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I just renewed my SL 1 year premium subscription.  I have to question if I made a mistake?

Why is the Group Gift from back 3/4 of a year and SL 16B?

I have been paying LL for new content with my subscription. Isn't that supposed to be part of the package? And yes my Avi is standing right now at the kiosk,. yet again.  I just re-uoed for another year as I said. Did I make a mistake? Is LL so focused on Sansar that they do not really care about SL anymore? I spend 12+ hours in SL daily with friends and family. I sure as heck have no desire to wear some bulky goggles all that time. What has happened to enabling SL other than BoM?  Higher prices, higher transaction rates. Where is the incentive? I really want to know?

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They care greatly about SL. The intensive work on the Bellisseria project proves this. I do fear the fairly vicious cranking of prices will have a lashback though, yes, especially for mesh creators, likely to decide 'T'aint worth the work anymore'. I could be wrong, of course, I often am.

Edited by rasterscan
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21 minutes ago, ClarissaChase said:

I just renewed my SL 1 year premium subscription.  I have to question if I made a mistake?

Why is the Group Gift from back 3/4 of a year and SL 16B?

I have been paying LL for new content with my subscription. Isn't that supposed to be part of the package? And yes my Avi is standing right now at the kiosk,. yet again.  I just re-uoed for another year as I said. Did I make a mistake? Is LL so focused on Sansar that they do not really care about SL anymore? I spend 12+ hours in SL daily with friends and family. I sure as heck have no desire to wear some bulky goggles all that time. What has happened to enabling SL other than BoM?  Higher prices, higher transaction rates. Where is the incentive? I really want to know?

A few hundred new and very popular Linden Homes regions.

And if you decided to go premium for the premium gifts... well... that doesn't say a lot about your sense of value for money.

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Yeah, the gifts are only very rarely worth picking up.

Same is true of merchant gifts, to be honest. There are exceptions in both categories -- for Premium gifts I'm thinking of the Mole's SLRR handcar from years ago -- but as a general rule they're straight to trash after rezzing.

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2 hours ago, ClarissaChase said:

Isn't that supposed to be part of the package?

I spend 12+ hours in SL daily with friends and family.

What has happened to enabling SL other than BoM?  Higher prices, higher transaction rates. Where is the incentive? I really want to know?

to the first: yes and you get it, and it's never ever been very usefull.
to the second... not clue what that has to do with being premium or not
to the third; you'r very unreasonable now ... there were LOTS of updates, upgrades and usefull changes past year(s) ( also less usefull, but thats not the point now)

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3 hours ago, ClarissaChase said:

Why is the Group Gift from back 3/4 of a year and SL 16B?

For some reason, not all the Premium Gift kiosks are being updated. For example - in the (hidden) Premium SLRR region (I forget the region names right now) there are four Gift Kiosks (one on each region) - At least one of them, perhaps two are still giving out the old SL16B gifts. But following one of the Linden Lab Blog links takes you to one in the same region area, different kiosk and it gives an up-to-date Premium gift. Perhaps @Patch Linden can send a Mole to have a look at it.

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If you really want it, you can get the LDPW - Winter Premium Decorating Kit 2019 (I assume that is the latest premium gift) at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sandbox Astutula/72/22/52


2 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

For some reason, not all the Premium Gift kiosks are being updated.

Seems they've switched from their own delivery system to CasperVend recently. I suppose they haven't updated all the kiosks yet.

Edited by ChinRey
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I am glad I brought about some healthy discussion. 

My point was not that I want the free gifts. It was that, as others have confirmed, the free gifts we pay for are not being provided. 

Where is LL's effort going? 

That is what I worry about. If you are on this thread then you must care about our second lives as I do. 

That was my point and my worry.  Apologies if I offended anyone. I own two businesses and customers are drying up. What is LL doing to bring more people into SL again?

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8 minutes ago, ClarissaChase said:

I am glad I brought about some healthy discussion. 

My point was not that I want the free gifts. It was that, as others have confirmed, the free gifts we pay for are not being provided. 

Where is LL's effort going? 

That is what I worry about. If you are on this thread then you must care about our second lives as I do. 

That was my point and my worry.  Apologies if I offended anyone. I own two businesses and customers are drying up. What is LL doing to bring more people into SL again?

Linden Lab is much smaller after the layoffs and folks leaving voluntarily (and not being replaced).  We don't know all the numbers or all the missing people but we do know there are a lot less and noticeably so. The work hasn't diminished and there are fewer people to do it. There is your answer. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
adding info
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7 hours ago, ClarissaChase said:

I just renewed my SL 1 year premium subscription.  I have to question if I made a mistake?

Why is the Group Gift from back 3/4 of a year and SL 16B?

I have been paying LL for new content with my subscription. Isn't that supposed to be part of the package? And yes my Avi is standing right now at the kiosk,. yet again.  I just re-uoed for another year as I said. Did I make a mistake? Is LL so focused on Sansar that they do not really care about SL anymore? I spend 12+ hours in SL daily with friends and family. I sure as heck have no desire to wear some bulky goggles all that time. What has happened to enabling SL other than BoM?  Higher prices, higher transaction rates. Where is the incentive? I really want to know?

There was never a promise to release new Premium gifts annually, only that there would be a gift available, and they would be exclusive to Premium members. But they are certainly not focused on Sansar; their biggest focus of the past 12 months has been the new Linden Homes in Bellisseria which have been so popular that there isn't anywhere enough of them (yet) to meet demand. Once they reach the stage where there's enough Bellisserian homes to meet the demand for them, I'm sure that the Moles will move on to other things, including building new Premium gifts.

And Bakes on Mesh isn't a Premium-only benefit; anyone can use it if they want to.

But if none of the Premium benefits are of personal value to you, the solution is simple; cancel your subscription and go back to Basic. Linden Lab won't mind; there are enough people who have upgraded to get a Bellisserian home (myself included) to keep them happy for a while.

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2 hours ago, ClarissaChase said:

Where is LL's effort going? 

Mostly into the new Linden homes. They even been neglecting Linden Realms because the demand for Linden homes has been so high. It's been 2 months since they shut the Realms down for "repairs" that are done by the moles, who are also the ones building the Linden homes and regions for those homes.

I'm sure things will return to "LL normal" when the demand for the new homes eases up enough that they can cut some of the moles loose to work on the other things that need attention like the Realms.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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11 hours ago, ClarissaChase said:

Why is the Group Gift from back 3/4 of a year and SL 16B?

Others have already mentioned the Christmas/winter gifts, but there was also Halloween decorating gifts available last September:



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5 hours ago, ClarissaChase said:

Where is LL's effort going?

Not into Premium gifts but that's nothing new. It shouldn't take a reasonably skilled builder more than a day or two at most to make a simple little build like a typical premium gift and the work hours are the only expense. New premium gifts are released four times a year and timed to coincide with LL's regular premium membership campaigns. If ten users a year decide to go premium because of the gifts, LL should make more money from them that they spend.

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The typical Premium decor gift these days has crazy high Land Impact. I think the creators know how to cut those by a lot but... well, check out some of the Mole trees in Bellisseria. They look nice enough but check their LIs, then pull the cam back a half region or so. I haven't confirmed in Firestorm but it sure seems as if they pretty much copied the highest LoD geometry all the way down. That would make everything a lot easier and encourage landowners to trade up to larger parcels (although that's not such a benefit on the Linden protected land of Bellisseria, so maybe this is just how they make content).

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

The typical Premium decor gift these days has crazy high Land Impact. I think the creators know how to cut those by a lot but... well, check out some of the Mole trees in Bellisseria. They look nice enough but check their LIs, then pull the cam back a half region or so. I haven't confirmed in Firestorm but it sure seems as if they pretty much copied the highest LoD geometry all the way down.

Yes, from what I can see, they don't make LoD models at all, they just bodge them with the uploader's built-in decimator. And since they thankfully don't go for LoD butchery, they have to crank up the triangle counts, increasing both the land impact and lag. The 31 LI "standard" Bellisseria tree, for example, could easily have been done at 5-10 LI, possibly even less. That particular tree may not have been made manually btw but rather generated with Tree[d] which of course also would increase the LI quite a bit. (I'm not sure about this; both the angular "broken" branch look and the foliage configuration are typical for Tree[d] but it's also possible somebody could make a mesh in a similar style manually.)

The excessive land impact doesn't matter for the Moles' own builds of course (although the extra lag does) but a for a regular user prims quotas can be expensive so we want to make as much out of it as possible.

Edited by ChinRey
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17 hours ago, rasterscan said:

They care greatly about SL. The intensive work on the Bellisseria project proves this. I do fear the fairly vicious cranking of prices will have a lashback though, yes, especially for mesh creators, likely to decide 'T'aint worth the work anymore'. I could be wrong, of course, I often am.

The price changes are a mixed bag. Still for those making digital content the Linden fee is way less than most digital markets charge.

The goal is to shift cost from land to merchandise. 

SL still has the largest market of any 'game'. On a good day OpenSim has 300 concurrent users. In SL at 3AM SLT there are 28,000+ concurrent users. I doubt there will be much push back.

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