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Those crazy neighbors...

Trinity Blakewell

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13 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

It looks like as if there is a competition going on who can build the highest (and ugliest) add-on on top of houseboat. 🙄
The one in the front is much higher than 15 meters. The one at the background is higher than 15 meters too.


Has no one noticed the one between them; is that not within theme also? Just asking.

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The really sad part is  all the hard work the team and moles put into the hb trad vic and campers and the land and water  and how these show such little regard for all the work and time. spent to give us all a beautiful second life home I just feel that if they thought about  all the hard work and dedication and love the teams and moles put into building ,,,,,, they might want to try to enhance it not devalue it ,,,, to me it shows lack of appreciation....

I just came from a friends trad and the new neighbor has decided to do almost the whole lawn in cement !!!  And some how has managed to get their tree and other items outside the yellow boundary lines ,,,,,    It was a beautiful plot before and now it looks like could be a wendys parking lot   or something commercial they are planning on doing ,,,,, . I guess we have to have  booklet  owners manuel  with pics of this is ok and this is not   when getting a home .... shaking head ,,,, 




Edited by roseelvira
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49 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Has no one noticed the one between them; is that not within theme also? Just asking.

Well... I surely have - my eyes tell me that it's not quite within the theme. :/ My houseboat is between those two green houseboats. When I came to that place then only few houseboats had been taken. It was very nice looking place to be; not so much anymore.

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welll maybe  something like remove it  or modify it to fit theme if not  it gets removed  owner  also a financial fine of lindens ,,,, or no stipens ,,,,, in the rl  usa  state   i live in if you are out of  land code you are given a hefty fine to pay ,,  and then the lindens  could go to the  moles  ,,,, as overtime pay since they have to clean up those messes

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There is a traditional house I've picked up at least 4 times over the past couple of weeks, which has a crummy kind of property placement, so I wouldn't keep it no matter what but...aside from that across the street someone has erected a huge obelisk monument nearly as tall as their home engraved with their rules on how to be a good neighbor.

I mean, seriously? I am sure that that is the reason,more than the poor land site, that is keeping people from making their home there.  I mean you can easily derender the darn thing but you already know you don't want to live next door to those people. It's like waving a big "Go Away" sign  at people. SMDH

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19 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

Aww is that Abnor's roadside monument? (Check for original creator @Abnor Mole?) someone hugeified it? If so you can find them all over the place on small parcels on mainland roads. Not sure what the history is, but I do know that Papa mole did not distribute them (just saw Beth's reply)

Abnor wrote somewhere that he made the obelisk because he was sad at some of the ugliness he saw on the Mainland. He said these are 'suggestions' rather than rules.  They are free to copy. 


Edited by Rufferta
Pressed the button too soon.
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I suggested 24 hours because if someone IS just testing something and -poof- it’s gone within a day, if it’s reported, then there will be follow up...someone has to read the report, log in, go there, rez in, hunt about, etc...and these reports could slow them from more quickly getting to a still-existing nuisance down the road. But then there’s something to be said for quick, repeated reporting that will build the case for preventing that one annoying neighbor from continuing to rez any number of against-the-covenant things and just leaving them out ‘for the day’ pretty often too. So I guess it’s up to the individual what to report and when. I’m not really sure what actually happens to offending items besides them getting sent back? If you have a neighbor who repeatedly breaks the covenant (and we all know there will be a few), what’s the end result? 

Also ‘presentable and in-theme’ are both highly subjective terms. Especially the first. Else why do I see people putting things like horse barns in a residential neighborhood, very strange vegetation combos of things that never grow together in proximity, and some people looking like they will leave things like strings of ‘holiday lights’ up all year? And yep, the latter is also RL example that gets reported and is something people really fight over. I think it’s OK on the campers but wouldn’t be for the Victorians. Some of it is ‘because pretend pixel world’, of course...there’s no smell or noise or need of corral and exercise for SL horses so ofc you can keep them ‘in your back yard’ in SLuburbia...but is it ‘in theme’? 

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22 hours ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

OMG what is wrong with those people!!! Do they not know how ugly their builds look? It's only second life so it doesn't matter?

This is nothing compared to mainland...

I had some images a long time back of what Zindra looked like when it first started... they're all NSFW and I'm not sure if they're even still online... but it was... horrid..

In as SFW as possible terms... imagine the walls not lining up - not even at right angles and gaps in the seams... now imagine the inside and outside walls are just textures of images pulled from XXX-sites.

Now make random parts of it full bright and/or glow... slap a floor and ceiling prim that don't even match the dimensions or angles of the building...

Put a sculpty 'male item' out front as a 'fountain'...

Call it a day...


Because there was no covenant that took a LONG time to clear out... those guys eventually failed to pay tier or clustered away from everyone else so I almost never see them anymore... almost...

With the covenant here... things can be a bit more proactive... but these 'modern messes' are a lot less severe that what SL used to suffer with.

It's no wonder to me that the 'boom' of SL busted and the 'mainstream' left... most people don't put up with unregulated chaos / anarchy. Even Libertarians, when faced with actual Libertarian 'whoever has the most money wins'; flee... If they'd had a covenant like this one back in 2003... things might have been different.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
Had some messy grammer and spelling as the cold medicine hadn't kicked in yet...
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11 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

As neighbours we have the possibility to derender things, so it's hidden quite easy, but often it's a symptom of how the neighbour will proceed, and that's something that should be prevented by informing in time.

Also we don't want to put a sign over Bellisseria that says "requires Firestorm Viewer to use"... :P


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3 minutes ago, missyrideout said:

And just cuz Abnor Mole made it doesn't mean we need to see it here. So, relating to people above who said they moved because someone had a giant obelisk in their yard. Hope that helps. 

not really helping ... you say to make a new one, but that not needed, not because of the theme, but because in contradiction to mainland, Bellisseria has a covenant with the rules.

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44 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

Also ‘presentable and in-theme’ are both highly subjective terms. Especially the first. Else why do I see people putting things like horse barns in a residential neighborhood, very strange vegetation combos of things that never grow together in proximity, and some people looking like they will leave things like strings of ‘holiday lights’ up all year? And yep, the latter is also RL example that gets reported and is something people really fight over. I think it’s OK on the campers but wouldn’t be for the Victorians. Some of it is ‘because pretend pixel world’, of course...there’s no smell or noise or need of corral and exercise for SL horses so ofc you can keep them ‘in your back yard’ in SLuburbia...but is it ‘in theme’?

Regarding the horses in back yards and the Victorians, that is highly subjective as to being in theme, because at the time those styles of houses were originally built, they probably did have a carriage house and horses.  It depends I think on whether the parcel owner is living in modern times in a restored house, or is imagining living back in the 1800's.  I don't know if you can say that one is more 'in theme' than the other, as the theme doesn't specify a time period to officially be observed. All the questions about where to find 'victorian furniture' and 'victorian plants' that I've seen here in the forums don't help to clarify the time period for the theme either, or the time period that various people are decorating to. 

While I agree that things that are clearly out of theme should be reported, I don't want to feel like there is an HOA (Home Owners Association) board that is continually snooping around nit-picking about every little thing they think might be 'out of place'.  I think people need to feel free to use some creativity in their decor, staying within a broad, general interpretation of the theme, without having to worry that their house will be the focus of comments here.

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