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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. This is one of those time-issue things... If they are looking away, you are out of their field of view, when you sit or whatever animation starts the position information doesn't get sent to them. When they look at you later the animation ID is given to them and they see the animation or pose. But, without the position info, things just aren't right. They can resolve the problem by right-clicking you and selecting reset animations. Sometimes pressing Ctrl-S (animation resync) will do the trick. So, obviously your need to dress so they NEVER take their eyes off you... 😎
  2. Yes. There are multiple ways. The Slink Classic bodies come with an Auto-Alpha HUD. You set your alpha cuts then click the HUD and memorizes the settings. Save the HUD with the dress or outfit and wear it when you put the dress on. It resets your alpha-cuts to those it memorized. I suspect many pre-BoM mesh bodies have something similar. So, one. Another way is the get body alphas as you want them then make a copy of the body. Wear that copy with the dress. Two. I use this method with gowns that use a combination of applier and alpha settings. And you probably should start thinking about BoM. Rather than alpha-cuts we use alpha-layers. This is the way mesh clothes worked before mesh bodies. Clothes will once again start coming with alpha-layers, which you just wear as part of an outfit. For new clothes this will be much easier. For clothes that came without alpha-layers for the Classic bodies, we have to make our own, which is a bit tedious. But, it works and I am starting to get more efficient making them. All the Classic, Fitted Mesh Bodies, Appliers, and now BoM is really complicating my inventory organizing...
  3. When the strange stuff happens, it is usually time to relog. I am pretty sure it isn't the body that causes the problem. It may correlate but it is unlikely the cause. As they move SL into the cloud I expect some new and odd things to happen. So, experiment with restarts and different viewers. If you can repeat the problem in multiple places/regions on multiple viewers (one has to be the Linden made SL Viewer) write it up in a JIRA Bug Report.
  4. What do you mean you "... can't really do anything right now" ? RL has you busy or once logged in the avatar isn't responding to keypresses?
  5. We ask that you use the viewer's HELP->About... to collect all the viewer pertinent information. You have provided only a small subset of the information we need. The NVIDIA driver you are using is old. You might try a newer one, or aka 436.30. Have you checked that this happens in other regions? Have you reinstalled over the existing install?
  6. If you have the FS AO enabled and it has a set of basic animations, walks, stands, etc. along with another another AO attached with similar animations you'll have problems. Usually it is the AOs that avoid polling and replace the default animations ID's server side that cause the problem. Turn one or the other off and things start working. It may be possible to remove duplicate animations from one of the AOs and have them both work. I am guessing it is a race condition server side with some repetitive cycles of two or more AO's saying 'use this animation... no... use this animation..' and the server never gets it figured out.
  7. As Oz suggests... check the firewall. Turn it off for a few minutes and see if that solves the problem. If it does then you can worry about tweaking your firewall. That your PING time goes nuts suggests you are losing connection. The question is why. A first check should be the Internet Outage maps. Many ISPs have outage stats. Plus there are larger maps of the world that show where there are Internet problems. China, Iran, N Korea, and Russia spend considerable effort breaking parts of the Internet to detect various weaknesses for future use. The outage info can tell you if you are in the crossfire this week. Last week I had a number of businesses and clients and websites that could not process transactions. A regional transient power outage only milliseconds long seemed to confuse modems and routers throughout the area. It took hours to recover... My point is there is a lot happening that isn't anything you can fix. So, you need to know if it is you or 'them' that is the problem.
  8. This depends on the shape you are using. If it is full-perm, yes. If not, then it is a challenge. If it is full-perm then it becomes a matter of whether you are willing to edit and XML shape file. You can export the shape you wear. Or if you are using the a full-perm shape that came with the head export that shape. Either way, once exported edit out all but the head-shape-values and then upload the remaining settings as a new shape. You can wear the new shape over the bodies shape without changing the body.
  9. I suggest you reword your post to make sense. Avoid assuming we have any idea what you are thinking. If you want to make an exact replica of your IMVU avatar we need to see an image of it. The SL marketplace has a large selection of anime avatars that should work for the default avatars. But, if you have used some of the IMVU addon packs... that may take down the wrong path.
  10. I wanted to have a look close to my classic head's and to have Bento capability. So I went through a lot of demos. Experimenting with shape and HUDs. I finally decided on GA.EG's Jennifer. It is Bento. I am very happy with the head, HUD, and its new BoM applier. The animation thing is a gotcha. Older furniture uses the SL classic face animation, which does not use any Bento bones. They use system head morphing. So, only facial expressions built into the viewer for the classic head work. Very limited set. The typical emote morph used for an orgasm looks the same as the one for an elephant standing on your foot. Whatever, most mesh heads do not work with those older animations. Going forward new furniture and animations will use Bento bones for facial expression as the range and subtlety of expressions is pretty much unlimited. The classic morph expressions are limited to what the Lab built in. There are some animation scripts made for furniture to add Bento facial expressions. My point here is that having a mesh head that responds to 'furniture' animations is WAY less important than Bento compatibility.
  11. ouyay eepspay avehay ayway ootay uchmay imetay onyay ouryay andshay . i otewray isthay enthay otgay uriouscay ofyay ooglegay ouldcay anslatetray ityay . Obviously Google failed... I think it is a funny fail. Pig-Latin might sound like Somali... but Google doesn't have an output audio for Somali... so whatever...
  12. I'll point out that the SL Viewer (any brand) performance is VERY dependent on CPU speed. You want a CPU with high GHz. I overclock to improve performance, which needs a CPU with an unlocked clock. With intel that is a CPU with a K suffix. SL is multi-threaded but the render process is pretty much in a single thread. So, one sees little if any performance gain by adding CPU-cores. 4-cores are adequate. 8-cores or more are nice but if price is any concern then save the money on cores and get more memory. Memory is the next most important performance factor. Lots of FAST memory helps. While the Lindens list of Sys Requirements is 4 - 8GB I've found 8GB to be the minimum and 16GB better. I run 32GB, but I multitask like crazy with the viewer open and lots of other stuff in background.
  13. Unless you are using Slink and update to the Redux version the only thing a BoM viewer does is make those wearing BoM stuff render correctly. As designers include the use of BoM in products and more people use them we should all see a performance improvement, especially at events with lots of avatars. The Slink Redux body reduces the number of attachments. Hands, feet, and body are one attachment. There is a version with separate body, feet, and hands but that is for those that for some reason want to use another brand of feet or hands. I think the BIG improvement is the reduction in script weight and count. Redux drops my script weight by about 2MB. There currently is a BoM kludge for existing heads and bodies, the BoM-Applier. One can continue using their non-BoM onion skin bodies and heads and apply the BoM skin layer to the skin layer of the onion skin body/head. The problem is this approach while handy and cheap does not improve one's ACI as it is hoped BoM will. Fortunately, designers are releasing free upgrades to BoM bodies... well Slink did and others are likely to follow along. So, only the cost of new tats and skins are likely to be a cost issue holding people back.
  14. All that information is available in the open source code of the Linden made SL Viewer. This is likely a bit out of date but the info you need is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Get_source_and_compile
  15. I seldom use Imgur.com for posting images. A good number of SL people use Flickr. The forum software will read the Flickr link and grab the image to place in the post. Also, you can get various images sizes from Flickr. Example:
  16. 1- Not true. Everything that came before still works. 2 - If you install a BoM viewer and use no BoM you won't notice any difference. 3 - I really have no idea what you are thinking... 4 - You only see the red, yellow, blue colors if you or someone around you wears BoM stuff without you using a BoM viewer. Update and the colors go away. 5 - ? 6 - There is no need to edit existing outfits, pre-mesh, mesh, or post BoM. 7 - ? 8 - The BoM appliers for heads are for those that want to use BoM with a non-BoM head. Presumably those people will be using a BoM viewer and therefore will not see red. This is really simple. Update to a BoM viewer so you can see those using BoM bodies correctly. There is nothing else you need to do.
  17. Teleport into 1920's Berlin. In the marketplace type in 1950s or whatever era you are interested in. Check the results for places that have in-world stores.
  18. The challenge in helping is separating what I like to get to what you like. I like dramatic camera angles, which for me means anything other than eye-level. I like crisp, high contrast images. I crop my images to use Golden Rule, Thirds, and other subject positions. I suggest looking at images you like and considering how they placed the subject, what they did with background, and the overall contrast and brightness of the image. Often what makes an image is the use for foreground and background depth.
  19. Have you checked the Black Dragon (BD) blog and asked in the in-world support group? I suggest you include your computer specs from BD's HELP->About... and information about which Windlight setting you are using. Viewers are changing away from Windlight and over to EEP (Enhanced Environment Project). We've seen problems in Firestorm and other viewers as the server side changes for EEP messed things up. So, we may have a couple more months of problems as they finish up EEP. They did hire 2 new graphics rendering people. They are about finished with orientation. So, we should see things start moving. My point is you may not see this problem resolved and it may be no one has a fix. If you want the clouds... you may have to use another viewer, which I am sure isn't going to give you gorgeous render that BD does. 🥺
  20. Shooting a Linden and not getting banned, YAY! 😄
  21. We need your computer-viewers specs to make a reasonable guess. Use the viewer's HELP->About... and copy paste here.
  22. Actually you don't. The Lumiya app is old and out of date. There is nothing we can do to update it. It is not broken. So, there is no fix. The lindens have added features to SL and removed old features the Lumiya viewer depended on. Lumiya simply is NOT supported by the SL system. The Lumiya computer code is proprietary and not available to the open source community. So, unless the original author, which we have tried to contact, releases the code... Lumiya is done.
  23. Me.... actually some of the evening gowns for mesh bodies use flexi skirt components along with mesh skirts parts. Look at some of the gowns made by Wild Orchid.
  24. So you'll know... Regions do not load inventory. So, 500 or 500,000 items in inventory won't make a difference to the region. Inventory is a viewer and backend sort of thing. About all a region does inventory-wise is relay what you are wearing to other avatars and that is just a matter of passing UUIDs. Inventory size will, however, affect your initial login. If your inventory is flat (everything in one folder) it can cause an inventory load timeout and prevent login. Support has to fix it before you can login again. Inventory size, structure, and connection speed and quality affect when the problem pops up. Generally 5k items in a single folder is where problems start. What makes a huge difference in crossing regions it the script load your avatar is wearing. All the scripts and all their data have to be packaged, compressed, and sent to the region you are entering. The new region reads the package, decompresses it. loads the scripts and their data then starts them running. Over or near 3MB of scripts will eventually start to cause problems. Hit a lagging region with a heavy script load wearing avatar and a sailboat may sail on without you. The second most problematic is the number of attachments. Fewer is better. Also if you stack several of them on a single attachment point you are likely to drop some of the last attached attachments as you cross regions. Experiment with you large inventory avatar. Make a sailing outfit with super low ARC/CPI and no scripts. HOWEVER... you have a pretty awesome pirate captain there.
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