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Intruder alert! Intruder alert!


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I've had a little mainland parcel for a few months. It's on ground level because I'm too lazy to find a good skybox it's got a nice view of the water in the distance. I usually keep public access turned on because I get warm fuzzies when total strangers compliment my decorating and sometimes I get funny stories out of unexpected visitors (like the time somebody crashed an airplane into my koi pond).

The last couple weeks, however, I've noticed a number of naked strangers teleporting into my living room. They're not just wandering into my parcel by accident, they're teleporting straight there with a common goal in mind. And if I've caught this many, I can only imagine how many have been visiting while I'm offline. Today's unexpected guest was pretty nice, so I asked him where they're all coming from. Apparently, somebody has been handing out a landmark so that people can have sex in my house. I have no idea who it is, or why, or how they even found this place. To make it even more ridiculous, I have literally one chair that has any kind of adult animations. My house isn't even all the way furnished yet (I've been redecorating). It's hardly an ideal hookup spot. 

I turned off public access for now and I'm trying to track down whoever has been handing out these landmarks, but in the meantime, does anyone else have any fun intruder stories?

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I was accidentally the intruder one time. I somehow double clicked on the map of the sim I lived on, and ended up at the foot of a neighbors bed while he and his wife were doing the horizontal mambo. After much apologizing, and being absolutely mortified, we ended up becoming really good friends :$

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This is the best. 

I’ve been in SL for years and my memory is foggy at best, but I did have somebody living in my linden home years ago when I was still premium. It was even more confusing to me because I had the whole thing set as an indoor garden. I think it was the first time I’d ever had a squatter.. altough not the last. 

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I've posted this before, so apologies to anyone for whom it is a repeat.

I was the intruder - accidental intruder. In my early times in SL, I used to rent out skyboxes, and had several of them above a parcel of land. One day I'd just rented one to a guy, and I decided to fly up to a higher one for some reason. I attached my carbon rod, which makes you fly so fast that you can fly through solid thin walls, and I positioned myself on the ground so that I'd fly past the skybox I'd just rented out a minute earlier, and up I went.

A second or two later, I came to an abrupt stop. I'd miscalculated my position on the ground, and I'd flown straight at the skybox I'd just rented out. Its floor wasn't all that thin and it stopped me just as my head and shoulders had gone through the floor. As chance would have it, I was stuck in the floor, with my head and shoulders up into the bedroom, facing the bed, where the guy and his lady were stark naked and hard at it. I flew down and out poste haste, as you can imagine.

What still makes me chuckle is the image of being starkers and 'at it' on the bed with your partner, when somebody's head and shoulders come up through the floor, facing you, and watching you. Creepy :ph34r:

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Long ago I found a short, naked, pudgy woman in a witch hat in my room who was talking about her partner trying to find somewhere safe for them to go without clothes and saying things like "sorry, I didn't know this was for men only". It was sort of like a dream sequence where things sort of fit together, but not really. :)

I was wearing a dress and my bedroom was a flower garden.

Edited by Bitsy Buccaneer
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I was the intruder once.  Camming around the homes on a sim I lived just admiring stuff,  obviously not seeing or paying attention  to who else was around, I managed to touch my mouse on a 3some bed and join a naked couple as the 3rd person.  I panicked about tping home as it would have been the same sim so was frantically trying to hit my faved LM's in the viewer corner while apologising and my face stuck in.... oh nvm that part.  We moved from that sim then next day and I learned never to inspect other peoples homes without checking they are home first :$

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The very reason I do not drive on mainland roads where homes are located nearby, is because I have been the unintentional intruder on more than one occasion.  The funniest would have to be when my vehicle went flying off the road and into someone's backyard, flattening him and who I assume was his wife/gf, right int he middle of their backyard bbq. Thankfully, they were good sports, I couldn't stop laughing, and neither could they. 

I have accidentally crashed vehicles into, I have no idea how many, parcels over the years. I am a terrible driver in sl, absolutely horrid.

As for intruders on my own land, I have had countless, most of them rather funny, some of them kinda bizarre, and very few that would be what I consider utterly unwelcome. Most land I have owned/rented in sl, I have kept public access on.  I have the, very strong belief that there is little to nothing anyone can do that would harm my "stuff". If I really wanted no one else to enter, for whatever reason(usually alone time), I would restrict access. Otherwise, I leave my stuff, my land, etc.. available for anyone to explore, use, enjoy themselves. 

I had one repeat visitor that rarely if ever said anything other than Hi every time he came onto my parcel. It didn't bother me, I assumed maybe language barrier, or he just needed some alone time, both perfectly acceptable reasons to not talk, in my book. He would often be found sitting on some piece of furniture, and never came with anyone else. Half the time I didn't even pay attention when he entered, or he would come onto the lot on the ground while I was up in the air working. One day I had jumped down off my platform to splat on the ground and I finally figured out what he was doing there-and had been doing there for months-, he was playing with my zooby babies, lmao. I know, I know, lol. But this day, he had his gf with him, and he was introducing his gf, to my zooby babies. Apparently he had been roleplaying he was a babysitter all this time when he stopped by one day and noticed I wasn't home but the babies were out, and felt odd telling me this . O.o  It was odd, almost endearing the way he was roleplaying (he can't actually interact with them without me making that possible in their menus, so it was all rp), but definitely something new for me. I'd had lots of people stop by and pretend to play with the various breedables I've had over the years, or even comment on the zoobies, but never to this extent. He kept coming by, and a few times brought her too, I'd even watch him now and then if I happened to be nearby when he dropped in  A few months later I got an invite to their sl wedding, and a couple months after that an invite to an sl bbq, where I met *their zooby baby. They're now happily married in rl with two kids, and we still keep in touch constantly. Odd as our meeting may have been, it's kinda sweet when you look at the big picture. 

And yes I know how people feel about prim babies :P 

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I was not the intruder but I logged into my home one day to find a couple going hot and heavy on my bed. They were so into what they were doing, they didn't see me, so I decided to have a little fun with them. I took control of the bed and started putting them in different positions until finally they realized what was happening, I never saw two people tp out so fast and not even an apology or anything but I truly didn't mind I was laughing so hard. Did I mention that they were emoting in open chat?? LOL. The guy was NOT that bad of an emoter either....just sayin'.

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I've had intruders in my place it doesn't bother me them being there. one couldn't tp away fast enough when i entered others the moment i say something like make yourself at home in local chat they can't tp away fast enough.
I have been the unintentional intruder before if the home is very close to the sim border and there have been a couple of times i've intruded with a purpose there was a time when out on the mainland going over a sim crossing might land me in a 0,0,0 abyss view not able to do anything to avoid re-logging or having to tp away i found camming around in search of something to sit on often helped get things back to normal one time i cammed around found someones home tried every bit of furniture nothing helped the owner came back wasn't impressed and i tp'd away pretty sharpish 

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When I lived on mainland, I turned around one evening in my house, and a guy was standing there wearing a ski mask and pointing a gun at me.  I knew nothing could happen to me, but it was still a shock.  While I was trying to remember how to eject someone, he was talking while shooting the gun, telling me take off my top because this was a rape, and a robbery.  I finally got him ejected and banned, and a little later was walking along the road and, on the next sim over, came across an empty parcel that had a box out on it.  Being curious, I went over to look more closely at it, and it was a box for a ski mask and had been left there by the masked intruder I had ejected earlier from my house.  

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That reminded me of another occasion from my earliest times. I was in my skybox when I saw a guy, who was dressed as a warrior-type with weapons, hovering outside. The box was such that I could see out but he couldn't see in - not without camming in. A few moments later, he was inside, so I immediately ejected him. He IMed me to tell that I'd regret it.

Very soon afterwards, he'd put a platform in the sky a short distance from my skybox, and set about building a row of wooden cannons, all pointing at my skybox :)  My lady friend and I used to sit there watching him build them, and laughing at him. He lasted a few days on the project and I never saw him again - not that I know of, anyway.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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My only intruder experience:

I was driving around one of the mainlands in my newly acquired DeLorean and hit a sim crossing and experienced the now-familar shenanigans that usually ensues..

..emerging on the other side I continued driving for a while until i noticed I'd acquired a passenger! A small, somewhat alien-looking avi had plonked itself in my front passenger seat and was sat smiling at the road ahead like we were old friends on a planned trip..

..as a wet-behind-the-ears newb I naturally freaked out, exited and derezzed the DL. That's when the small being started talking to me in a strange tongue and tried to hug me...I flew, I hid, I TP'd the heck outta there..

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I have had only one intruder that I am aware of. That was couple of months ago. It was a newbie in SL, I guess she was simply walking around and found my home. It was not protected, so she entered my home and started to look around, try different furniture animations etc. Then she noticed me and asked if she could live with me and be my friend. I said no, but she kept asking, and still using different animations, this time in the kitchen. I was just about to eject her from the land when she said "Look, I've baked a cake for you, can I live with you now?"

I laughed but ejected her anyway.

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this is why i've decorated my house like an otaku den. if anyone does decide to invade they'll be too busy being weirded out by all the dakimakuras and anime posters to try humping anything. i've even hid a gay daki under the computer desk. at least it works on most people.

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At one time I had a large parcel that I periodically set up for yard sale/swap for friends as well as my store. I kept track of my prims and noticed, after a yard sale had ended there was still 600 or so prims that were not mine. I had the land set so members of my group could rez stuff, mainly so they could open boxes. 

I went looking and found some guy had set up a full skybox at about 3k meters up. I tried to talk to him, since he was in the box but was ignored. I proceeded to eject him from the group and then the land and banned him. He immd me all huffy and I told him he'd get his stuff back in a few. He acted like I didn't have the right since he could rez. I blocked him then got mean.

I returned his box.... in small pieces with something that was no copy for as long as I could so he had all this consolidated boxes in his inventory he had to rez to get his stuff. I also got the stuff from opposite sides of the skybox just to make it interesting for him when he opened them since stuff rezzes the difference is space the same as it was when picked up.

I then created a rezzing room.

Yep, don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry.

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4 hours ago, Bobbie Faulds said:

At one time I had a large parcel that I periodically set up for yard sale/swap for friends as well as my store. I kept track of my prims and noticed, after a yard sale had ended there was still 600 or so prims that were not mine. I had the land set so members of my group could rez stuff, mainly so they could open boxes. 

I went looking and found some guy had set up a full skybox at about 3k meters up. I tried to talk to him, since he was in the box but was ignored. I proceeded to eject him from the group and then the land and banned him. He immd me all huffy and I told him he'd get his stuff back in a few. He acted like I didn't have the right since he could rez. I blocked him then got mean.

I returned his box.... in small pieces with something that was no copy for as long as I could so he had all this consolidated boxes in his inventory he had to rez to get his stuff. I also got the stuff from opposite sides of the skybox just to make it interesting for him when he opened them since stuff rezzes the difference is space the same as it was when picked up.

I then created a rezzing room.

Yep, don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry.

When I first got my parcel, I noticed there were a bunch of prims somewhere that I hadn't seen before I bought it. I went looking around, and there was a half-built house about 800 meters up. I even caught the builder there a couple times. I struck up a conversation with him and I tried to be nice, thinking maybe he had an arrangement with the previous owner, but as soon as I mentioned the build he stopped responding. I gave him a week to get back to me, then returned everything. None of it was linked, so that wound up in tiny pieces too. xP

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I had this small little place on the mainland right on the water, it had one room and a porch. I used to change on the porch because there was more room than in the house itself. One day i turned around to find some guy watching me, he ran off and I chased him down. he ended up running up a hill and getting stuck under the floor of another building. I just wanted to talk to him, and once i got him to stop, and told him I didn't mind him watching me, he told me he was new to SL, and hadn't yet discovered the level of detail that was possible with a nude female avi.

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8 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

I had this small little place on the mainland right on the water, it had one room and a porch. I used to change on the porch because there was more room than in the house itself. One day i turned around to find some guy watching me, he ran off and I chased him down. he ended up running up a hill and getting stuck under the floor of another building. I just wanted to talk to him, and once i got him to stop, and told him I didn't mind him watching me, he told me he was new to SL, and hadn't yet discovered the level of detail that was possible with a nude female avi.

You chase guys to get them to look at you naked? lol

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Today, it was a weird day. I logged in some place naked by accident - forgot my new AV was nude - and could not TP home (button was unresponsive)..

Then later, I went to my adult mainland region..to change clothes/work on my new AV.  This was at a ginormous club..that no one knows about, it unadvertised, etc. So..I’m changing/editing and someone pops in. Rather than deal with them, I popped over to my Linden home. Another day in SL.

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Then later, I went to my adult mainland region..to change clothes/work on my new AV.  This was at a ginormous club..that no one knows about, it unadvertised, etc. So..I’m changing/editing and someone pops in. 

Sounds like someone knows about it - have you checked events to make sure there's not more going on there?   :) 

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