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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I'll throw something together soonish then, and make sure to futureproof it.
  2. I'll volunteer my server if there's actually interest in something like that again.
  3. Any conversation with any WW2 veteran is always chock full of important life lessons.
  4. I like it. It lets me know right up front whether to ignore the person or not.
  5. That's not creepy. Creepy would be saying something like... "Slack jawed is fine. Depending on what you wear, you won't need to speak at all." Probably.
  6. Apparently if you're Creepy Noprofile, all you need is the fork.
  7. Not long ago I saw a thread about people that were into appliances and pots and pans. Why not tuning forks?
  8. Let's be honest. Did we really expect creepy dudes to not jump all over a thread like this? The real question is, how come there are never any creepy ladies for us guys? Is it too much to ask for a little equality?!
  9. I feel like this deserves a flat earth meme.
  10. GTX750 isn't modern. What kind of CPU? If it's an AMD 3.8, it's not very good, either. Minimize how much you're downloading all at once. Jellydoll and/or derender other avatars.
  11. See what a discussion about politics does? It makes people think "If so and so doesn't agree with me 100%, then they clearly think 'X' and that makes them the villain!" I've done grunt jobs. I've put in 50 hours a week, every week, while buying the books I needed to get the certifications to get the job I wanted. Everyone should have THAT opportunity, not free handouts. Let me tell you a story. When I was in high school, when I was old enough to drive, I got a job. So did a lot of my friends. Some got loans, some didn't, but generally we paid for our own cars. We were careful with them, and if we damaged them, you'd see us outside on the weekends repairing the damage. A classmate of ours, she didn't. Her dad gave her a car, and paid for the insurance, paid for the gas. Free ride, literally. She crashed it. So he gave her another one. She crashed that, too. In one year, she'd gone through 3 cars, and was driving a fourth. Free handouts aren't the answer.
  12. It doesn't change the root cause of the problem, though. No matter who's paying it, somebody will have to. That money has to come from somewhere. Which is why I pay for insurance and keep some savings aside, because I don't know how to game the system so I know I wouldn't be collecting like these lazy scammers if something happens to me. That's how many of our laws already work. The majority get punished because the minority are bad.
  13. But that's what would happen. That's what happens already. If we can solve that problem, then maybe you can talk to me about redistributing money from people that work hard and earn it.
  14. I can name five right off the top of my head- although one is in prison now (which is another form of riding on my tax dollar, but we won't get into that). What I want is for there to be less handouts to the undeserving and as a result, less taxes taken out of my paycheck. Edit: ALL of our paychecks.
  15. So you honestly think everyone that's not "lucky" (a hard worker like Bill Gates) should get a cut of the money he works for, while they what? Watch TV?
  16. I'll agree with a need for taxes in a civilized society. It's part of being a society. The argument is over how much, and where it goes. Or they'd go disproportionately towards certain classes and people that are too lazy to work, while other classes have to work overtime to cover it... Which is a lot of what we have now. Unless you're also suggesting forced labor camps to pick up the slack. As it stands, I lose more than a third of my pay every week in taxes, while I observe people perfectly capable of working collecting those handouts from the government- and worse, selling their "disability drugs" on the street, because they don't actually need it. This is unfortunately true far too often.
  17. Most people in most countries don't research it for themselves and only listen to the (bad) news they see on TV. I doubt we could now. The executives making billions of dollars in profits, and the politicians they own, would never allow a change.
  18. That sounds like a server bug more than viewer related to me. Makes me think I should write a script to monitor land settings now, just in case.
  19. The thing about those countries is that their governments are actually committed to helping their citizens equally, which is why it works so well there. In the US at least, I sincerely doubt that it'd be the same. More likely it'd be helping certain classes of people at the expense of others. A problem we already have now, as a matter of fact.
  20. Few things, if anything, are more important than freedom. That said, I think most decent people are all for being generous and reducing the suffering of previously mentioned people. Many millionaires regularly donate to charities or start foundations and funds of their own, to assist less fortunate people. Once you start forcing people to be generous though, it's no longer generosity, it's theft. And I guarantee you it's going to make people even less likely to be truly generous.
  21. The most vocal lean left, so those of us that don't lean left (or right) keep quiet because the reaction is usually hostile and not worth it.
  22. I love political discussions. "Some fanatic on your side did the same thing that some fanatic on my side did, but since we vilify the whole instead of individuals, I have to call you out for yours while I ignore mine! Rabble rabble rabble!"
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