of you for the first time, you don't know what it is, but you eat it, just like everyone else.  So much of this world and our lives are like that, follow the leader kind of thing.  But, it's propaganda and lies that are the real villain in all our lives, even today.   Since 9-11 certain Christians want us to fear all Muslims for example.  

I have a story to tell.  A Christian pastor visited my building and folks gathered in one of our large rooms for a Sunday service.  The room is right by the elevator.  As I walked by I heard the pastor saying "Muslims won't be happy until all Christians are dead.  Every last one of us."  This is the propaganda I am speaking about.  It's the instill the fear that someone is trying to kill you and your family fear.  It's the fear that drives men to war, among other things such as taking the land, the goods and the childless women so those women can bare sires of their loins on the land.  

I'd vote for a vegan world in a heartbeat as it is barbaric.  I do not, however, call meat eaters villains, though I have gotten into debates with some meat eaters but they were not heated debates.   Still, an interesting analogy though.  Sorry, answering when not directed at me.  

Propaganda is the biggest villian and it's been in all our lives in one way or another.  Plus, outright lies, as Pussycat mentioned.

I chased a preacher off our land one time with a shotgun.. The police came and everything..

This was before we had a gate to our drive..

This son of a b*tch came to my house on my land holding up his bible like he was trying to exercise the place..

He'd hold it up and yell, Tried in the fire seven time.. I went to slam the door and he stuck his foot  in to block it.. So I reached in the closet by the door ,grabbed a shotgun and Told him  I'll give ya fire  if you want fire.. That boy took off running across the yard so fast..Then IO shot a round into the ground and he kicked it into turbo..

I yelled to him as he was running..you ever come back here again and I'll lay you flat!

The police showed up and got my side..I said soon as I went to shut the door and he blocked it with his foot..I felt my life was in danger and grabbed the shotgun..

They asked me if I wanted to press charges.. I said no, but if you see him tell him he best not come on our road ever again, because I'll be letting my family know all about him..They won't be near as kind as I was too him..

Damn preachers with attitude.

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Just out of curiosity, to those opposing folks: It's been over a month since this thread was open. Have any of you taken the time out to read 

"I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness" by Austin Channing Brown

"White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism" by Robin DiAngelo


even take an hour and a half to watch (its the whole thing and its free)


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3 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Whilst I agree that slavery was a hideous part of history, I am throwing it out there that it is unfair to call people villians who in their point in history were just people living their lives the way the world was back then.  Maybe not always in the nicest way possible, but it's just how life goes.

So were SS concentration camp guards. 

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39 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

So you can make this correlation, but you're posting videos of a black woman (incidentally there were two black people telling her to go home) telling white BLM protesters to go home.


Before anyone jumps on me, you its a collective you

Yeah I was gonna say I did not post the video you are talking about...collectively or not...so I am unsure what your point is here.

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2 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

Breitbart is a collection of fairy tales for fascists. But whatever it takes to avoid the “alt-left”, whatever that is, I guess.

Is the video of that woman a fairy tale? That is the only thing of importance here. Don't get all hung up on where it was posted.

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11 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

Just out of curiosity, to those opposing folks: It's been over a month since this thread was open. Have any of you taken the time out to read 

"I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness" by Austin Channing Brown

"White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism" by Robin DiAngelo


even take an hour and a half to watch (its the whole thing and its free)


As far as DiAngelo, she is nothing more than a grifter peddling her wares .  She is one of those people who profits from the perpetually aggrieved , in the same vein of Tim Wise. You remove the money from these talking heads and they would disappear because there is no way they are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. It's all about money.


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9 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

"White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism" by Robin DiAngelo

Read some of it, yes. It seemed to me that the author is struggling with her own biases. If people relate, perhaps it helps them. I just found it rather weird.

I still believe as I did when I first posted in this thread - finger pointing at any one race is both unkind and ineffective. I treat people as people, and I don't need to know their skin colour to listen to their opinions with an open mind, nor will I make any assumptions about them on that basis. 

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2 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

Breitbart is a collection of fairy tales for fascists. But whatever it takes to avoid the “alt-left”, whatever that is, I guess.

Fascism is fast becoming an overused term in this country to describe anyone who has a different opinion from anyone on the left. That kind of thinking is not a good place for discourse and it is another extreme false equivalence.  Breitbart is conservative yes but fascist alt-right, no.  Please learn the difference and stop spreading this kind of stuff.

Edited by Gage Wirefly
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34 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

This is a very interesting analogy.  So many things that come out of ignorance.  I call it Monkey-see, Monkey-do.  It's like when you are a child and bacon is put in front of you for the first time, you don't know what it is, but you eat it, just like everyone else.  So much of this world and our lives are like that, follow the leader kind of thing.  But, it's propaganda and lies that are the real villain in all our lives, even today.   Since 9-11 certain Christians want us to fear all Muslims for example.  

I have a story to tell.  A Christian pastor visited my building and folks gathered in one of our large rooms for a Sunday service.  The room is right by the elevator.  As I walked by I heard the pastor saying "Muslims won't be happy until all Christians are dead.  Every last one of us."  This is the propaganda I am speaking about.  It's the instill the fear that someone is trying to kill you and your family fear.  It's the fear that drives men to war, among other things such as taking the land, the goods and the childless women so those women can bare sires of their loins on the land.  

I'd vote for a vegan world in a heartbeat as it is barbaric.  I do not, however, call meat eaters villains, though I have gotten into debates with some meat eaters but they were not heated debates.   Still, an interesting analogy though.  Sorry, answering when not directed at me.  

Propaganda is the biggest villian and it's been in all our lives in one way or another.  Plus, outright lies, as Pussycat mentioned.

But, all of us eat that bacon in one or another.  Some of us are becoming "woke" to governments tricks, however, in regards to governments attempting to propagandize us against each other.  

COS BACON IS YUMMY!!!  And I am praying it is NEVER a vegan world.  I love steak waaay too much!  Like I said, weird analog, but I was simply trying to equate something that is normal and accepted in our time maybe being seen as barbaric and something to be scorned 100 years from now. 

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24 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

So were SS concentration camp guards. 

Yeah, but why were the Nazi's the way they were?  

I've read it was because some were considered criminals and other's were propagandized into being "enemies of Germany" and the Nazi's believed it.  Hilter even made some of the Nazi's believe that Jews were trying to kill all Christian children.  It was that someone is trying to kill you and your family fear that drove a large part of it.  Plus, someone is trying to hurt Germany and were thus criminals.

Part of it was The Great Depression.  Not many jobs.  It seems that Hilter and other higher ups wanted to get rid of the lesser thans during The Great Depression, those there were no jobs for such as the disabled.

It's horrific, but they were propagandized.  Hilter on the radio with this spiel every day.   Enemies of Germany, trying to kill us, coming from Hilter.  

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6 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

COS BACON IS YUMMY!!!  And I am praying it is NEVER a vegan world.  I love steak waaay too much!  Like I said, weird analog, but I was simply trying to equate something that is normal and accepted in our time maybe being seen as barbaric and something to be scorned 100 years from now. 

Bacon is just one thing.  You could substitute bacon with anything just about.  But, as kids, we just have plates put in front of us.  We don't know what it is but we eat it.  

Take the barbaric whaling industry of 100 years ago for another example.  Kids just grow up in the whaling industry; they don't know anything different from it.   Whaling is considered barbaric today in much of America.  

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1 minute ago, FairreLilette said:

Bacon is just one thing.  You could substitute bacon with anything just about.  But, as kids, we just have plates put in front of us.  We don't know what it is but we eat it.  

I know, and understand your analogy.  I was trying, in my own weird way, to lighten the mood a little.  Although nothing could ever convince me to eat brussel sprouts!!!

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23 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Although nothing could ever convince me to eat brussel sprouts!!!

Gawd, I love brussel sprouts but living in California I get to eat the fresh picked ones that are picked right off the stalk so it's a world of difference than perhaps the kind you eaten though I am not sure of the kind you've eaten?  If you've never eaten a fresh picked brussel sprout than you wouldn't really know how incredible they taste.   I love all tart things.  I actually prefer vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains over meat.  California grows some awesome produce but for nearly a decade now not so much because of a near decade drought.  

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Vegans could never conquer the world. They're too weak! Also, they use too many artificial additives and ingredients. I agree that brussel sprouts are terrible. They always tasted like burned raw lettuce every time I've tried to eat them and I've tried many times because I always think, 'maybe this time it'll be good', but they never are. Bacon is a flavor bomb of meat, fat and salt. I think it's best in small doses. As for whale meat, I'd try it but not sure that I'd like it. 

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