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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Click the Build button. Click on the ground. That will create a cube. You are now a creator.
  2. Well. This thread will go until people start disagreeing (and they will- it's politics), then it'll be reported and closed. Welcome to the SL forums.
  3. Bingo. Just look at Blizzard games. Any and all repetitive actions are botted, and no matter what they do, they can't stop it. If Blizzard can't stop bots, LL won't be able to, either. Especially with open source viewers.
  4. Let's be honest though. There's a difference between off topic, and off topic. Especially if it's politics.
  5. Yeah, but it's still your fault, you gave the clueless buffoon way too much control over your viewer.
  6. No, I got what you meant. This is LL we're talking about, though. They have bugs and feature requests going back more than a decade. An overhaul of the financial system in SL they'd never do, unless it was going to make them rich.
  7. Without reading the post, I can say with absolutely certainty that the title, when used as a pickup line, does not work.
  8. There is no public land in SL. Even protected Linden land is owned by Lindens, not some sort of tax paid community thing. If you're on someone's sim, they call you a noodlehead and ban you so they can hit on your girlfriend, you have 0 recourse except to leave and never give them more traffic. Also, I love how these stories are always told like the ban was for no reason, out of the blue, and never what happened to get there. Like if you say a rat started chewing on your face, there would be questions. Rats don't just fall out of the sky and start eating us. Something's gotta lead up to it!
  9. The point is, if L$ were valueless, tax law would never come up at all. I have to file taxes due to the L$ I get in SL, even though I rarely cash out. I don't have to file taxes for my SWTOR credits or WOW gold. Those are valueless play currencies.
  10. The best part about SL is that we're all equals. Got banned from some sim or group? Make your own that they can't ban you from. Problem solved.
  11. I predict this thread will end well.
  12. Best advice at this point is to move away from Hippo products. Some will suggest CasperVend. I suggest your own server and system, not relying on someone that could abandon their products (or die, or go broke, or whatever).
  13. LL woukd never allow us to talk about other games here, because then we'd all realize how terrible SL actually is. 60+ FPS on ultra settings? Servers that cost 15 USD a month? It'd be chaos!
  14. I was going to do this, then realized how long it would take and how hungry I was, so I got a sandwich in preparation. That was 2 years ago.
  15. That usually happens right before I get a warning point. Or right after.
  16. This thread is epic. This sounds like a classic case of doing something you shouldn't, suffering consequences for it, and learning not to do it again. There was a time that this sort of thing was considered a positive learning experience.
  17. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Required_Tax_Documentation_FAQ Tell me again about no value?
  18. Linden Lab could state that the sky is pink in there, doesn't make it true. Just like Sony's arbitration clause in their TOS, these things are always getting wrecked in court. Like it or not, there's real money involved in SL, and should loot box laws come to the US, SL will have to abide by them.
  19. Your bias is showing. You're trying so hard to defend gatchas that you're saying stuff without even thinking about it. L$ are worth money. As long as we can buy it and cash it out, there's real money involved. If/when the laws come to the US and affect SL, saying "But I won't cash out, I promise." isn't going to cut it.
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