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What are some of your pet peeves?

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On 5/17/2020 at 3:51 AM, Seicher Rae said:

Current peeve: Seeing fairy wings at Fantasy Faire that I really liked, wanted to buy, and due to misplaced adulting, I did not buy. Now I want those fairy wings. I can't recall the region in which I saw them, let alone the store. "I'll know 'em when I see them!" The Shopping Guide for FF is still up and it was next to useless before FF and is getting more annoying now. It is on Pinterest and it just doesn't work very well. Scroll scroll scroll... and the pages jam after a while. Unresponsive. Wait. Reload. Repeat. AUGH.

THIS, this is why adulting is stoopid. I should never do it. It bites you in the butt every time.

Maybe Static? They made some really nice Fae Wings that where in their store on FF.

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6 hours ago, kiramanell said:

I edit simply because I have a mild form of dyslexia. Sometimes I simply misspell a word, or forget to type a word, or condense two into one, etc. Rather weird. Not all that disturbing, but I rarely make a post without any kind of error. If I edit for content (which I rarely do to begin with), I usually let ppl know.

Same, though my typing mistakes come from long-term use of Gabapentin. Stuff looks right until 1 second after I hit "enter". On the rare occasions I'm actually editing the content of the post, rather than just fixing a flub, I will so note in the post. Otherwise, I don't bother.

(And I had to fix at least three mistakes BEFORE hitting "enter" on this one. 😛)

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4 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

long-term use of Gabapentin

I was so glad they swapped me from that stuff.  My side effects were unbearable.  The Pregablin is not without its side effects but at least I don't wake up covered in blood from where I was trying to scratch my own skin off in the night anymore

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my pet peeve is the forums. You can always count on forums to bring out the worst in people.

I had totally given them(the forums) up from sometime in 2012 to sometime in 2019. Then I was sucked back in.  The infatuation phase.  Some people liked some stuff I said.  Some people remembered me from long ago. I found I like some people I hadn't met before. Then sh#t happened last fall.  My father got sick.  There was this warmhearted thread that started during the winter holiday clusterfu#k. Being possessed with a chronic clinical depression I found it very comforting to post there with people who understood. My dad died in January, then the plague struck.  I developed a dependence on that thread.  Now it's gone. Now I'm sad and angry and I'm going to flounce.


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24 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

my pet peeve is the forums. You can always count on forums to bring out the worst in people.

I had totally given them(the forums) up from sometime in 2012 to sometime in 2019. Then I was sucked back in.  The infatuation phase.  Some people liked some stuff I said.  Some people remembered me from long ago. I found I like some people I hadn't met before. Then sh#t happened last fall.  My father got sick.  There was this warmhearted thread that started during the winter holiday clusterfu#k. Being possessed with a chronic clinical depression I found it very comforting to post there with people who understood. My dad died in January, then the plague struck.  I developed a dependence on that thread.  Now it's gone. Now I'm sad and angry and I'm going to flounce.


Start another thread, kali. YOU can start a new thread, kali.

I'd had it with the old one, and because of covid, I have found myself with more clarity than I've ever had in my life before. Crystal. Clarity. 

Opening up on that other thread was a massive mistake for some people. That's why it had to be killed off.

Start a new thread, kali. YOU start a new thread. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
for paragraph spacing - still doesn't sound as I would like kali to hear it sound
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4 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

my pet peeve is the forums. You can always count on forums to bring out the worst in people.

I had totally given them(the forums) up from sometime in 2012 to sometime in 2019. Then I was sucked back in.  The infatuation phase.  Some people liked some stuff I said.  Some people remembered me from long ago. I found I like some people I hadn't met before. Then sh#t happened last fall.  My father got sick.  There was this warmhearted thread that started during the winter holiday clusterfu#k. Being possessed with a chronic clinical depression I found it very comforting to post there with people who understood. My dad died in January, then the plague struck.  I developed a dependence on that thread.  Now it's gone. Now I'm sad and angry and I'm going to flounce.


I depended on that thread too and yesterday was up for the fight to pull it back on track.  Then today I was just too tired and will just let the trolls think they won. They didn't.  I however have very good memories of the people who connected on that thread.  We may not ever speak elsewhere but I am very aware of the good people who helped each other.  Maybe in time we can recreate it.  

BTW Prince flounce 💗

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I don't think there are as many new trolls/disagreeable people around as it may seem. It does appear to have coincided with the arrival of our new spammer friend, and while I don't think that person is all of them, I'm pretty sure they account for quite a few of them. They are exactly like a sociopathic troll I knew some years ago on another forum who took on various different approaches. It really could be the same person.

There are a few accounts that are so obviously operated by the same individual that it's absolutely painful to watch. I mean proper pig in a wig stuff. 

I really don't think there are as many of these individuals around as there seem to be.

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1 hour ago, kali Wylder said:

my pet peeve is the forums. You can always count on forums to bring out the worst in people.

I had totally given them(the forums) up from sometime in 2012 to sometime in 2019. Then I was sucked back in.  The infatuation phase.  Some people liked some stuff I said.  Some people remembered me from long ago. I found I like some people I hadn't met before. Then sh#t happened last fall.  My father got sick.  There was this warmhearted thread that started during the winter holiday clusterfu#k. Being possessed with a chronic clinical depression I found it very comforting to post there with people who understood. My dad died in January, then the plague struck.  I developed a dependence on that thread.  Now it's gone. Now I'm sad and angry and I'm going to flounce.


Same, but different. :)

I also quit the forums some time ago (2012? 11?) and returned May 2019. Sucked in, as you say. It was fun. I didn't have the family issues, but I also enjoyed (? not exactly the right word) the thread that has now been killed. Others are in danger, by the same crowd.

I'm not flouncing, merely doing a very slow stroll outwards. A lazy flounce? Life is too short, besides, been there, done that, have the trophy for that from many years ago.

I love the Prince flounce gif!!!! It is perfect in every way. :)

I'm doing more like:








Edited by Seicher Rae
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47 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I depended on that thread too and yesterday was up for the fight to pull it back on track.  Then today I was just too tired and will just let the trolls think they won. They didn't.  I however have very good memories of the people who connected on that thread.  We may not ever speak elsewhere but I am very aware of the good people who helped each other.  Maybe in time we can recreate it.  

BTW Prince flounce 💗

Yes. There were some good people on that thread, and I will always be very fond of you specifically. Every time I place a shopping order and actually find a time slot I wonder if I should let you know I got one - I hope you are still able to book some at times handy for you. And I like you were able to open up and didn't come to any harm because of it. You genuinely have a lot on your plate, but have good coping mechanisms and don't ever bring others down. I think you are quite a special person actually.

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I said it to someone else and I' ll say it here : The " How are you feeling today ? " - thread had it' s downfall by those who abused it to make sure other threads were closed or threatened with closure by their constant mysandric attacks accusing other posters of mysoginy and attacking or insulting them, hurrying back to said thread for sympathy and rally support.

I feel sorry for those who have lost the thread to vent personal issues, but I' m glad the thread was closed.

The toxicity will continue, I' m sure, but the safe haven for that is thankfully gone.

Edited by TDD123
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my pet peeve forumites who cant handle someone not playing by their rules who think they are special or important or awesome and should be respected because of their over inflated egos or age on the forums or number of posts or reputation point level. and then someone comes around and pops their little balloon and they cant deal with it. cant stand the heat stay out of fire. dont come slinging mud if you cant stand to be dirtied yourself. think the forums will remain your cozy little place all the time. no its not going to happen. times change, all things change, nothing stays the same forever. if you cant handle people disagreeing with you on any level at all on any topic at all, maybe your not really ready for the internet as much as you think you are or play at being or try and make others think or believe.

be careful who call or insinuate is a troll. you just might make that person decide to become one because you labeled them such enough times they dont care anymore. at that point all your insults to them will mean nothing, all your attempts at trying to seem better will fall to way side and you will just reveal yourself as a troll as well. all your vanity and ego will turn inward on you and eat you alive as you try to fight something you cannot win because you have become what you hated.

you might think your better than them. in the end your not and never was. just it took them to make you see just how evil or dark or rude you could get if pushed far enough. in the end you have only yourself to blame you failed, you lost and they did win even if you cannot see it or accept it.

thats the major problem with taking anything to serious on any forums anywhere on the internet there will be someone you will not like or agree with and you cannot change them or force them or intimidate or bully or shame or embarrass them. they have been there done that, been through it before and no longer can be hurt by those who think they can. prod them goad them attack them, label them make snarky or witty or sarcastic comments about them and it means nothing at the end of the day to them. you begin to mean nothing, your opinion your views, your values, your ethics, your ideals.. nothing..you become nothing...you become a nipc in their life. nothing you say then will or can effect them anymore. but you will continue to try because you still think your better when your not. that they have to play by your 'playground' rules but they dont. 

you can either run and hide or continue to push and attack either way you still loose.

Never personalize or internalize anything said by anyone on the internet. If they dont know you and have not walked in your shoes, their words mean nothing, have no power, no control, no effect but what you chose to give to them.

If you get angry or upset or mad at what they do, that is YOU problem and not a them problem. Your just not ready or capable of understanding that yet.

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22 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

Been there, done that.  Got the Tshirt.

My post didn't sound like I wanted it to sound. 

It didn't sound right in my own head, not even when I'd edited it.

Just remember though that there is no actual safe place when putting information on a public viewed forum.

If you felt supported, I am glad for you, truly glad. I felt kicked when I was down, and had to find support elsewhere. 

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19 minutes ago, Modulated said:

I am really peeved by people who constantly make jabs at people and when people do it back, they have a meltdown and have their threads deleted or they threaten to leave the forums. 😠

Ah well, certain people have an agenda, and other people don't really understand that, and get drawn into pointless arguments.

Good job we've all been given the gift of time with the covid thingummy.

(Except some of us haven't ! - Another pet peeve, when people think we've all been given the gift of time!!!)

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35 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

my pet peeve forumites who cant handle someone not playing by their rules who think they are special or important or awesome and should be respected because of their over inflated egos or age on the forums or number of posts or reputation point level. and then someone comes around and pops their little balloon and they cant deal with it. cant stand the heat stay out of fire. dont come slinging mud if you cant stand to be dirtied yourself. think the forums will remain your cozy little place all the time. no its not going to happen. times change, all things change, nothing stays the same forever. if you cant handle people disagreeing with you on any level at all on any topic at all, maybe your not really ready for the internet as much as you think you are or play at being or try and make others think or believe.

be careful who call or insinuate is a troll. you just might make that person decide to become one because you labeled them such enough times they dont care anymore. at that point all your insults to them will mean nothing, all your attempts at trying to seem better will fall to way side and you will just reveal yourself as a troll as well. all your vanity and ego will turn inward on you and eat you alive as you try to fight something you cannot win because you have become what you hated.

you might think your better than them. in the end your not and never was. just it took them to make you see just how evil or dark or rude you could get if pushed far enough. in the end you have only yourself to blame you failed, you lost and they did win even if you cannot see it or accept it.

thats the major problem with taking anything to serious on any forums anywhere on the internet there will be someone you will not like or agree with and you cannot change them or force them or intimidate or bully or shame or embarrass them. they have been there done that, been through it before and no longer can be hurt by those who think they can. prod them goad them attack them, label them make snarky or witty or sarcastic comments about them and it means nothing at the end of the day to them. you begin to mean nothing, your opinion your views, your values, your ethics, your ideals.. nothing..you become nothing...you become a nipc in their life. nothing you say then will or can effect them anymore. but you will continue to try because you still think your better when your not. that they have to play by your 'playground' rules but they dont. 

you can either run and hide or continue to push and attack either way you still loose.

Never personalize or internalize anything said by anyone on the internet. If they dont know you and have not walked in your shoes, their words mean nothing, have no power, no control, no effect but what you chose to give to them.

If you get angry or upset or mad at what they do, that is YOU problem and not a them problem. Your just not ready or capable of understanding that yet.

wait a minute here, I don't give a hoot about rules, and I don't think I am special, important or awesome.  I don't want any special privileges,  but I do think civil discourse should be civil.  On the other hand, I find you to be rather lacking in civility.  You seem to think that we all should be rough and tough like you or get out of the kitchen. I've got news for you, showing vulnerability does not make you weak, it makes you strong.

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11 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

wait a minute here, I don't give a hoot about rules, and I don't think I am special, important or awesome.  I don't want any special privileges,  but I do think civil discourse should be civil.  On the other hand, I find you to be rather lacking in civility.  You seem to think that we all should be rough and tough like you or get out of the kitchen. I've got news for you, showing vulnerability does not make you weak, it makes you strong.

there is a point in time where civility no longer has a place in a discussion if you have not learned this yet, then you still have more to learn about life. start firing bullets be ready for the hail storm that might come back your way. 

never said everyone has to be rough like me. just dont expect me to be soft like you or others. never said being vulnerable made you weak, but if you think someone has to cowtow to your opinions or views or be seen as mean or rude or a troll, thats a you problem not a me problem.

to those who I trust i can be quite vulnerable and open. those who I dont, well you get to see the stabby, stabby, stomp, crush, destroy side of me if pushed. I dont pull punches if its not warranted. and some of my punches were not warranted at being pulled just because someone else thought they were.

some here on these forums are a bit uppity because of their time here and think everyone should treat them special, sorry thats not the case.

heres a little secret you might not know and probably dont care about. im actually a submissive, but also a brat, not the nice kind of brat.

if you think this is me being rude or mean.. you really know nothing about me at all. nor do I really have to care what you think or feel about me either or how I respond here. that again is a you problem and not a me problem.

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2 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Including you hoo !



Well, I did say everyone.


1 hour ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

my pet peeve forumites who cant handle someone not playing by their rules who think they are special or important or awesome and should be respected because of their over inflated egos or age on the forums or number of posts or reputation point level. and then someone comes around and pops their little balloon and they cant deal with it. cant stand the heat stay out of fire. dont come slinging mud if you cant stand to be dirtied yourself. think the forums will remain your cozy little place all the time. no its not going to happen. times change, all things change, nothing stays the same forever. if you cant handle people disagreeing with you on any level at all on any topic at all, maybe your not really ready for the internet as much as you think you are or play at being or try and make others think or believe.

be careful who call or insinuate is a troll. you just might make that person decide to become one because you labeled them such enough times they dont care anymore. at that point all your insults to them will mean nothing, all your attempts at trying to seem better will fall to way side and you will just reveal yourself as a troll as well. all your vanity and ego will turn inward on you and eat you alive as you try to fight something you cannot win because you have become what you hated.

you might think your better than them. in the end your not and never was. just it took them to make you see just how evil or dark or rude you could get if pushed far enough. in the end you have only yourself to blame you failed, you lost and they did win even if you cannot see it or accept it.

thats the major problem with taking anything to serious on any forums anywhere on the internet there will be someone you will not like or agree with and you cannot change them or force them or intimidate or bully or shame or embarrass them. they have been there done that, been through it before and no longer can be hurt by those who think they can. prod them goad them attack them, label them make snarky or witty or sarcastic comments about them and it means nothing at the end of the day to them. you begin to mean nothing, your opinion your views, your values, your ethics, your ideals.. nothing..you become nothing...you become a nipc in their life. nothing you say then will or can effect them anymore. but you will continue to try because you still think your better when your not. that they have to play by your 'playground' rules but they dont. 

you can either run and hide or continue to push and attack either way you still loose.

Never personalize or internalize anything said by anyone on the internet. If they dont know you and have not walked in your shoes, their words mean nothing, have no power, no control, no effect but what you chose to give to them.

If you get angry or upset or mad at what they do, that is YOU problem and not a them problem. Your just not ready or capable of understanding that yet.

Omg this. 


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