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Just now, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I've not had a Linden house in years, I've always had mainland plots on road front.

I'm so happy for you that you own a whole sim 


I've been premium. I know what's in the package. It's not worth it to me. Everybody is different and wants different things. I wanted a sim so I got one. But to argue over premium is just rather dumb. You do you lol

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On 8/3/2017 at 6:31 AM, BilliJo Aldrin said:

 I get back more in dollar value than i pay in membership. If i chose to purchase land and Lindens separately it would cost me more money. What part of that don't you understand?

What part of breaking even requiring you to get back exactly the amount you pay in don't you understand?

You get L$1200 a month in Stipend - slightly less than $5, the Tier waver does not reimburse you the cost of that 512. Let's round up to exactly $5 a month shall we - 5 x 12 is 60, less than the cost of an Annual Membership.

Being exact, that L$1200 is $4.80 currently on the market. Multiply that out for the year and you get $57.60 back should you decide to process that into actual cash.

Again I do understand why you consider the cost you pay out of pocket each year - and you do pay that difference out of pocket - to be worthwhile to you. I am quite aware that you'd be paying even more if you decided to purchase that L$1200 and the 512m2 parcel directly, that is and was never in dispute.

What was being disputed was the claim of breaking even and it was disputed using nothing more than facts and basic math. You cannot break even if you are not getting the exact cost of your Annual Membership back in a manner wherein you pay nothing whatsoever out of pocket.

Now if you had some other income source within Second Life that allowed you to cover the difference between your yearly Stipend and the actual cost of the Membership then yes, you'd be breaking even.

<Moderator Readacted>

Edited by Dakota Linden
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32 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I never ever suggested people should be forced to go premium, in fact on another thread saying people should be forced to buy premium to access adult content i said it was a terrible idea.

Some one said every store should have an in world presence, and I agreed to that, but you jumped all over it saying they would be forced to open one on griefer infested madlands, but i've already corrected you on that point too.

Forcing everyone to go premium would destroy second life quicker than anything else.

But hey, now we have beautiful, wonderful Sansar.



Ah... you claim you DID NOT agree that people should be forced to buy premium and own Madlands parcels... But WAIT! The thread says you said...

On 30 July 2017 at 5:22 PM, BilliJo Aldrin said:

1) Yes every store, at least over a certain number of listings  should have a mainland presence. Call it the cost of doing business

2) Would be nice

3) Not necessary if your first 2 points work out.


Oh and Sansar will be a total complete and unquestionable flop. I mean seriously, how many times will you want to visit a Coca Cola experience?

Hmmm, MANDATORY Madlands presence and Premium.

And then the thread says you said...

On 30 July 2017 at 10:29 PM, BilliJo Aldrin said:

512  sq m of mainland was a minumim requirement, if you buy (not rent) 2 full regions, there's no need for that aditional 512.  That was for small business owners that don't own (not rent) anything else.

Besides, no one actually has to visit the store, it can be an empty parcel, but that ensures LL is getting at least  the price of a premium membership from every store owner.

Perhaps i can explain it another way, make everyone that sells on marketplace be a premium member, how is that?

MANDATORY Premium and an EMPTY Madlands parcel,

So in fact you plainly said MANDATORY Premium and MANDATORY Madlands for all non-Madlands based businesses. And now you claim you never said that, when it's there in black and white with your name on it.

That's the problem with LYING about what you said earlier in the thread, we can all scroll back up and check for our selves and catch you.


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3 minutes ago, Arkanus Andel said:


What part of breaking even requiring you to get back exactly the amount you pay in don't you understand?

You get L$1200 a month in Stipend - slightly less than $5, the Tier waver does not reimburse you the cost of that 512. Let's round up to exactly $5 a month shall we - 5 x 12 is 60, less than the cost of an Annual Membership.

Being exact, that L$1200 is $4.80 currently on the market. Multiply that out for the year and you get $57.60 back should you decide to process that into actual cash.

Again I do understand why you consider the cost you pay out of pocket each year - and you do pay that difference out of pocket - to be worthwhile to you. I am quite aware that you'd be paying even more if you decided to purchase that L$1200 and the 512m2 parcel directly, that is and was never in dispute.

What was being disputed was the claim of breaking even and it was disputed using nothing more than facts and basic math. You cannot break even if you are not getting the exact cost of your Annual Membership back in a manner wherein you pay nothing whatsoever out of pocket.

Now if you had some other income source within Second Life that allowed you to cover the difference between your yearly Stipend and the actual cost of the Membership then yes, you'd be breaking even.

No, you need to stop arguing against facts.

The fact is i can spend 10 dollars a month to buy 1200 Lindens and rent a 512, or I can spend 6 dollars for premium. I'm saving 4 dollars every month. what part of that don't YOU understand? 

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4 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

The fact is i can spend 10 dollars a month to buy 1200 Lindens and rent a 512, or I can spend 6 dollars for premium. I'm saving 4 dollars every month. what part of that don't YOU understand? 

I've already stated I understand your reasoning. I have also laid out exactly why your response was irrelevant to what was being disputed.

Please continue to hammer away at such an angle, I've made my point and you have made it clear that you wish to ignore it while attempting to move the goal posts.

I'm done, someone else can respond further if they so desire.

Edited by Arkanus Andel
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I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to renew my annual premium membership, but rather go back to basic, rent a plot of land and spend the rest on shopping. 

Thanks to VAT fees bringing the price up to ~ 88€, there has never been the slightest chance to get reimbursed by those weekly L$ 300.

Premium support has been cut down and has become next to worthless in its quality. I've always been a "fix it yourself" type anyway, but in those few cases where the fix was out of my hands, that so called support wasn't any help either.

Priority access to some sims? Don't care, I can wait.

Premium gifts? Useless crap, for my liking.

Linden Homes? Not sure if I have anything else to say besides hysteric laughter.

Premium sandboxes might be remotely interesting, but I've always had landmarks to other quiet ones, should I ever need one.

For a while, premium and an extra land tier level had worked out as best value for my land interest.
Now that I've looked around a bit, I find better offers from the big landlords costing me less per week in the end. 

So for me, there's literally no motivation left to remain premium.

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15 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

The fact is i can spend 10 dollars a month to buy 1200 Lindens and rent a 512, or I can spend 6 dollars for premium. I'm saving 4 dollars every month. what part of that don't YOU understand? 

512 is so tiny. I would be claustrophobic living in that tiny space. I don't know how some people can do it.

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35 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

Linden Homes? Not sure if I have anything else to say besides hysteric laughter.

I know people knock them but maybe I am just lucky with mine.  It's my bolt hole when my sim is being restarted.  Its a different sim to place a backup vendor dropbox and there never seems to be anyone on my radar. Nor is there the lag I was expecting.  I had planned to move to a 512 ever since I got the linden home but theres always more fun things to do that go looking for a parcel, :)

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1 hour ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

You couldn't pay me to live on mainland. Or any estate where there wasn't an explicit covenant. Hell is other people - particularly SL neighbors.

I've been fortunate to have positive experiences with mainland.

1) Linden homes - hard to mess up the landscape since it's all cookie-cutter. Mine is on the edge of a beautiful park lake, and I never see neighbors.

2) Mainland - full region on adult "coastline", again never see neighbors. Their landscaping doesn't bother me to much, either.

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1 minute ago, Derek Torvalar said:

Thread title needs to be changed.

"The one that would not die"

Idea: If this thread lives long enough, the obvious falsehood of the subject line will finally be apparent. ("10 years ago, we started a thread saying SL was dying. I guess it is dying very, very slowly.")

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No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge—her brother-in-law— an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"...

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