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Do you incorporate RL aspects into your Avy/SL


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For some reason, I thought I'd responded to this thread but apparently not.

My base look for my avatar has a lot of features that are reflective of my real self. Caucasian, quite short, mid-length blonde hair ombre sort of look, large boobs. hazel eyed as I am in SL. Don't wear much makeup - nor does Elora as of late, my appliers are "as is" out of the box usually.  However, I'm a lot older - she is a glorified version of of me when I was in my late 20's/early 30's - mostly in body shape. I'm on the low end of plus size petite or, zoftig as my people say.

Personality wise we are equal. I don't role play. Tried in the past when I first joined. I'm able to but really don't enjoy it so you get the real me completely when you are talking to me.

As for what I wear - that is the big difference. In RL I have no inclination to dress anywhere near the way I do in SL.  I'm a jeans, basic top and Birkenstock shoes kind of girl for both work and home (I'm lucky I don't have to dress up for the office). Black is my go to color of choice top to bottom most of the time. Some boho pieces but most are streamlined, classic and easy to mix/match. I love fashion from an artistic, historic and social point of view, and can throw together a great outfit for Elora but for myself have little desire to dress up. Same with hair, makeup, shoes and accessories.

 I'm happy enough to let SL give me a way to experiment without having to commit to having a closet full of clothing I'll never cut the tags off of in RL 😋


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19 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

For some reason, I thought I'd responded to this thread but apparently not.

My base look for my avatar has a lot of features that are reflective of my real self. Caucasian, quite short, mid-length blonde hair ombre sort of look, large boobs. hazel eyed as I am in SL. Don't wear much makeup - nor does Elora as of late, my appliers are "as is" out of the box usually.  However, I'm a lot older - she is a glorified version of of me when I was in my late 20's/early 30's - mostly in body shape. I'm on the low end of plus size petite or, zoftig as my people say.

Personality wise we are equal. I don't role play. Tried in the past when I first joined. I'm able to but really don't enjoy it so you get the real me completely when you are talking to me.

As for what I wear - that is the big difference. In RL I have no inclination to dress anywhere near the way I do in SL.  I'm a jeans, basic top and Birkenstock shoes kind of girl for both work and home (I'm lucky I don't have to dress up for the office). Black is my go to color of choice top to bottom most of the time. Some boho pieces but most are streamlined, classic and easy to mix/match. I love fashion from an artistic, historic and social point of view, and can throw together a great outfit for Elora but for myself have little desire to dress up. Same with hair, makeup, shoes and accessories.

 I'm happy enough to let SL give me a way to experiment without having to commit to having a closet full of clothing I'll never cut the tags off of in RL 😋


^^^Yep. Black or dark blue Jean's with black trainers (sneakers) is me.

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Am I alone in being short in RL and really tall in SL? I've always wanted to be tall and I just love it. I also have blue eyes in RL and brown in SL, cause I happen to love a pair of brown eyes my friend made years ago and now they are part of who I am in SL. Have to confess my boobs are bigger in SL too. Since my avatar is tall she is also not as thin as I am in RL. With that height you can get away with a little bit of tummy . I'm pretty pleased with myself in both worlds anyway (at least when I wear heels in RL) :).

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It’s an interesting question and I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s responses. Obviously everyone is different, playing SL for different reasons, and of course I think you can draw as much or as little of your RL self into your SL as you wish. There shouldn’t be any limit on this (anyone who criticises an SL resident for misrepresenting themselves in-world has totally missed the point of SL as far as I’m concerned!!!).

Physically In RL I am quite pale, petite and skinny with blonde hair and blue eyes. All these traits I either don’t mind or actually like about myself so I’ve noticed that this carries over into my SL appearance. Even when I try out new things, I always seem to gravitate back to my skin tone, size, hair and eye colour.

What’s different? I enjoy making myself more curvaceous in SL, the curves I don’t have but wish I did in RL. Equally my hair in SL is way longer and more voluminous, the way I wish my hair would be in RL too. I also dress more flamboyantly because I can do so confidently without fear of judgement or reproach.

Personality-wise is where I have a stronger opinion. As much as you may try to adopt a different personality in SL I genuinely don’t believe this is something you can seriously maintain for any length of time, before your real personality slips in!

What’s interesting for me is that I’m sure many people feel more free to express themselves in SL than in RL. So certain personality traits are amplified and allowed to blossom, and this is actually your true personality being given an opportunity to shine rather than being repressed as it might be in RL. This is one of the amazing things about SL! You could almost be considered a truer reflection of your real self in this virtual world than you are in day to day life!

Having said that, I’d be very keen to explore more RP in SL, as I love to act and play different characters! But if you meet me in-world and we chat, there’s no way you’re getting anything other than the real me, for better or worse! 😉

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12 hours ago, Wilma Philbin said:

Am I alone in being short in RL and really tall in SL? 

Not alone; me too. I'm 5'6" in RL and very deliberately 7'1" in SL. But in SL I'm an elf, of the Tolkien/Noldor sort; I'm supposed to be tall. And it kinda bugs me that my SL bf is taller than me, but I can't really go taller in a Maitreya body without looking like a bit of knotted string.

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6 hours ago, MayaSmit said:

Equally my hair in SL is way longer and more voluminous, the way I wish my hair would be in RL too.

Oh, this too, for me. I used to have long hair in RL, up until I was about 30, and I've always thought that men with long hair are hawt. Unfortunately, genes for male pattern baldness run in my family and I got them all.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm a petite, kinda short person in SL. Mostly because my Chloe avi is; but I chose her for reasons, of course. :)

My non-Chloe avis are genetically blonde (*g*), like me, in RL. I don't necessarily try and make em look the same as me, though. Just like they say "Don't dress for the job you have, but for the job you want," I prefer my avis to look more like how I'd like to (still) be, than how am I, per se. A Freudian might call this 'narcissistic identification' (with oneself as object, LOL). And The Matrix calls it 'Residual self-image.' Yeah.

I am rarely entirely different from who I am in RL, though (one or two robot avis notwithstanding).

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I am *Huge* in SL. 

I dont think I can even move the height button any more, its totally maxed out.

I like being tall in SL. I am only 5.5 in real life, but have always had a hankering to be taller.

So, in my SL I love being a *Amazonian*

Everything else about Ditto is based on my real life Woman. She is Me, I am we....

I like to role play in SL,  but, really,  Ditto is Me in a digital form.

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Insofar as I was able, my avatar is me.  There were issues with the Gianni body because even at 0 settings, it's WAY too muscular.  Heck, at 0 settings, it still looks like a professional body builder.  But ignoring the shape of the body, the hair, beard, and wardrobe are all pretty similar.  Heh, in the case of the hair and beard, I liked them so much in SL that I grew the beard then went to a high-end barber to get the haircut and beard shaping of my avatar.  I took some liberties with the face and gave myself a nose job. 

My steady dance partner does the same thing.  Her avatar is basically the 25 year old version of herself.  When we eventually due our RL meeting, we'll both recognize each other.

I don't care about absolute height.  That's just a number.  What I DO care about is the relative heights of myself and my dance partner.  So yes, I got out a spreadsheet, figured the ratios, then set my own height to be proper relative to her avatar height.

In general I much prefer realism in SL... that includes both avatars and environments.  It's often times an odd feeling walking around with non-zero fat sliders, muscles set down at 0, and a moderate height in a world composed of men looking like the incredible hulk and women looking like a Kardashian turned up to 11.

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Mine has been pretty generic i guess.. my avie is Caucasian like me rt(rt= real time) ..and generally i wear blonde hair ..again..something that matches rt. .. she just dresses way better than I would.. and also much more thicc than i am lol. 

I have to admit here.. i draw insp from other avies i see online.. im like "thats the look i want!" .. so lately my style is changing to something a bit more dramatic..thicc booty, black hair and i even shaped my lips to look bigger... 

I love on sl how i can have thicc thighs and butt and still look good, and not have cellulite and stuff..lol.. i wish i looked like my av.. i wish.

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for me, sl is a place where i can dress whatever i want, without having harassment problems, i mean yeah maybe time to time i got stalkers but i can't be raped here right? 🙂 so welcome the sexy clothes i can't wear rl for my security, also it allows me to change my hair faster, i can't make it long in one day in rl or change the color a lot without having consecuences, but in personallity questions, i'm pretty much the same, so i think that's what happens there, you mostly can change the appearance but you will always put part of yourself on the character.
ps: i can't be younger in rl :'c even if i want to

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Yes! Short? Tick. Pale? Tick. Standing around looking shy and awkward? Tick. 

The main difference is that I'm more sociable and likely to approach you and say hello in SL. In RL I tend to avoid people and conversations as much as possible. Lol. 

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On 5/26/2020 at 1:20 PM, kiramanell said:


I had to look up 'tortie' (urban dictionary). What I found was, well... probably not what you meant. 😬 If you did, well, nevermind then. 🤭

Def not whatever you found LOL. But now I am curious...!

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