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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Good point. I am so used to seeing AMD R somethings I forget NVIDIA now has their R card.
  2. To get specific help you need to give us way more information. Use the viewer's HELP->About... and post that info here. HELP provides the hardware and driver version info that can give us an idea what is going on. I suspect Lindal is right. That regions load and avatars cause problems suggest a problem in the UDP part of the feed. You can test the conection using the this information http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ to collect the info you need to file with a ticket to the ISP. We need a better description of the mini-lockups because that is not a typical network issue. That is typically a viewer-computer performance issue. Without the HELP info we can't tell if that is more or less likely the problem. Assuming the computer is not the problem may have you looking in all the wrong places. Since you are all AMD the video driver and graphics card configuration/setup are a definite starting place. Often only certain versions of the AMD driver work well with SL. You can search this forum for your model graphics card and see what version driver others are using or having problems with. You may all want to search the SL JIRA. Many games use DirectX as the graphics basis. SL uses OpenGL. AMD is weak on OpenGL. So, there are often driver issues that affect SL and not other games.
  3. The render engine is in a single thread. But, more and more of the viewer runs in separate threads. If the lag is in responsiveness... it depends on what you are expecting to respond as to where the problem may be. Use the viewer's HELP->About... to collect the info we need to have understanding of what is going on in your computer. We need driver info and handy details in the Firestorm extras. If you are expecting a boat or plane to respond then it is very likely a server side issue. Look in Viewer Stats (Ctrl-Shift-1) at Ping, Server FPS, Time Dilation, Scripts Run %, and Spare Time. Recently there have been issues with Scripts Run % being exceptionally low for no apparent reason. Some changes have been to solve the issue and things are a bit better. But, there are regions that abysmal script performance. At 33% a script only gets CPU time (on the server) every 3rd frame. Depending on how busy the script is there may be considerably more delay in the script getting to the part that processes the key strokes. I've had my sailboat fail to start a turn for 3 ot 6 seconds... I wasn't on a region crossing... then start turning and WAY oversteer. If it is a matter of the avatar being slow to respond then Ping, Server FPS, and Time Dilation are the things to look at. Network issues are a well know cause of the problem. A lagging server is another cause. Change regions to see if it is the region causing the problem. If it isn't the region, dig into the network as this is almost always the cause. If a new computer is performing worse than an old one, you really need to go through the computer's and the viewer's game settings. New hardware runs SL WAY better.
  4. Also, post the info from the viewer's HELP->About... section. That will tells us about drivers and hardware. You can search for 'how to id fake video card'.
  5. I never expect people to be rational... makes for a nice surprise when they are.
  6. So... should we let the BDSM community know you are accepting applications? You would probably need help processing all of them...
  7. Lets correct this point... Take it from a Linden or run System Internals yourself. But, the render engine is all in one thread So, CPU speed is way more important than the number of cores. IMO memory speed is the second most important factor. Internet speed has almost no effect on FPS. It has a major effect on scene render time. Slow Internet = grey world. You may even see FPS go up on a slow net as grey renders faster than textures... but, that is a brief and temporary case. KDU provides more consistency in uploaded textures. Before Emerald/Phoenix/Firestorm added KDU we had lots of texture render issues. Vulkan... Oz Linden has told us, a couple of times, this year that a switch to Vulkan is not on the list of things to do. I take that with a bit of salt. The Lab did take on 2 new employees specializing in rendering. We've met them at various UG meetings. The present job is to solve some sticky EEP problems. But, after that... we can hope they will look at some upgrade to the SL render engine. I keep hoping some upgrade will get us into VR range. True enough. SL is way complex when it comes to getting decent benchmarks. You left out that the viewer adjusts itself to the hardware it is running on. We think we can override those viewer made tweaks, which I think is debatable. So, not only is the render task changing via location and population but what the viewer needs to render changes based on its opinion of the computer. So, everyone approximates there benchmarks. I walk out on my front porch (SL) and check FPS, jump up to a skybox and check again and visit a Safe Hub to check with avatars present. But, from time to time my neighbors change and the Hub never has the same people present. But, generalizing is good enough.
  8. I just noticed your name.... as cute as the avatar. No... bedraggled isn't the word I would use. Very pretty.
  9. I forget when they changed ARC calculations. Five years ago? The event is marked by the introduction of the ACI numbers and the popups. Later JellyDolls were introduced. Expect the numbers to change again in 2020 when the ARCTan project completes. As hardware and the Internet change the algorithm figuring render cost changes too. ACI/ARC is intended to reflect the effort your computer exerts to render the avatar. You can see the change in advertising for graphics cards. They used to hype polygons rendered per second. Now that measure is passe. Our current ACI/ARC is not as helpful as it might be.
  10. Same info with images to demonstrate http://blog.nalates.net/2011/07/24/second-life-camera-position-tips/
  11. When sailing and flying I often see regions that have disappeared. One usually cannot fly, sail, drive, or walk into such a region. Try and you are generally disconnected. These are regions you can file a Trouble Ticket on asking for a restart. You don't have to be an owner to report a down region. This type of behavior usually stops once the regions are restarted for a Tuesday or Wednesday update. Earlier this year regions were failing to connect to the SL backend as they should. They would be what I'll call "partially down". A restart fixed it. If the behavior persists past an update restart, file a JIRA. You will need to have documented the behavior over a couple of weeks and/or be able to point to the tickets you have filed.
  12. To get REAL help you need to give us WAY more info. Use the viewer's HELP->About... then paste that info here. People here were a bit caustic because you didn't give us enough information to provide any help.
  13. Your friend likely installed all the latest drivers. Assuming he got the best drivers for SL is a BIG assumption. Search this forum for the model graphics card you have. See if those using it are having to roll back to a specific driver. Run Windows Update a couple of times to see if it updates any drivers. AMD works well with SL. The negative is AMD does not keep their OpenGL drivers as up to date as NIVIDA does. So, the AMD user may have to use an older driver. Otherwise AMD isn't that bad and lots of SL peeps are very happy with their AMD. Search for how to setup AMD for SL. - From you stats panel your graphics are good. 157FPS is fine... actually awesome. I doubt your problem is graphics card related. Other games... see next response... Other games are NOT comparable to SL. Other games are designed by professionals and all their content is optimized and likely on the DVD or downloaded in a massive download at install.Those games can run fast. SL uses petabytes of data and content built by amateurs and hobbyists. No way it can all reside on you machine. So, a slow area rez is most likely a network and possibly a cache issue as data is downloading. Make sure you have your cache set to the max size. The best info you can give us is from HELP->About... paste that here and we can offer more suggestions. The key-response-timing problem where it takes a second to respond or stop is more likely a region or network issue than it is your computer or settings. From you stats I see Scripts Run % at 35%. I find I can just barely fly or sail (copter or boat) in a region running that few scripts. The Time Dilation and Server FPS shown in your stats are both degraded showing some of the problem is on the server side, but not enough to be a big problem. But, it could be contributing to you problem. So, visit other regions and check Time Dilation, Server FPS, Ping, Lost Packets, Scripts Run %. These ideally would be 1.00, 44, 0, 100% respectively. That other viewers have similar issues suggests this is a settings or network issue. Possibly a Draw Distance problem. Keeping the DD at 128m is a reasonable starting place. I fly or sail (copter/boat) with DD at 512m. In crowded places I'll use 64 or 128m. Take a look here: I suggest you do some searches and see if you can find something more recent. You can look at the settings we use for NVIDIA. I know those work well as I use them. You can use similar settings with AMD. Notice that I have a "Game Profile" for each viewer to assure Windows knows what to do when I start a viewer.
  14. Black Friday... ooow... what fun looking at all the sales. Ever get that feeling... and look over your shoulder?
  15. You are looking for and learning about mesh bodies just as the nature of mesh bodies is changing. Bakes On Mesh (BOM) is recently released. The feature changes how designers make mesh bodies and heads. AFAIK only Slink has rebuilt their body specifically for BOM. Others are in the process. In the meantime many are providing a work around to take advantage of BOM. So, you have a lot of extra stuff to work out. This is made worse by lots of people not understanding BOM mixing in their answers with those people that do understand BOM. Also, we are not sure how designers will decide to handle BOM. We have seen how Slink completely remade their bodies and reduced total polygon count and script load. But, what other designers are going to do is unknown until they release their BOM versions. Then there is the matter of what buyers will decide is best. That is complicated by old timers understanding the way Classic avatars and clothes worked and newer people that have never known anything but the new Mesh and Applier bodies. The old timers will easily make the change to BOM and probably consider it easier than the Applier style bodies. I find avoiding appliers a great simplification in the creation of Outfits. I like BOM for a number of reasons. But, newer people will have to learn the old ways and may decide it is confusing and avoid BOM. But, no one knows and we all can only speculate how it will go. Asking for which is best and whether to make BOM support a major criteria in you decision is still WAY debatable. I think BOM is going to be the winner in bodies. I have considerable doubt about how well makeup is going to work with mesh heads. It seems I have to give up a lot of control to go back to a single layer skin on the face (BOM). The onion-skin faces seem to provide way more control. So, I am waiting to see what head-makers do. There are a number of threads here where people are discussing (cussing?) the different bodies and designers. So, there is lots of discussion and information here.
  16. Gorgeous face... Beautiful Av and great lighting.
  17. Theresa is right. However, a no-mod tat cannot be tinted. So we are dependent on the designer to sell us all the variations we may like.
  18. SL has quite a mix of people and preferences. It isn't surprising that some like pixel sex and some don't. The differences in people keep it interesting. I'll add to my favorites... Teasing the boys is where it starts. For a time I collected pickup lines used on me. Some of the big I Can't Believe They Think That Works I actually would try out with a male Alt. Surprising results, both ways. I am not sure I would list collecting pickup lines as a favorite thing. But, I do have fun with it. Sex is fun RL and interesting, to say the least, in SL. I am curious about people and society and I think the interaction between people when one wants something from the other reveals a lot. Then tell someone 'no'. I am always curious about how the media's thought conditioning is affecting people. In SL I can experiment with using buttons I suspect are being implanted and see the reactions. It is getting easier to separate the thinkers and reactors. (Yes, there is a button in this paragraph.) I too like making stuff in SL. Poses and animations tailored to my specific avatar. I used to prim-build in SL. I don't do much of that these days. I tend to use Blender and make mesh things. Exploring is a main pass-time. I love flying a copter... until SL disconnects me or I hit a region that is down or drops my crossing. On the mini-map you often see flyers and sailors stuck on a region boundary like flies on a window. I find so many places while flying that I would never have known about otherwise. The copter goes way faster than I can fly. I can look around as I travel from one place to another. I do landings for practice and to stop and see the places I have discovered. There are amazing airports and marinas with automated stuff.
  19. Solve the problem by finding a sugar daddy... 😁
  20. Hourglass is probably the 3rd or 4th most popular brand targeted by clothes designers. Slink Original is way less popular and yet I can find all the sexy cloths I can afford. Slink Redux Original body shown... Finding hot clothes in SL is easy enough. Visit Cosmopolitan Events & Shopping Town and walk through the area. Visit Slink's main store and surrounding shopping area, click over to Seraphim and visit some of the weekly, monthly, and seasonal fashion events in SL. There are events with names like XXX, Kinky, Roleplay, When you find a brand you like, visit their main store and check out the events in which they are participating. You will find similar styles at those events. Join the brand's group to get announcements of new products, sales, and events.
  21. I suggest you contact NiranV, the author of Black Dragon. Show Niran the problem. If it is a bug, it will get fixed. If it is a setting, you'll find out what to change. @NiranV Dean help...
  22. Then post your viewer-computer info from the viewer's HELP->About... I am assuming you are TPing into different regions and getting stuck in all of them. Yes?
  23. Doing month by month certainly makes that possible. So, you could pay for a single month and get the last name. Canceling a week in won't get you a refund. You will have membership for the month. Then you will drop to basic. Can't imagine them taking the name away...
  24. No.. that is not the reason. They removed last names as they figured out having to choose a second name was causing a large percentage of people to drop out of the signup process. The idea was removal of last names would get more people into SL. At the time this last name thing was a major topic of discussion. The Lindens explained their reasoning and reasons. ...how else are you going to keep up with who is doing who? 🤣 That is not going to be a problem or so the Lindens say. Part of the reason this took so long to implement is figuring out and programming what has to happen when someone changes name. How do I keep track of my Friends? The Lindens say when a user changes names we will see the name change reflected in our Friends List and lots of other affected places. Keeping track of people and interactions with them is a thing for Profile comments. Those comments sort of make up my little black book. There is a nuance here that is confusing people. It is the difference between "having" a last name and "changing" a last name. It has been awhile since I've heard them discuss the signup name choice. If I recall correctly the idea was a new signup could pick a last name or postpone a last name selection and have one free name change... The idea is everyone will have a last name, just as they do now (Resident being the current last name for years). So while everyone will have a last name, only Premium members have the option to change them. Read the response above the quote of you. The simple answer is both blog and Patch are right.
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