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17 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

I've enjoyed posting in this thread, usually, not always. I enjoy sharing photos with folks. I enjoy seeing what others are posting. I have no complaints about the way my photos are received. Thank you all for that. But life is too short to have to continuously walk on eggshells around here. From getting grief about discussing viewers, to getting grief because I say I like raw photos (how does that even equate into I don't like PShopped ones???), to getting grief for sometimes labeling my photos as screenshots with no post-production as if THAT is some kind of dig at others (I do that for my own records and I have had people ASK me, ffs),  to a few other things I've forgotten the details of, to now the most recent for getting hassled because I paid someone a freaking compliment and clarified it was a freaking compliment and not a diatribe about "imagination"!!!??? FFS. And it wasn't dropped, though I tried to ignore it. Noooo, gotta have more references to it today. Again, FFS. I said earlier that I don't "get" this thread sometimes. Granted, it is only a handful of people acting like they are just dying to find some sort of excuse to get pi55ed off about something, anything. Geez, lighten up folks.

So, yeah, this is an Official Flounce from this thread. It comes with the requisite: I'm taking my photos to Flickr and the Feed, where I've been posting all along. So there, nyah. And the requisite gif. Yeah, I know, and don't let the door hit me on the way out...





TS calm flounce.gif

slow clap.gif

Seicher, I agree with everything you have said here. This thread is just not fun anymore. I used to like posting here, but after  *some* got butthurt over a few of my opinions I slowly just stopped posting.  I am sorry you are leaving the thread because I really enjoyed your work.

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I turn away for half a day and another bushfire runs rampant. Well.

If only this thread stayed images only without all the chat it would stifle most of the tensions. And yeah I'm as guilty.

No need for any flouncing off. Just post your pics and enjoy the view. It's not rocket science.

If we can't rub along on the picture thread, what hope is there??

All it does is fire up emotions and grudge banks. Enough, please?

Edited by BelindaN
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8 hours ago, TDD123 said:

Dude ..

If I am to be sorry about anything than it is that I involved your post into too much crap in this thread unintentionally. I will avoid it in the future.

My sincere apologies, @Conall DeCuir. You are a great contributor to the thread ( one of the best ) and I  hope you continue to do so.

Your sense of humour may have been a "little" misconstrued on Full Moon Day, BUT I will always be proud that you are one of my best ever friends in SL. 

And didn't we have fun yesterday morning/afternoon. We flew!!! Time flew!!!!! What an adventure. 

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SO I look a little sad here, but that is appropriate after reading back over the posts on the previous pages and seeing people hurt and leaving and all that 😞 




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This thread is full of double standards, even if meant as a joke. Making a comment on a woman's appearance in a photo? That's just fine. Making a comment on a man's appearance in a photo? A woman gets shamed for being shallow. Even if it was meant as a joke, it missed the mark. Especially when the person doing the berating has made numerous similar comments here, on Flickr, and inworld as well. And I'm still not entirely sure it was actually a joke, but I can't say that for certain. It didn't feel like a joke to me. 

If apologies are being handed out, I think the person that was the target of the joke deserves an apology as well.

Also, nips. Why are male nips okay but female nips are not? What about people who are trans? Either forbid them all, or allow them all. I'm going to attend the governance user group on Tuesday to bring up this very subject because the double standard ticks me off. Female nips at least serve a purpose. Male nips are just for show. 

What's good for the gander is good for the goose.

And I don't have any geese in my inventory so here's a duck instead.

... flounce ...


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I'm constantly jumping between my main account (this one) and my alt account (Wenly). Coby uses Genus head, Wenly uses Akeruka advanced limited edition head. Both heads have their specific features which I like a lot. In General it appears that the Genus has more mature look. Akeruka is kind of "cuter" and It seems to me that it has more varied expressions than Genus. Anyway, it's hard to say which head I like more. Both are very nice heads. ❤️

Here is me with Genus Classic head.


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