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Things I'm kinda glad about

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After the seemingly endless bickering in the forums lately, I saw something that gave me hope yesterday.  In of all places the pet peeves thread, I saw people who've been at odds with each other for as long as I can remember actually cut each other some slack.  Finding our commonalities isn't easy.  And after 3 months of solitary confinement it's a miracle.  So anyway, I thought we could all use something new to talk about. So this is a thread where you can talk about things that give you pleasure.  Can be anything, from seeing people declare a cease fire to finding some cool new place in SL that you hadn't seen before.

I'm glad that I tried out the new premium homes in Bellisseria.  It gave me something new to do in SL and I really had fun trying the different home types and decorating. 


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I agree about the new Linden Homes. I never liked the old ones, though I lived in one for a while my first year (back in olden pre-mesh days when one piece of furniture would use up 1/3 of the available prims for the parcel). These new homes have provided me entertainment for over a year now, and bonus, I've meet some fun people while playing Game of Homes. 

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My package shipped! Doll heads to paint for an upcoming hobby competition. It has been 5 years since they held the last one so I’ve been waiting for my chance to come up to enter for a bit now!  Nothing better jinx this, we had a package go missing recently so I’m a bit anxious. I’m tracking this one with an eagle eye. Those heads sold out so fast!

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I'm grateful to be home. Maybe not so grateful for the soreness, the staples pulling on my skin, and it taking 10 minutes to just roll over in bed, but I AM grateful I am home to do, and feel those things.

ETA: coughing is a *****. Excruciating. Not the least bit grateful for that mofo.

Edited by CharlotteStargazer
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I'm happy to see this thread. While we need to peeve and grumble about things, express feelings both good and bad, it is nice and healthy to acknowledge not everything sucks. Fingers crossed for the health and well-being of this thread.

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I need this. Badly, because I'm currently not in a good place. Actualy, I'm in a very terrible place but I'm trying my hardest not to think about that and pretend everything will be somehow okay. Yay.

I'm glad I have the bestest kittycat in the world. No, seriously, my cat is awesome. She's super cuddly, loves me to an obsession (seriously, she cannot stand having a door between us. It's adorable!). Also super fluffy, and easy going. Hates everyone else, tho. 
I'm glad for my home. I live in the middle of a middle sized city in a wealthy country. My rent is dirt cheap, and I cannot be evicted ever. My landlord is super chill, although I suspect it's because he's high 420% of the time.
I'm glad for my boyfriend, who's the only person that unconditionally has my back, supports me and inspires me to become better. He's also very intelligent, creative, funny and handsome. 

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I'm totally jealous of Kali and her cupcakes. @Sukubia Scarmon your first paragraph was read and :::hug::: for you to be soon out of the not good place.

This does feel a bit like a gratitude journal, and nothing wrong with that! I always tried for 5 things when doing a gratitude journal.

  1. I'm grateful that I got into the subsidized housing complex that I wanted, that is literally right across the street from my old, expensive place. I needed "no stairs" and didn't get it but I got "relatively few stairs." The apartment is much nicer than the expensive one.
  2. I'm grateful for the river rapids that is right outside my windows. It is a lovely sight and sound. I thought it might get annoying after a while because it can be quite loud, especially with the windows open, but nope, it is never anything but calming.
  3. Green leaves on the trees, that pretty spring "lookit me I'm new!" green.
  4. That I did not go with my insecure, introverted instincts and say "no" to an offer to build (actually assemble, the only thing I can build in SL is a cube and put a spin script in it). I had turned it down once before due to hiding instincts and depression (often one and the same). This time "underwater) was too much to resist. It is a terrific opportunity, it is a creative outlet, and I met a nice new person. Pretty much "win win win." 
  5. SSDI. It pays next to nothing. I live well under poverty level BUT it keeps me afloat especially now that I have subsidized housing. I've not lived extravagantly ever, but had a comfortable lifestyle in CA. Since then, I'm pretty low maintenance. I don't need a lot (thankfully) and right now it seems ok. Do-able. :::cough::: Of course I'm writing this BEFORE I lay out an actual budget, but for now, it is good.
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2 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I saw a video this morning of this delightful 103 year old lady named Jennie who kicked COVID's butt and celebrated with a Bud Light.

I'm glad this feisty lady is still around to enjoy her favorite adult beverage. 


You know she's probably always been tough as nails..

I bet I could sit and just talk with her all day.. Just the life experiences alone would have me so glued..

There is sooo much to learn from our elders..She's seen and heard it all I bet..

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14 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

You know she's probably always been tough as nails..

I bet I could sit and just talk with her all day.. Just the life experiences alone would have me so glued..

There is sooo much to learn from our elders..She's seen and heard it all I bet..

Her family calls her their feisty Polish grandma. 

I have always had a big soft spot for the elderly. My grandparents were insane and hilarious and awesome, and my parents both got funnier the older they got. And yes, the stories... so, so many incredible stories. People need to stop and listen. There may not be any great pearls of wisdom (or there might!) but there will certainly stories that are worth hearing and keep alive through passing them on to others. 

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Well  on the subject of age, my mother lived in the same house for 83 years

I was born there.  My grandfather and great grandmother died there. Now I'm clearing that much family history from that house, which will pass on to a new family eventually. I have such memories of growing up ......without a fridge,  but with a meat safe on a limestone slab. Having the cooking range coal fired in the back room. Having washing hanging from hooks in the ceiling. So many memories. 

When things get tough I escape here. Its distractive. Its entertaining mostly. It would be even better without the arm wrestling, but that's life, and second life.

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I'm glad for air conditioning.

I'm happy when the bagged salad mix is past its due date and is still fresh and crunchy when you were afraid it would be kinda slimy.



Coffee and chocolate together.

Living alone so you can goof off all day and nobody looks at you with a raised eyebrow and points to whatever housekeeping horror you've been avoiding.

When the post office finally delivers all the pharmaceuticals it has been hiding from you (there go my excuses for wonky behavior though).

Cat avatars.

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27 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I’m pretty glad Huck sat still and let me take this super cute close up of his boop snoot.

He says you may boop once, but no more unless you want bites with your boops.

He’s kinda tired, though, so you might be able to sneak a second boop.


That is a very boop-able nose. I've got 3 to choose from here. One lets me do it, but asks for pats in payment, one looks offended, but tolerates it, and the other will take my hand off at the wrist if I try more than once :D

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13 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I’m pretty glad Huck sat still and let me take this super cute close up of his boop snoot.

He says you may boop once, but no more unless you want bites with your boops.

He’s kinda tired, though, so you might be able to sneak a second boop.


upclose shot of what I'm grateful for in Second Life


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For SL, I'll pick one:  I am grateful I found the Dinkies as it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my entire life and it's not just the way they look, it's the way they animate.  They animate in such surprising and adorable ways with the dancing and the AO's. 

For real life, I'll pick one:  I'm grateful for three wonderful sisters and my friends.  I hope we all can see each other soon!  

There is lots more too but I am a bit tired today, so I choose to just pick one each because my mind has been on overload too.  But, honestly, there is lots!  


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On 5/28/2020 at 7:04 PM, CharlotteStargazer said:

ETA: coughing is a *****. Excruciating. Not the least bit grateful for that mofo.

Sorry I'm late here. Nobody ever told you the pillow trick?....When needing to cough, place a pillow over your wounded area and pull hard towards yourself...and cough! This usually a 'torso' trick so if your wound is elsewhere ...probably won't work. 

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8 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

Sorry I'm late here. Nobody ever told you the pillow trick?....When needing to cough, place a pillow over your wounded area and pull hard towards yourself...and cough! This usually a 'torso' trick so if your wound is elsewhere ...probably won't work. 

There is something in what you say. When my back does its "I'm gonna knot up so bad you can't stand up much less stand up straight for at least a week if not 4 or more without being in excruciating pain and..." well, let's just say some muscles need to relax a bit before certain organs perform their royal functions upon the throne.

Anyway, what I have to do in order to just be able to walk is find that one knot among many and apply deep pressure, as in accupressure. It doesn't remove any pain really but it does allow me to move and eventually the throne room is no longer a royal pain.

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