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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Sure, I wasn't disagreeing. It is a complex issue. I was just saying... ... that when you dismiss a valid point as just a minor detail, it makes you look as bad as they're saying. Gotta be careful not to fall into that trap.
  2. Yeah, but saying it's okay for one race to do it and not another is the very definition of racism.
  3. Phil really just likes to argue his point, even when it's not that big a deal. Like when a gunsmith hears magazines called clips. Even if it's wrong, the gunsmith is gonna have to get over it, 'cause people are gonna keep doing it.
  4. That's the part that's tripping me up. It was there before I attached it, before put the script in, after I teleported around, and after I detached it. Then it was gone when I logged back in.
  5. The whole attachment vanished from my inventory, I only had the original object in my object folder.
  6. People still use Macs for more than overpriced web browsing? Gamers and 3D artists have abandoned Macs long ago. Apple seems fine with being a phone company.
  7. Full perm mesh that I still have original copies of, and my own script containing only chat functions.
  8. Or is it? I've never experienced it before. Create an attachment, write a script in said attachment. Go about your day. Sim where you created said attachment is rolled back while you're offline. Log in at another sim, and said attachment is gone from your inventory. Has anyone else experienced this?
  9. Maybe Linden Lab should set up a system, like with permissions and settings so we can create and sell prims and content to each other! If they're smart, they'll even have some kind of web page where residents can search and shop for all our creations. If LL does that, we won't need sites like Patreon or GoFundMe, because people will be able to earn L$ right in-world. ... Oh, wait.
  10. People tend to dress how they want to be perceived, SL and RL. And people that complain about the reactions are being foolish or intentionally combative.
  11. My mom always says my brother was a "happy accident", and insists that she's proud of him.
  12. Luckily we're not in Germany. I can't believe this thread is still going and making such a big deal about this, honestly. But then I live in a country that absolutely takes "freedom of speech" for granted.
  13. ... What a terrible design. That zipper is never going to work.
  14. That much was obvious. That question was already answered. Mute, ban, move on. Don't feed them with the drama or reactions that they want. Big arguments, freaking out, making threats (even threats of banning or reporting) is just entertaining them.
  15. You must have missed the thread where it was suggested that women were wasting their money buying mesh heads at all, 'cause nobody's gonna notice!
  16. How would LL know what scripts have the sole purpose of causing mayhem unless they're spending all their time reading every single script in SL that's written? They already throttle certain LSL functions to prevent griefing and people still find work arounds. Again, there is no technological way to stop determined griefers without paying for a Linden to stand in every sim, 24/7.
  17. For some reason I had it in my head that nudity is only a problem when they're male. Maybe I'm just biased.
  18. … You don't know how any of this works, do you?
  19. I for one, find that kind of optimism downright inspirational. Bruce Lee once said, "A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often simply serves as something to aim at." Edit: As he was naked, did you notice if he was aiming at you?
  20. That line on the back of my head when my hair base doesn't load in correctly, that one's annoying.
  21. There's no way to stop someone that's determined to grief, and if ban and ignore isn't enough to stop them, then they're determined. If they're determined to grief you, you're doing something to make them that way. It's trivially easy to change your IP and mac address, make a new gmail account, and sign right back into SL. The solution to griefers in SL is 100% behavioral, not technological.
  22. Some rich dude isn't buying a gold plated yacht by charging a 500% markup on an x-ray machine with that system. It's a woe for that rich dude.
  23. All this thread has done for me is told me that somewhere on the grid, there is a job that requires getting my camera underneath a lady's outfit, and I'd like an LM to this place. For research.
  24. Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/192/62/2 24/7
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