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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I often wonder if smartphones are making people less and less able to communicate effectively.
  2. I have to agree with this as well. If you can't be bothered to use any of the currently available tools, why should developers, who are already busy with other things, provide you with more tools to not use?
  3. I'm pretty sure someone had a crush on me once. That or they just really really hated me. Hard to tell the difference sometimes.
  4. I like taking pictures of mine in the dark. It was fun to build.
  5. Just the other day I watched a griefer take over the JIRA. I suspect it's not that LL "tolerates" this stuff, more that they're inept and powerless.
  6. I don't sell many clothes, but even I've done that with free clothes in the past. Seems to be the best option. Let people wear an advertisement as a demo (offering multiple doesn't hurt) so they can get an idea of the quality of your items.
  7. Right. If you purchased it full perm or created it yourself, you're allowed to sell it. Otherwise, you're not allowed to. Basically the same idea as what I'm suggesting.
  8. I follow profiles. I look at groups or picks, and when something catches my eye, I go there. Then I do it to someone there and see where it takes me.
  9. New in the box? Where'd you find it, a time capsule?
  10. Until these jerks start typing "gatcha" and "gocha" and "gotcha" so now my search has 15 NOT modifiers just to find a watch or sunglasses or a pair of shoes. At this point I think if you don't have full permissions on an item, you shouldn't be allowed to list it at all. Kill 'em all and let god sort them out.
  11. I wrote a script to ban dudes, but not women, from my land. Yeah, that's possible.
  12. No, an Internet Radio station is not the same as an SL DJ. If anything, that website you linked applies to LL or the club owner in SL. Back when I still did it, I even emailed BMI about this, same as Saul mentioned above. If the DJ owned the club he was working at, it'd be different, but in most cases, the stream for an SL DJ is treated as another piece of equipment required to do the job.
  13. LL doing what they do best. Not getting it right for years, then finally giving up and giving it to the residents, who get it right the first time.
  14. I don't see any trolling, invading, or attacks in this thread. So far, I only see people discussing a topic in a discussion forum. If you didn't want feedback, you wouldn't have posted in a place that has a Reply button. You even said, Or did you mean to say "I am only looking for topics that match mine and agree with my own."? However, if you want to see some trolling, I'm sure there are forum goers here that would be happy to provide.
  15. That doesn't really apply to this case. In that case, the person setting up the radio station owns the venue. SL is a unique platform, but the DJ definitely does not own the venue in SL. Usually.
  16. Personally I ignore those anyway. And I suspect people that can't get to the point in IM won't get to the point on a website, either.
  17. Yep. There's one source right there. Not a "fake news" thing, which is where you were going with that question, I'm sure. Even the ACLU called foul on it, and they're pretty liberal. The point I was making though, was to double check to make sure the pot isn't calling the kettle black, as the old saying goes.
  18. I've seen this a couple times in world, and just yesterday or so I saw a merchant reply to a 4 year old thread saying "the reason you didn't get customer support is because you didn't use our external website". I see a host of issues with this policy... Like any information you put there, like a TOU, would be completely unenforceable and irrelevant. I'm curious- any other merchants here on the forums actually have a separate website that you want customers to use instead of in world communication? If so, why?
  19. Funny story, but a quick reading of the news today alone and I see two stories about a right wing group being barred from having a rally by a Democrat politician, so... Just tossing that out there as something to think about.
  20. Although I don't usually record SL, do a lot of recording and streaming of other games, and for me, FRAPS was always junk. NVidia Share gave much higher resolution, higher FPS, and an overall better experience. 1080, 30 FPS recordings while the game is getting 60+ FPS has always been a breeze with Share.
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