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Welcome to the New Second Life Community Platform

Vogt Linden


Today, we are pleased to launch the new, and much improved, Second Life Community website. The new platform integrates Blogs, Forums, Answers, and the Knowledge Base into one powerful integrated system that enables you to more efficiently leverage the power and knowledge of the community. We have also redesigned the Customer Support Portal around this platform to make it easy to find the most relevant answers to your technical support and customer service questions online or to contact us when your issues are more complex.
Take a look at this video to get an overview of the many benefits that the new platform offers.

In addition to the video, we also wanted to share some helpful information and anticipate a few of your questions:

  • Unified Search: You can find the information that you’re looking for in one federated search field that returns organized results from relevant content in the Forums, Blogs, Answers, and the Knowledge Base.
  • Single Sign On: You do not need to be logged in to read the community content, but you do need to be logged in to contribute. Just use your normal Second Life username and password to login. 
  • Share Blog Posts and Knowledge Base Articles: If you find an interesting blog post or Knowledge Base article, then you can now share that information on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Other kinds of content, such as user-generated comments, Forum posts, etc., will not have this functionality available.
  • Contribution-Based Roles: You will notice that each person in Second Life has a role, or rank, based on his or her contributions to the platform. The roles start at Resident and go up to Helper and with each rank comes more capabilities. So, keep those contributions coming and watch your community platform ranking rise.
  • A Smarter SL Answers: Try out the new Answers section. You’ll immediately notice that when you type a keyword, an intuitive category search will return common matching solution results. And, solutions accepted by the question author are automatically nominated for Linden editorial review and possible inclusion in the Knowledge Base.
  • Please Resubscribe to RSS Feeds: If you had an RSS feed on the old blogs or forums, then you will need to resubscribe to the RSS feeds that interest you in the new system. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • FAQs Help You Get Acclimated: We have created a detailed Frequently Asked Questions area for each section of the new system that will get you up and running in no time.
  • Yes, Archives Are Still Available: We preloaded Answered questions, Blogs, Forums, and the Knowledge Base with recent posts and/or solutions to get the conversations started. However, if you want to find older content that was available in the old platform, then you can still access it through search in read-only format.

Thanks for your patience as we transitioned to the new system. Start exploring, contributing, and let us know what you think. As is always the case with new systems, you may run into bugs. If you do, then log them on JIRA. And, if you have general feedback on the community platform, then share it with is in the Feedback section of the Forums.







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Previously by Yoz Linden whitelisted image hosting domains aren't working for the new forums. The software insists in uploading all images to the platform. I have re-opened WEB-2040 again. Please look after this asap. Thanks :)

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Hey all, I wanted to address the "General Discussion" Forum question that has come up. Our goal with the Forums is to keep them as focused and constructive as possible. Although General Discussion no longer exists, we're always happy to create new Forums when the need comes up. That's where the Forum Feedback section is critical. We'll be watching it closely and adding new topic-specific Forums over time.

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Hey Torley !

"@Sling Oh, we have a Community Feedback section. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" />"

If we go 'edited for vulgarity  moaning and stamping our feet ' there and use "prose so overly extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw attention to itself", then that bit of our posting can be described as a Purple Passage.

PURPLE !!!!  Awsome!   :)


ETA:  OOps! My copy/paste of your smiley came out a bit funny!  I just did a drag to select and then copy in Firefox. I'll leave it as it came out for the sake of interrest.

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For those wondering about subscribing to the RSS of the full thing or just the blog of your choice... it kind of requires a "smart" reader. I use Pulp and River-Of_News on my iPad and I just type-in the root domain (http://coimmunity.secondlife.com) - and my news reader provides a list of all the different feeds. Here is the list I get:

New Board Top[ics in Blogs

All Board Posts in Blogs (I chose this one and get everything, but not the comments)

New Blog Articles in Blogs

All blog posts in Blogs (this will give you comments also!)

New idea exchange ideas in Blogs

All idea exchange posts in Blogs

New Knowledge base posts in Blogs

New Questions in Blogs

All Questions, Answers in Blogs

New media posts in Blogs

and fianlly

All media posts in Blogs.


I believe the "All" versions are the posts AND comments come through in the feeds. I chose All Board Posts in blogs and all I get is Linden posts, but I do get all of them. Just saying this is what works for me, your mileage will vary depending on your news reader of choice.


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Hi all, if you do not see a browse button on your image upload page, see if Flash is enabled. Strange but true, the Browse button uses it! :o

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George, with regards to the subscribed emails for threads, you can tweak the emails to show the actual response, rather than just a link to the thread.  It's under My Settings > Subscriptions & Bookmarks > Email content.  Change the default setting of Subject Only to Subject and Body.

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Two things are immediately obviously here.  One there nolonger seems to be live chat or if it is it is buried so it is even harder to find than before, and two there is no direct link to grid status.  Quite frankly this whoe thing looks to me like a pretty toy designed to mask reality and needed information behind a cloud of technology when, in fact, the emperor is running around quite naked.

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Format is mangled on IE 8 running on Win 7, with overlapping and nonexistent elements.  Compatability View helps, somewhat.

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I may have the very dubious honour of being the first one to be moderated in the new blog/forum.

This might be fame of a sort. Can I be in FIC now?

I did notice that the warning comes as a PM within the forum software.

When I open the PM, there are two options on the right-hand side.

-- I can become friends with the sender (moderator)

-- I can ignore the sender (moderator)



/me waves shyly at the moderator



I would strongly encourage everyone to bear in mind that what might have been unremarked in the old forums is no longer advisable here.


Use bold if you must for emphais of a cogent point.

Do try to avoid CAPS LOCK RAGE

If it all gets to much, and emotions are running way too high, then use the phrase "edited for vulgarity" in place of a word that you should not use.

That way

1. Everyone will know how you feel

2. You'll save the mods a heap of trouble.

I think this would be a good compromise solution.




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Looks great the new design nice work I think the forums need Stronger worded Headers and a further paragraph explaining in more detail to state what exactly the topic should be about their seems to be a bit of confusion like your avatar may mean your account to some, also disscus land for sale needs a guidline paragraph adding to it some think its to advertize maybe it can be but i dont think that was your aim.  A few tweaks here and there on wording used and this should be a great blog and forum for ON TOPIC information looks great but you guys at LL have to see which direction users throw this disscusion space as we all pile in hope you can keep it on track in the next few days.

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I am just thinking that PJIRA and Support ticket Queues should be visibly unified with this. I mean, for one, many of the Answers to Questions will be "Post/Vote in PJIRA Bug Tracker) and "File a Support Ticket". And, well, as a community, both of those more formal functions need to have their Quality on display, IMHO. "Make Quality Visible" is an important part of meeting the challenges in this system of a Virtual World.

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If the goal is to keep the forums focused, then abandoning GD is not the way to go. All the forums will start getting threads that begin to drift from the main focus of that particular forum. GD is an outlet valve, not just for people's frustrations and concerns, but for threads that have no place else to go. 

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I guess they're clamping down on free speech, thats why GD had to go. Plus it shows up unfavourably on the Dashboard at times. It was a nice outlet for light hearted banter....looks like we'll have to use TPF's (Third Party Forums)

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So what, Amanda? We can't even TALK about GD? Geen keeps posting this on any thread talking about GD:

Hi everyone, please read the comment made by Amanda Linden in regard to General Discussion on the forum by clicking the link below. This thread, and other General Discussion threads will be closed.

All any threads questioning LL's decisions going to get locked or only those threads talking about GD? Are you intentionally trying to drive people to third-party forums?

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This is much better, my text reader is now able to read the thing out in an orderly fashion compared to the mess of the old one...thanks LL!

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Site looks crappy in Internet Explorer / Maxthon 2 (see attached screenshot), I don't see that anything has been archived or converted (where are our images, post counts, avatars and whathaveyou?), forum avis are way too tiny, smileys mess up the line spacing, and the new mods are bloody fascists. Well done :) I hate it.

PS: Where's the GD forum?

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Based upon the threads already created today, I think there *is* a need for some sort of 'GD type' area.  Of course, we could post topics where we feel they 'best fit' from the current short list.  I guess as long as we do not mention General Discussion or GD, that would be fine, right?

One of the threads closed was in Entertainment and had NO mention of the GD forum in it at all!  Torley even posted a vid clip to it.

/me laughs

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