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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I've met some truly stupid customers. And really, really arrogant merchants. Moral of the story is, terrible human beings exist on both sides!
  2. I'm always tickled at how the status page will say for hours, or days, that everything's fine, when it's not. Usually the status page doesn't get changed to reflect the actual status until after said status has passed. Sort of like sending tech support an email saying you can't log in, and two days later they reply saying "it's fine right now, check your internet connection".
  3. This is LL we're talking about. If they can break something while fixing something else, they will.
  4. Actually... Did LL come out and say that southern flags aren't allowed? They may have and I simply don't recall it. But technically there's nothing in there that says it's not allowed. If "because it offends me" was a reason to delist things, the marketplace would be empty by now.
  5. You can even make a special Owner* role or something similar, and give it every ability needed to essentially control the group, without completely giving up the group. There's no reason to waste development resources fixing a "problem" that users intentionally create.
  6. For me, any no modify body is junk, right out the gate. I can't wrap my head around wearing something that I can't edit unless I wear a HUD, only to be able to edit it less than I could with the system options.
  7. As a dude, I could do without either one. Everyone says you gotta have a mesh body these days, but the options for men are terrible.
  8. If they had some sort of building code that they enforced, this would be a good idea. That's what makes private estates so popular. Admins that clean up the crap. As long as mainland is the wild west, people will always dislike it. [Full disclosure, I own a mainland parcel or two.]
  9. I learned that some people actually tolerate single digit FPS in their "games".
  10. LL doesn't like to refund for stuff like this. They say they're not involved, despite facilitating the sale and getting a cut. However, if you purchased on the MP with one of the other payment methods besides L$, you can dispute the charge and get your money back. I always use my CC instead of L$ for stuff I'm not sure about, just for this reason.
  11. A 1060 is okay, but CPU matters too, and I don't see that info anywhere.
  12. First off, new is not the same as powerful. Second... Known bug. Apparently LL can't fix it. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-20059?
  13. Yeah, the sort of person that still uses XP doesn't know what Linux is, let alone how to do anything with specific distros.
  14. I'm someone's imagined fantasy man? That's so awesome.
  15. SL wasn't really designed with privacy in mind. LL has added a couple features over the years, but they'll never really stop someone that's determined.
  16. People are still buying from that merchant? I thought everyone knew better by now. And necroing topics about it, no less!
  17. Almost every game I've tried so far has worked great on my 21:9 monitor, including SL (Wildlands, Ark, Arma 3, SWTOR, Fallout 4, Diablo 3, and a few others). I haven't tried any of the older ones yet though. SL in windowed mode should work at pretty much any resolution at all, really.
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