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Last Names - Finally Here

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4 hours ago, Maitimo said:

Annoyingly though, while I typed "Maitimo" into the box, and it is showing "Maitimo" correctly here, the tag floating over my head is now "maitimo".  I have a support ticket waiting to see if they can correct that.

The mystery deepens. Apparently it shows in lower case when I have display names visible, and in upper case when I turn them off.  Which is a bit annoying because I like to see other peoples' display names and I don't want to turn them off for everyone. Now I want to see what happens if I remove my own display name altogether, but I don't want to wait a week to put it back.

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@Rhonda Huntress

Can you please confirm with your alt if that dialog bug is present on region server 2020-04-10T18:39:41.540037?

Here are a few regions that are on that version:

  • Sandbox Cordova (public scripts are disabled at low altitude)
  • Magnum Sandbox A
  • Magnum Sandbox 1
  • Magnum Sandbox 2
  • LeTigre Sandbox A
  • LeTigre Sandbox 1
  • LeTigre Sandbox 2
Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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54 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

Apparently it shows in lower case when I have display names visible, and in upper case when I turn them off.

I believe (although I could be wrong) the lowercase thing happens if you've ever set a display name for yourself. If you compare my inworld profile with my partner's, he has changed his display name a few times, so his username always shows above his head as daros.jewell, whereas I have never set a display name and mine shows as Skell Dagger. (Note: I always have display names on.)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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6 hours ago, Maitimo said:

You can; that's why "Resident" is one of the options on the list. If you choose that, it will strip the last name and your username will be just your first name (assuming no-one else already has it).

This is the option that's most appealing to me at this stage; and the first name I want appears to be not taken yet... Still not sure if it's appealing enough to be worth spending about £35 on it though...

Obviously, you chose to spend the money!

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4 hours ago, H8 said:

What? I think you didn't really understand what I mean. :) So let me phrase it better and in more detail to avoid more confusion.

Good luck finding a name that's not taken when you make A NEW account. People are still forced to choose names like xXxYoloSwagxXx420 because EVERYTHING* is taken

I made one recently, took like 2-3 days and tried about 1000 names until find something available and usable. So yes, this is absolutely disgusting on LL's part not to enable second names in the account creation form. It's obvious what are they trying to do. Shame on them for creating artificial problems and charge for their solution.

* Pretty and usable names that don't consist of two words

I used a fantasy name generator. I got many possible names. I used maybe half an hour. I am not sure if I will spend money to give the alt a last name. It looks okay with Resident as the last name.

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2 hours ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

Not the same, I dont even want resident on my name. Just my first name. family names.. last names are pointless really. its not like you are a member of that family really.

which is why my display name is just one name. no last name at all.

Last names are kinda fun. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t make them pointless. Your opinion is just one of many in a vast spectrum of opinions when, in truth, it’s down to individual preference and desire. I have been in SL for 13 years now and I think the return of last names is kinda neat. And even though you don’t technically belong to a family that has that last name, it does give you a fun sense of community and in the past people have formed families, groups and collectives that consisted of only people who had a specific name as well as built businesses, brands and products on said last name. If you don’t like your last name then you are now free to change it and just have your first name. Same as I’m free to change mine on this account.

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4 hours ago, H8 said:

Good luck finding a name that's not taken when you make A NEW account. People are still forced to choose names like xXxYoloSwagxXx420 because EVERYTHING* is taken

I made one recently, took like 2-3 days and tried about 1000 names until find something available and usable. So yes, this is absolutely disgusting on LL's part not to enable second names in the account creation form. It's obvious what are they trying to do. Shame on them for creating artificial problems and charge for their solution.

Welcome to 2009!  This was always a frustrating part of the First Name / Surname from a List system, even back in the Olden Days.  You just have to be...more creative than ten thousand other people, no problem at all!

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:



Yesterday, someone commented saying they would give up their last name if they could.  Out of curiosity, I checked and their first name is currently NOT being used -- with the Resident surname.  That name did not contain any xxx's or numbers.

My most recently created alt was last April.  I created 3 at that time and didn't have too much trouble with the names and none of them have any xxx's or numbers.


Try to use a single name, not something made of joined words :)

13 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

I used a fantasy name generator. I got many possible names. I used maybe half an hour. I am not sure if I will spend money to give the alt a last name. It looks okay with Resident as the last name.

So did I. But for me had to be made of one word, not to sound completely outlandish, to sound beautiful and had a preference for the first letter. It's not easy...but it could be if we had second names which expands the available pool of options by .. infinity


Edited by H8
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22 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

I believe (although I could be wrong) the lowercase thing happens if you've ever set a display name for yourself. If you compare my inworld profile with my partner's, he has changed his display name a few times, so his username always shows above his head as daros.jewell, whereas I have never set a display name and mine shows as Skell Dagger. (Note: I always have display names on.)

That'll be it then. I have had a display name for a while; when I removed it and reset to my new account name, it showed correctly. I've asked the Lab to close the ticket.

22 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Obviously, you chose to spend the money!

I did! I think I'm crazy but I was so happy to find that the name I really wanted all along was actually available, and I didn't want to risk leaving it too late and losing my chance. Expensive, but for me, worth every penny.

4 hours ago, H8 said:

Good luck finding a name that's not taken when you make A NEW account. People are still forced to choose names like xXxYoloSwagxXx420 because EVERYTHING* is taken

Apparently not. I got a single word name of 7 letters, and it's not even a random made-up word; its the name of a character from Tolkien's Silmarillion. I can't believe that in ten years, no-one ever picked it. There are sure to be others.

Edited by Maitimo
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52 minutes ago, Maitimo said:


Apparently not. I got a single word name of 7 letters, and it's not even a random made-up word; its the name of a character from Tolkien's Silmarillion. I can't believe that in ten years, no-one ever picked it. There are sure to be others.

Apparently, you got lucky and this is purely anecdotal. But that's not the case for most people who have to use numbers in their name because name is taken. Unless you think people generally love to have numbers in the name like some robots or products. Just go to a busy sim and look around - all those names are evidence the system is bad. Not only that but it brings RMT(real money  trading). People sell old names for money on certain forums. You will see threads like selling legacy name Michael XXXXX.

But it's alright, now newcomers can pick whatever name and pay for a premium and 48$(20% VAT included) to feel normal. Yay.

Also I remember something about free name change for selected family names but maybe I'm mistaken?

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1 hour ago, Maitimo said:

I did! I think I'm crazy but I was so happy to find that the name I really wanted all along was actually available, and I didn't want to risk leaving it too late and losing my chance. Expensive, but for me, worth every penny.

Exactly this. I've gotten very attached to a particular name, and I wanted that name. The last name is less important to me, although I do like the idea of having one. When I had my first SL account, I always enjoyed running into another Greenwood.

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2 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Can you please confirm with your alt if that dialog bug is present on region server 2020-04-10T18:39:41.540037?

I can confirm it. Waiting for 540037 was the first thing I did on wednesday before adding more info to my ticket (still no 2nd reply, when 1st one was saying they are investigating and asked me if re-rezzing objects fixes it). Just re-tested it now on LeTigre Sandbox 1 with new object and new example script from the wiki.

However I went to check some stores too, where owners changed their names and before their names on dialog window on their vendors and furniture did show the old ones too, now it shows new ones. I'm not sure if they had support to help them or it sorted out itself, server version on their region is 2020-04-03T19:49:49.539684 . Region name is Cerberus Crossing if you want to check yourself (stores are [CerberusXing]  and Ghoul). At the same time Apple Fall creator/owner still has old name on his furniture and vendors.

Maybe it really is just very delayed for that part. Assuming it did sort out itself and those who finally have it fixed did change their names right away, it would be ~5 full days to take the effect. I did change mine around ~14 hours later, so if that's the case it should take effect in 12 hours or so. I'll post an update whenever/if it does.

Edited by steeljane42
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39 minutes ago, Chaotic Paragorn said:

Has anyone heard whether the legacy surnames will make a come back at some point for selection or are they completely retired?   

LL has specifically said that the original last names will NOT be returning.

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12 hours ago, Chaotic Paragorn said:

Has anyone heard whether the legacy surnames will make a come back at some point for selection or are they completely retired?   

All 'full' names (firstname lastname) in SL are single use. Once someone has claimed a full name no one else can ever use it, even if the account it was attached to has been long abandoned.

So while they could technically bring back an old last name, all the useful first names will remain long gone .. meaning there isn't really any point.

Worth mentioning that if you choose to rename an account with an old last name, you can keep that old last name, but you're going to have hell of a time finding a first name to go with it that isn't junk.


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6 hours ago, Sylvannas Zulaman said:

I don't know if someone posted it, but how often will the last name list change? I do want to change my username, but this first list has nothing interesting for me.

The list changes randomly.  Here's what LL says in the FAQ


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I humbly suggest that LL reverse their previous practice and instead replace names that aren’t used. Nobody picked you in two weeks? You’re done. A popular last name in the past would have many thousands of “family” members. How long to sell even 500 Novas? And since according to cynics this is nothing but a cash grab, why sacrifice your best earners?? 

Probably confirmation bias but I’m seeing new names constantly in busy groups and sims. So who knows. Waiting patiently for a new crop of names. 

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On 4/18/2020 at 8:56 PM, Lucia Nightfire said:

Can you please confirm with your alt if that dialog bug is present

Updating after today's roll (quoting you since you asked before).

Second Life Server 2020-04-16T22:38:28.540369 does work correctly and returns the new name in dialog box.

Second Life Server 2020-04-14T23:08:20.540213 still returns old name in dialog box, exactly like main channel on Second Life Server 2020-04-03T19:49:49.539684 .

Edit. Guess I'll post it to deploy plans for the week thread as well, which is hopefully monitored by some LL people, unlike random threads in GD forum

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On 4/15/2020 at 11:54 AM, Evangeline Ling said:

People changing their name does not take them off your block/mute list or even your derender list if you use a 3rd party viewer.  This is not an issue

Every SL avatar has a key... it is a unique number code that is permanently attached to your avatar no matter how many times you change your name.

That is helpful for those that I have blocked, but not so much for those I didn't get around to blocking, but it does help that they remain in those lists.  I won't be able to recognize someone who merely irritated me but I will still have protection from those who motivated me enough to take some action.  It's better than nothing.  Thank you for explaining.

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/me meanders into the thread to see what more could possibly be said about last names....


I made lots of alts with the last name of resident and never had any problem coming up with names that had not been chosen before.  I never had to resort to numbers either. I would just choose a first and last name and run them together, then put the space in via the change display name option

Edited by kali Wylder
more to say
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On 4/15/2020 at 1:36 PM, Rhonda Huntress said:

Salty I can almost get.  Especially if you say it tastes like warm Salty egg whites.

Jazzhands?  Is that a masturbation reference maybe? 

/me shrugs.
Anything can be made to sound dirty I guess.

Rule 34.  There is sex of it.  not just porn... if something exists, there's sex of it. snorts.

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20 hours ago, missyrideout said:

Waiting patiently for a new crop of names. 


should a name appear on the list that I feel I just must have then I will get it. Until then I will leave it

if I ever do change my last name then I would prefer (but not absolutely) something starting with M.  The M's on the current list are ok, just not for me

seems quite a few people have changed their names already and I am happy for them

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45 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

/me meanders into the thread to see what more could possibly be said about last names....


I have one more thing to say about the Last Names............. Why in world did they NOT alphabetize the freakin list?  Before, we had a dropdown list and it was alphabetized.


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35 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I have one more thing to say about the Last Names............. Why in world did they NOT alphabetize the freakin list?  Before, we had a dropdown list and it was alphabetized.


Dear Linden, this ^^

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