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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Using the script function llDie(); to remove purchased content from your customer's posession after they paid you is fraud, by the legal definition. If you AR it and LL responds and tells you tough luck, you may very well have the ammo for a suit against LL there, as well as the item creator. The issue is if it's worth it, monetarily, to pursue it. Individually, no. Because of the microtransations in SL, it's not. As a class-action suit, though... That might have more weight. if you can get enough peopl together, it's worth consulting a lawyer. Otherwise, all you can do is warn people that a certain creator has scripted llDie(); into all of their products and no one should buy from them.
  2. Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: From the mesh upload quiz. The "correct answer being 1." This is actually wrong for all of the reasons stated in the thread, including the notecard in the box with NO prior offer such that the contract can be appropriately negotiated would render it unenforceable:- Darlene sells full permission mesh pillars, archways, and roof tops for other residents to use in their Second Life buildings. Darlene includes a notecard with the items. The notecard states that the items can only be re-sold as part of an original creation and are not to be re-sold as standalone items. Sally purchased the mesh objects from Darlene and wants to resell them. Sally can... Include the mesh objects in the prefab houses that she creates, then sell the houses. Sell the mesh objects as standalone items as long as she creates new packaging for them. The permission settings on the mesh objects are "full perms," she can do whatever she likes with them. Sell the mesh objects as standalone items as long as she renames each object. Ok, guess I'm lost in translation here, cause I understand that 1 is the right one and is because Darlene "includes a notecard with the items. The notecard states that the items can only be re-sold as part of an original creation and are not to be re-sold as standalone items. ". So, Sally have to do what notecard says. ^^? Number 1 is the correct answer in LL's quiz, but that's because LL is wrong. Sally only has to do what the notecard says if Darlene can show that Sally read it BEFORE the purchase. Otherwise, Darlene owes a refund (at the very least).
  3. I see this come up a lot, and I see the same few creators insist up and down that a notecard in a purchased box is a valid EULA. The only time this is true is if a refund is offered if the user does not agree to the EULA. Otherwise, it's invalid and can be ignored. It's simple. You cannot sell something to someone, take their money, then say "By the way, you just agreed that you can only use it on Sundays. No refunds. Bye." You either have to show that EULA prior to the purchase and make sure they've seen it and read it, or you have to offer a refund if the agreement is declined. That's why software tells you to repack and bring it back for a full refund if you disagree with the EULA that pops up during the install. That's why car dealers and real estate agents make you sign all that stuff before the transaction goes through. And so on. So to answer the question in this thread- if the EULA was hidden inside the sale box and not posted visibly before purchase, and the creator will not give a refund after you've made it obvious to them you disagree and intend to return/delete the items for said refund, you can ignore it and use the item as you see fit. If they pursue legal action over an SL sale, just make sure to countersue for your legal expenses after they lose the case.
  4. Yeah, I'll do that tomorrow after work, then... And maybe after this month cancel for an MMO, where at least there I can count on some reliability...
  5. I didn't get my 300 L$ stipend this week. Are there any issues I don't know about? And, how long should I wait before I figure LL messed up (again, as usual) and contact them?
  6. Well, this is the browser doing the blocking, not the firewall. I thought that info was stored in the event viewer, but when I looked, it was blank. I don't think you can look up which domains are being blocked and which arren't, in my case.
  7. I'll add it, thanks. You know, you'd think LL would put their stuff on their own domain. WTF good is it otherwise?
  8. Update- I fixed the dashboard by adding amazonaws.com to the trusted sites... Forums are still broken though. Anyone know?
  9. I've recently tweaked my Internet security settings, including cranking up the security on non-trusted sites. Now, many windows in my dashboard no longer work. Linden Exchange, Friends, Video Tutorials, Upcoming Events, and My Groups. All gets broken. If I add secondlife.com to my trusted sites, no change. However, if I lower my non-trusted sites security, they work again. Which means that stuff is connecting to another domain that's not secondlife.com. Does anyone know what it is? I should note, it also breaks functions here on the forums.
  10. I wonder if it's something about certain hardware combinations. Like motherboard or cpu/gpu combos.
  11. I do have the latest, yes. Runs stable and fast. Like I said, I've peaked at 115 FPS. The only issue I've seen is how shadows get along with shiny and with invisiprims, but there's already a JIRA for it with work being done by LL.
  12. renanyoy Oh wrote: same for me can't use SL anymore with viewer 3.0, waiting next version, I hope they will fix all bugs that make it unusable for the moment.. feel like back in 2005 with the last viewer, 5 fps, hangs all time.. on intell i7 quad core 12go ram ati 6800 model 5 FPS on that? Something else is going on there. Have you checked other running programs, updated drivers, etc? The basic troubleshooting steps?
  13. I've had no issues with any of the viewers. In some places, I've seen 115 FPS at max graphics settings. I've only ever experienced a crash, and that was when I was running a game on the other monitor. Everyone's complaining about the problems they're having, but I've yet to see any system information posted, which makes me think it's probably on your end. Windows 7 64 bit Quad core 3.5 Ghz CPU 16 gigs RAM nVidia GTX 570 If you don't know your system specs, you can copy it from the Help > About dropdown in SL.
  14. Some of that sounds like GPU driver issues. What are your system specs? And, I would go check and update any and all drivers that you can.
  15. Ryuumaru Kira wrote: Mobile Intel HM55 Express chipset, Mobile Intel HD graphics You're going to find you'll have issues with most 3D games and software with those specs. But if Phoenix is working for you, great. There's also another one by Henri something, he's been backporting all the V2/3 features into his V1. It's worth looking up.
  16. Yep. Management left, so the club had to be closed.
  17. Renting out skyboxes at 1-2 L$ per prim. That means 100 prims for as low as 100 L$ a week, for example. 200 L$ a week for 100 prims includes land options, such as media and music control. Have your own radio, your own TV. Other prim counts and prices are negotiable. Contact Gadget Portal in world.
  18. I just hope he went back and fixed it in the vendor too, or someone else is liable to run into this same problem.
  19. Got some Zindra land to get rid of. 5120 square meters, 1171 prims. 30,000 L$ or best offer. That's as cheap as you'll see a parcel that size on adult mainland. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lefabre/11/150/79
  20. If anyone's still following this, I figured I'd let you know it reached an outcome. After (what, four?) days, the creator finally logged in, talked to his support person for five minutes, then logged out. Apparently he thinks I'm braindead and can't tell the difference between mod and no-mod, because he gave her instructions to tell me how to edit linked parts. Basically it seems to be the attitude, "the permissions in the box can't possibly be wrong, I never make mistakes and SL never has glitches, so you must be stupid". That said, he gave her a copy to "show me how to do it". Since it's transfer, she offered me that one, which I took, and it has the correct permissions on it. So... The problem is solved, technically. Of course, it seems like it's more because I got lucky and she offered me that one than the fact that the problem was actually going to be solved...
  21. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: It seems the higher end graphics cards from Nvidia are picking up something wrong in the shaders and shutting down. SL isn't the only program that's done it for me. (._.) I followed the suggestion to roll back to 266.58 and 275.33 drivers since they were the last certified releases with no luck. (T_T) At this point, I found I can run Firestorm full on; shaders, shadows, AO, and all. But, LL and other V2/V3 clients can't seem to run unless all shaders are disabled. (._.) I don't yet have a solution. (._.) I don't think this is the case. I've got a GTX 570 HD (it doesn't get too much higher end than that) with the latest drivers and I'm not having any issues with Firestorm, V2, or V3. On the other hand, I don't use 2 or 3 much. I'll load up 3 in a few and double check my graphics settings. EDIT: Just tested it. While I get no crashes or error messages, shiny doesn't work with shadows enabled in V3. I found a JIRA about it, too.
  22. I'm going to save my thanks until after we see if it's actually going to work out.
  23. It's only been a day. There's no way it's causing any lag. Once we start seeing mesh everywhere, then we can see a performance difference.
  24. Ai Velde wrote: I find actually contacting the merchant works? A lot of times there's a discrepancy between items modifiable by scripts, and items modifiable by LL's definition. In many cases, Merchants just need to be politely told there is a difference and they should include that detail. If it's just straight up 'no copy' when they say it's 'copy', it could be an accident, and again... contacting does wonders. If they're just trying to scam you, then yeah, you can go more extreme I guess, but in most cases it's very innocent and can be cleared up with a polite and mature IM conversation. In most cases, the merchant will gladly fix it. I considered that. But A) His profile specifically says "Do not contact me". I'll give you his name and show you, if you want, and B) According to the online monitor I scripted, he hasn't signed on in days anyway. If I contacted him, he'd first have to have offline to email enabled for it to do any good, and second, be the sort of merchant that doesn't mind being contacted. Which I doubt, since he has a support staff and his profile is simply "don't talk to me". I'm not making that up. It's blank. There's seriously nothing else in it but "don't talk to me" and the three people he wants you to talk to. If you ask me, it's odd that someone can have what seems to be a really successful men's clothing store connected to an even more successful women's lingerie store (I didn't say any names, I'm not breaking any forum guidelines!) without logging in for days at a time, allowing issues like this to just fester...
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