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What are some of your pet peeves?

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Can’t think of anything about avatar appearance that bothers me, not even the crudest things; I might appreciate a well-clothed, handsome one, but even that’s a vague, emotionally disconnected aesthetic observation—met too many idiots sharply dressed, and very agreeable people on noob or otherwise goofy avatars. I’m not even bothered by those with nuclear facelights, blingy or over-particled, since I have those things off. The only thing a bit ‘meh’ for me is the too fancy-lettered display names… mine mightn’t be plain text either, but I’ve yet to find anyone who can’t easily read it as “Ren”. I just end up avoiding those I honestly can’t decipher myself.

But for peeves, with me it’s always about behavior, and if we’re talking ‘pet’ ones, I guess two of mine have to do with people who seem to have some grave phobia to silence: either those who come to a public place and immediately start bitching if there’s no ongoing conversation at the moment… or those who, maybe to prevent that, launch into what often ends up being a long monologue, never mind if anyone’s actually paying attention, let alone caring. I like chatting as much as the next one—when there’s something to chat about—. But I honestly don’t understand why so many people can’t admit that sometimes you simply have nothing to say, and babbling compulsively to pretend otherwise is just silly.

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4 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Its just the need for self appointed titles like that in SL.  I DJ myself but don't feel the need for my name to say it.  My club tag does that for me when I am DJing

I think of it not so much as a title, as an advertisement. Like the guy driving around with the word handyman on his car, he isn't bragging he is offering a service to the public.  I have the word  artist in my display name, it's the last word not the first, but I put it there to help  promote my business, not because i think it means I am special.

My pet peeve is guys who cannot follow me, especially if they are on my friends list, come on open your mini map and find the yellow dot. It happens a lot when a guys says he wants to do something with me, I say lets go dancing and I TP to a sim,  then TP him, then we have to walk to the dance floor. I get to the dance floor, and then he IMs "Where are you  TP  me".

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Far too many to give a comprehensive list but some of the highlights include the following:

  • Users that turn their digital noses up at you if you don't follow the latest fashion trends.
    • Including the insufferable snobs that equate a lack of mesh with all things negative.
  • Users that think everyone likes to explore or ride/use vehicles and thus Linden Lab must do something to cater to them.
  • Users that look down their digital noses at those who use voice - even when said use is not constant.
  • Users (and "developers") that think only their OS of choice matters/exists/is used to connect to Second Life.
    • Also users that are quick to blame Linden Lab or the Second Life software for whatever trouble they may be having - it isn't Linden Lab's fault that your hyper expensive laptop/desktop (some models from some manufacturers having woefully out of date hardware even for a machine produced five to ten years ago) is having heat and/or rendering issues.
    • Also TPV developers that make assumptions concerning the Operating Systems their uses actually have - be that an assumption regarding drivers, extra software and other factors.
  • Any user with an obvious chip on their shoulder regarding users from any "Era of Second Life" that use said chip as part of their measuring stick with regard to others.
  • Users who assume that because they have already fully rendered an environment then the user they are exploring (or anything else really) with must have already rendered it all as well.
  • This one boils more down to presentation/tone: It's oh so easy peasy lemon squeezy to just make your own (thing) if you cannot find someone else selling it.
    • Or to find someone willing to make it for you.
      • Often for a price - forgetting that some of us have a very limited or fixed income.
  • Users with the rather mistaken impression that things ought to always be Sunshine, Rainbows and Lollipops ... Sure, the forum staff want as little serious strife as possible, that does not mean everyone needs to pretend to be nice all of the time nor does it mean happy, nice topics/derails.
  • Role Play related: Assuming everyone present wishes to participate in some sort of combat or similar scene. Some of us are there to talk, have a good time and - sometimes - have a "good time" if ya know what I mean.
  • Also Role Play related: Assuming someone's D/s role (if they're even into it) based on gender/general appearance. I - the person behind the avatar/character - am into it. That does not mean the character being played is and even if they are you cannot assume one is a Dom or a sub based solely on gender or general appearance.
    • Example: The primary character I tend to use very much is into D/s things. He also has several different forms that affect his overall personality - some of which have been mistaken for being female due to their appearance. With few exceptions, most forms the character takes can be classified as Switch - notable exceptions being a wolf form and two of the feline forms, one being wholly submissive while the other only acts submissive and will take control if you're not careful.

... I may or may not add to this later. If it is well past the timeout for using "edit" then I'll just make another post.

Edited by Solar Legion
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Let's be positive! These are some of the things I like:

  • Greeters than only greet you with notecards and landmarks the first time you visit
  • Greeters that offer you notecards that say something about the place, and not just "Sample notecard text"
  • Landing points that don't require you to run the gauntlet of affiliate vendors to get to the action
  • Search listings that don't point to areas controlled by security orbs
  • Sunbathing beaches that aren't permanently in shadow
  • Object givers that give you multiple items in a folder, rather than one by one
  • Marketplace stores that give you your stuff in folders, rather than in boxes
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6 hours ago, Candice LittleBoots said:

Firestorm .. two inventory windows open .. drag across items from one to another .. it goes anywhere near the top of the target windows and the thing ZOOM-scrolls into oblivion. Thanks for trying to help me when I don't want it.

Never happpened to me when using Copy/Cut  -> Paste

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1 hour ago, Candice LittleBoots said:

It seems everyone else's pet peeves are always to do with other people. Other people are easy to ignore or move away from. They rarely bother me, people's names and fashion choices have zero impact on me, same as no AO or hairbase (huh?! .. lol).

This where I'm at too. I really don't understand getting peeved by these sorts of superficial things. It just seems like a waste of energy and emotions. Do people derive some sort of pleasure or satisfaction from the experience that they keep doing it?

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1 hour ago, Linda Reddevil said:

IMs that go back and forth with "Hi." and then the infamous "How are you?" Just say hi and get to the point! 

how about:

" hi, can i ask a question? "

ehm..you just did, have a second one?

"confused silence..... i didn't ask yet"

yes you did

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1 hour ago, Candice LittleBoots said:

It seems everyone else's pet peeves are always to do with other people.

it are always the others doing it!...

a little more in detail: the other triggers something in us... wakes up the beast, and brings, mostly, not the best response

so i confess... it's me

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5 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

This where I'm at too. I really don't understand getting peeved by these sorts of superficial things. It just seems like a waste of energy and emotions. Do people derive some sort of pleasure or satisfaction from the experience that they keep doing it?

Hell is other people.

Put a bit more nicely: There's a limit each of us has for certain behaviors or for other people in general.

It is one thing to be peeved by superficial things such as another's appearance ... It is another to be peeved by their behavior.

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7 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

This where I'm at too. I really don't understand getting peeved by these sorts of superficial things. It just seems like a waste of energy and emotions. Do people derive some sort of pleasure or satisfaction from the experience that they keep doing it?

Well, I’m not a native speaker so maybe I’m missing the subtleties of the term “pet peeve” but, isn’t that like something that annoys you when it rationally shouldn’t?

(Or maybe I’m confusing “pet” with “petty”?).

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  • With a handful of exceptions, fullbright on buildings or objects
  • Gesture spam or noisy gestures, especially during a concert or DJ set
  • Voicers or non-voicers that look down or slander the other group; each to their own
  • Landing points that override TPing to landmarks for no justifiable reason
  • I don't mind how shops give out items; just make it easy for me to get a box (re)delivered for a backup
  • Empty profiles, or profiles that just say "ask if you want to know more" - hint: I won't bother asking
  • I'm not a fan of caricature avatars; but the caricature personalities that seem to come with them are far worse
  • In fact, anyone that just jumps in with roleplay as an introduction; bonus points if that roleplay dehumanises me in some way
  • System avatar guys that are in turn mesh snobs towards the women they want
  • Anyone that starts a conversation with "hi" but expects me to start the actual conversation
  • Permanoobs - actual newbies and high effort system avatars are fine
  • Fancy character names, I'll just call you all Kevin instead
  • People that instablock anyone that breaches their pet peeves, rather than just being slightly annoyed at someone else's choices (apart from gesturespammers, they deserve it)
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1 minute ago, Ren Toxx said:

Well, I’m not a native speaker so maybe I’m missing the subtleties of the term “pet peeve” but, isn’t that like something that annoys you when it rationally shouldn’t?

(Or maybe I’m confusing “pet” with “petty”?).

You are correct.  I always assumed pet was short for petty

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9 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

Well, I’m not a native speaker so maybe I’m missing the subtleties of the term “pet peeve” but, isn’t that like something that annoys you when it rationally shouldn’t?

(Or maybe I’m confusing “pet” with “petty”?).


7 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

You are correct.  I always assumed pet was short for petty

Only partially correct - such is one interpretation. It can also be taken to mean annoyances of any level which almost always get a rise or reaction of some sort out of you - be it to make said reaction known or not.

For threads/conversations like this, it is often assumed that what you're sharing is a bit higher up the totem pole than simple minor/petty annoyances.

Edited by Solar Legion
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16 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

Well, I’m not a native speaker so maybe I’m missing the subtleties of the term “pet peeve” but, isn’t that like something that annoys you when it rationally shouldn’t?

(Or maybe I’m confusing “pet” with “petty”?).



"A pet peeve is something one finds annoying, a particular thing that a person finds to be obnoxious. Usually, a pet peeve is something that most people are not at all bothered by, or something that to most people is a very minor annoyance, yet may drive a certain person to distraction. When confronted with a pet peeve, a person usually reacts with an anger that is out of proportion to the transgression. The term pet peeve first came into use in the 1910s, though the word peevish dates to the 1300s. The word peeve is derived from the Latin word pervertere, meaning perverse or ornery.  The pet in pet peeve is used to designate a favorite, so one may say that a pet peeve is a person’s favorite annoyance."

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I have a pet peeve concerning this forum, and it's even cropped up in this thread lol.

It's using the laugh reaction in a scornful way. It started with just one or two people doing it, but it's been spreading.

ETA: I have another pet peeve concerning this forum. It's suspending people from SL itself for small infingements of forum guidelines/rules. Actually it's more than just a pet peeve - it's a bl..dy great chip on my shoulder.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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I’ll let the natives handle the semantics... anyhow, even if it’s “petty”—i.e. silly, unjustified or whatever ye wanna call it—, I reckon it’s sort of OK to rant about it here, it’s pretty much the thread’s purpose, and doesn’t necessarily mean that in-world we’ll go all murderous on them 😅

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Eh. I really only have a couple because i try not to waste energy on silly things. That being said... 

1) Teleport Routing (I abuse double click TP and keyboard shortcuts to get around as I really don’t do too much walking and am more apt to camming)

2) Mass TPs or folks that add all their friends to a conference chat. Although I won’t defriend for this, I will start hiding my online status as to not get grouped in. Guilty parties are usually DJs and hosts.  

3) Although this one is probably more irrational than most.. people who return my items to lost and found - ESPECIALLY when I’m online. I’m always happy to pick things up, but I just can’t read your mind (I do a lot of decorating and landscaping).

4)  Lastly, My inventory not organizing itself. Idk what else it’s doing while I’m in RL all day. Get yourself together, 90k items. 

Edited by norajulian
Canning -> camming, although I do enjoy a good canned corn.
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8 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

This came up in a discussion in a group so I thought this could make for an interesting topic. What are some of y'alls pet peeves when it comes to SL? It can be anything from empty sims, to people wearing bling, anything!

Here are some of my top ones

-Empty Profiles ( how hard is it to just put SOMETHING in there???)

-Unreadable fancy fonts ( What is the point of that?! Half the time if I can't read it, then I'm gonna call you by your log in lol)

- When your body parts don't match ( Like c'mon!!! Body appliers don't cost that much just...MAKE IT ALL MATCH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!)

- Flexi prims ( I don't mind mild flex on a mesh hair because it ads depth, but seeing it ribbon through your body is just O.o)

- Avi's without AO's ( The duck waddle is just....lord....Why doesn't Sl give some sort of AO starting off???)

- This one could also count for the AO one, but...unanimated Bento hands that are splayed out ( You look like someone left you hanging and you just aren't willing to give up till SOMEONE gives you a high-5 LOL)

- People wearing updo hairstyles without a hairbase ( I know, this is an odd one but its something that I'm really OCD about. A hairbase makes an updo look so much better because it adds a seamless look, without one it just makes it look like a hat to me)


Theres some of mine, what are some of yours??? Do we share any of the same ones? lol

And a few days you were saying:

THIS! again I understand that I did a really poor job in stating my point on this topic but Syo pretty much nailed what I was trying to say. I wasn't trying to say that "Oh if your extremely outdated you shouldn't even bother with me" or anything like that, I was simply saying customization, avatars and otherwise, is a BIG part of SL. You can customize pictures, Land, buildings, if you want to you can create your own homes completely from scratch, SL is built ENTIRELY by its users, that's one of the main attractions of second life. in SL you can be who you want to be without really any limits as long as it follows the ToS. I know there are people in SL who don't care about how you look and while this is okay, I'm not saying it isn't, you can't deny that how you look plays a significant role on this platform.

Apparently you were saying that if someone is extremely outdated they shouldn't even bother with you. Might as well own it...

Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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People who don’t read my FAQ but want me to copy and paste it into an IM for them.

People who don’t make ANY effort to find information before asking in the forum.

People who don’t read Forum Guidelines before posting name and shame in the forum.

people who ask for help in the forum but threaten in their OP that only people who post what they want to hear need reply.

People who think everything that malfunctions in SL is the result of some creator, some neighbor, or LL, but never  their own misunderstanding.

People who abuse helpers in the forum

People who don’t read the TOS and think their wishes supersede it.

oh and the Grand Prize: People who send notecards even tho I beg them not to in auto response, FAQ, and in having the display name NoNotecardsPlease.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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4 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

I have a pet peeve concerning this forum, and it's even cropped up in this thread lol.

It's using the laugh reaction in a scornful way. It started with just one or two people doing it, but it's been spreading.

Indeed, unfortunately that laugh reaction is somewhat confusing because it can be used in a bad way, and it can be used in a good way.
There are situations when it's a bit hard to guess which one was meant with that laugh reaction by a poster.

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