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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Not great advice if we're on a budget. The PSU, case, GPU, RAM, that could all work perfectly acceptably on a new mobo. The whole point being made over and over in this thread is to not buy a whole new computer, upgrade as little as possible in one sitting.
  2. Why would you jump from 8 to 12, when even a 6 or 7 will hold up for a while still? By the time you're looking at 12, you should be all caught up on everything else, maybe even bought a mobo with the new socket while it was on sale or something.
  3. I know this conversation came up on reddit and I'll say basically the same thing here that was said over there- Anyone that's ever said "it's not a game" is to blame for people's expectations and computer buying advice being bad. Should have been telling people to buy like it's a game from day one. Laptops are definitely a bad choice, but even if you do need to completely replace it, you can still look at second hand, refurbished, or slowly building up a desktop. There's options.
  4. Oh yeah. It'd be lying to say there's no change at all. Personally, I'm one of the ones that benefitted- I'm getting extra FPS on near identical settings. Some people will get less based on how much load their GPU is now taking. The hyperbole is saying "It worked fine on ALM and now it's completely broken and I have to quit SL or buy a totally brand new 2000 USD computer."
  5. The complaints about that, I suspect (as do others) is hyperbole. Exaggerated, or a lack of willingness to change any options, at the very least.
  6. I do have a lot of free time. I actually gave scripting classes for a while, did you know that? Everyone graduated with flying colors, because I showed them llSetColor and llSetHover!
  7. That's terrible advice. There are much more reliable people that everyone else should have listened to. Should have taken me up on my offer to help, though? That would have prevented "all my friends are leaving SL and LL is about to go out of business because of it!" that keeps getting posted. We're 38 pages in. The people that can and/or will be helped are doing that elsewhere. The only ones left in here are the ones screaming that this is the end of LL. We can absolutely dismiss them as unimportant.
  8. Yeah, I was being sarcastic. There's viable solutions for most people, and for the few that there aren't... Well. Technology marches on. Source?
  9. It'd require some time and effort. LL just did PBR and used up the two decades worth of the time and effort they had allocated.
  10. Clearly it is, or we wouldn't have countless posts saying "all my friends have to leave SL because it won't run on their computers anymore". Unless they're lying about all the people quitting? That's UNPOSSIBLE.
  11. Well. That's the part that's not entirely true. I keep saying "people have had a decade" because technically this all started with ALM. When ALM was introduced, we had the option to disable it while we took the time to upgrade our computers to run it. If you'd done that, PBR now wouldn't even be a speedbump (not to start the comparison again). If we simply turned it off and ignored it for over a decade, we kind of brought this on ourselves.
  12. No, it's not. They've refused for years to replace the aging parts, and now they finally failed (to work for them) and they're acting all shocked. You don't need a 4090 and an i9 to run PBR, you just needed to not ignore that your hardware wasn't keeping up for the last ten years. Right? Just come and ask. Lots of people on these forums know how and are willing to help. I said it once already and I'll say it again- I've been offering for years to help people. Only one has ever taken me up on it, and they're currently enjoying PBR as we speak.
  13. I'll bet you a free upgrade part to one of our complainers in these threads (and the walkthrough installation) that you won't need to.
  14. Now you're going way too far down that rabbit hole, although even then most municipalities wave away any liability and it's on us to repair and replace parts. The point is computers are like anything else we use. Parts get old and need to be cleaned, repaired, and replaced with newer parts. You can extend the life of it- almost indefinitely- by staying on top of that maintenance, which is actually pretty inexpensive comparitively. If you're in a situation where you can't use SL anymore without buying a whole new computer, it's entirely your own fault.
  15. A) It often does. B) All of us with modern "cars" have zero trouble with these new "roads", because we were staying on top of maintenance and service, including replacing aging parts.
  16. It still applies though- because (at least in this case) if you'd stayed on top of the service and maintenance, the new road surface wouldn't be a big deal at all.
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