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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. This is correct. The venue is supposed to get the license. Guess how many SL clubs actually do that, though. This is also true, and why I gave it up. When you tell club owners, "I'll DJ for you, and here's my overhead, so here's what you need to pay me since you have no patrons that tip", they act all indignant that you don't just steal everything like everyone else does.
  2. I gotta wonder that too. Considering Twitch had a reputation for a while as a camgirl site, their standards can't be that high...
  3. I've been trying to rig an armored suit lately, and having trouble- apparently it was a bad idea to learn on such a "big" project, as all the (outdated) tutorials and information is about rigging skirts. At this point, my lack of experience is got me bottlenecked, so I figure I'll outsource it. Doesn't matter if it's rigged or fitted. I can provide obj, dae, and/or blend files for avastar or other software. My budget is in USD, not in L$. I can send payment via paypal or convert to L$ if it's easier. Sooner is better, but I don't have a deadline. It's an entirely personal project.
  4. Sounds to me like the error message should say "invoice delayed" instead of "invoice failed". Failed does not give the impression that if you just wait 2 hours, it'll suddenly work.
  5. I've been trying to rig an armored suit lately, and having trouble- apparently it was a bad idea to learn on such a "big" project, as all the (outdated) tutorials and information is about rigging skirts. At this point, my lack of experience is got me bottlenecked, so I figure I'll outsource it. Doesn't matter if it's rigged or fitted. I can provide obj, dae, and/or blend files for avastar or other software. My budget is in USD, not in L$. I can send payment via paypal or convert to L$ if it's easier. Sooner is better, but I don't have a deadline. It's an entirely personal project.
  6. It just amused me that SL is on a list of games, and what games it's being compared to. I figured I'd share that with our forum here, 'cause I know how much everyone loves it when people come around here and call SL a game.
  7. ... On this list of top ten games banned from Twitch.
  8. I always ask up front what permissions they want, because that distinction becomes part of the quoted price.
  9. It's amazing how many merchants I see complaining about customers complaining to them about MP errors. I just thought I'd share why. This is turning into a downright useful thread, though!
  10. Update: Here's LL's response, nearly word for word. This doesn't even make sense to me, I've never seen an order as "under construction". I've certainly never been able to cancel an order when someone purchased something from my store. Has anyone else seen that option?
  11. So, the other day I was spending time with a friend and she was shopping on the marketplace. At one point she tells me it's not working, she can't buy anything anymore. To test it, I decided to try to buy something. No surprise, I got the same error message she was getting. Something about being unable to create an invoice, I believe was the wording. Anyway, I told her it looked like the MP had crashed, and we'd have to wait for them to fix it. We'll try again tomorrow or something. The next day, she tells me a ton of her L$ went missing. We investigated, and it turned out all her failed attempts to buy things processed hours later, and she was sent multiple copies of stuff, and charged multiple times. Right away, she filed a support ticket. The reply? It's a resident to resident dispute, she should contact the merchants and have them refund her for duplicate purchases. So, fellow merchants, keep that in mind if a customer comes to you asking for refunds and blames marketplace errors. LL told them to.
  12. The problem with bringing up RL laws on this is that people forget one important one. "Facilitating the sale of stolen goods". It's one thing to buy stolen stuff in a back alley and have to give it back. It's another when an established company is knowingly providing a platform for the selling stolen items en masse to their customers.
  13. That's why LL will never do anything about it. They profit from it. Only reason they haven't been murdered in courts is because of the relatively small amounts of money per transaction.
  14. There's two things going on here. There's people that want to use your or take advantage of you or bully you. And there's people that just want some sort of proof or reassurance that you are what you say you are. Make sure you deal with them differently.
  15. I should have specified- they can spam you and not remove the block. You're still blocked, even though they're sending you messages, which is inconsistent, since sending anything else unblocks you.
  16. Did you know that someone can block you, but then still spam you with instant messages from a scripted object? True story.
  17. I'm tinkering with rigging some mesh- not fitted, since it's not clothes. I'm just trying to work with my model with anything other than the t-pose, but I'm not getting anywhere. Part of it is, I think, because I'm using the Avastar shape without avastar, as apparently none of the wiki downloads for the default SL skeleton exist anymore- is there anywhere I can get these? Secondly, is there a tutorial somewhere for Blender 2.7 that shows how to change the default rigging pose from the t-pose to a different pose?
  18. I didn't get a mesh avatar until very recently. I ignored it for a long time because they were all no-mod. I finally found a +mod one. It's hard to find clothes for it, and I often regret the purchase. I hear what Penny is saying.
  19. That's not entirely true. I've seen plenty of situations where someone was clearing trolling, face to face, mic in hand. Just watch YouTube for a couple hours. Search for "asking people questions on the street".
  20. They never will. It's much easier to just take their cut and then claim it has nothing to do with them.* *As someone that's disputed LL credit charges before, I can assure you, they're not as free of liability as they'd like to believe.
  21. Trolling only works if you allow it to get you riled up. People often forget that.
  22. So, I gotta ask... Did you actually go to AMD's website and download the latest drivers?
  23. I'm like Phil, mine are a bunch of bots in my group. I can never remember their passwords, either.
  24. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: My biggest problem now with the Electoral College now is that all states. except two, award the votes of their electors using the winner take all method. So if you live in a state where the majority of people vote for another candidate than the one you want, your vote essentially doesn't count. If states apportioned electors based on the portion of votes each candidate received it would be much fairer and also reflect more of what the true majority of voters wanted. This is important in a national election where the elected candidate is supposed to represent all the people which is the reason that I think the electoral college should be repealed. But if that's not possible, then apportioning electors is better than nothing. Pussycat Catnap wrote: It was intended to preserve the power of states - which itself was done to preserve slavery. This was a way of allowing states that violently disenfranchised a signifigant if not majority of their population into chains, to still have a say. Similar to the 3/5th of a person rule in those same states - letting them count other people for purposes of congressional seats and electoral power, while still subjecting them to violently barbaric brutality. It really doesn't matter whether or not results would differ, and if so in what way - were the system done away with. The mere legacy of that system is enough to justify abolishing it. I'm not saying the system couldn't be improved. All I'm saying is, it's false to say "the electoral college is wrong because slavery!" Saying it doesn't matter if the results would differ is also bad- ignoring consequences because feelings leads to all sorts of problems. Abolishing it without a good replacement is a terrible idea.
  25. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Today, that'd probably be New York and California. The top states are California (55), Texas (38), then New York (29) and Florida (29) are tied for 3rd. The 2020 census will most likely see Texas and Florida gaining seats while New York loses a small amount. The top 11 states own a majority of the electorial college votes between them. Getting them all vote to the same is not going to happen. Right, that's why it works. If you check out this map: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_population#/media/File:US_population_map.png You can see that the two coasts would control the elections, if not for the electoral college. That's all I was saying.
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