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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Suspiria Finucane is right. The cache is the likely problem. Mixing SLV2 and SLV1 style viewers, whether LL or TPV written will create problems. If you use just SLV2 (SL Viewer ) and SLV1.23 I suggest you change the SLV1 cache location. In 1.23 that is done in top menu: Edit->Preferences->Network I currently use 13 different viewers because I review them for my blog (see nalates.wordpress.com). I use a separate cache for each and seldom have inventory problems or an avatar that refuses to rez. When I install a new viewer I change the cache location before I ever login. A corrupted cache can cause other problems too as the viewer settings can corrupt too. New installs can flush previous viewer settings We currently have SL 1.23.x viewers based on the oldest code. We could call those SLV1.2 code based. We have Snowglobe versions 1.4 and 1.5 and TPV's based on each. In general those are called the SLV1 viewers. Now LL is changing how they develop software and Snowstorm is moving quickly producing the new SLV2 series of viewers. (I like LL's Monday version of the Development Viewer) TPV's will follow soon. The thing is they handle inventory in different ways and it is hard to know which version is using which style of inventory and how well they handle the new SLV2 inventory features. Mixing their caches seems to scramble the cache.
  2. Good reply Q. In dealing with people shrinks use a concept of 'mirroring' or technically; transference displayed as projection. People see their behavior in another whether it is there or not. Many posts reveal more about the one placing the post than the person targeted in the post. One can most often see this when people describe another’s behavior and motivations. They move off the topic issue and stop discussing whether the options are good, bad, necessary, or just evil. Instead they discuss things like the Lab being disassociated from customers. There is no evidence ever provided that is true, it is just opinion provided as fact. I suspect such people are unaware of the personal projects various Lindens have in SL. But, when one is projecting facts are irrelevant. On axes to grind… some do. Some people have agendas and past grievances. Others are just in their stuff and projecting. Their preferences and viewpoints are not met so obviously the Lab has no clue. While the Lab runs usability tests and reads through the forums, emails, OH responses, JIRA’s, backlogs and more the derogatory poster usually posts from a limited viewpoint. I've been around SL for about 3 years now. I like lots of the current changes in the development side of the Lab since Phillip's return. That you have taken the time to make this post is nice and I think it a good example of the new openness in LL development and communication. I read the Office Hours Meeting transcript where this came up. I thought it was clear then that options were not the first solution you wanted see and that better planning could remove the need to some option settings. Nor did I take it new options would never be added. Your OP seems to be consistent with what I read in the transcript. Unfortunately no matter what you do some are not going to get it.
  3. There are 5 people at LL working on changing search. If you want a good update on how SL is doing search and what your parcels search info looks like check out: Second Life Seach which is about an article written by Darrius Gothly. He goes into much more detail and has built a tool now on XStreetLS. He also provides some free tools and links to other free tools. One needs to avoid spamming. But, we have a thing called BOOST...
  4. Blender with CS3 is doable but not as easy as using CS4. CS3 and Blender can work together. Textures can be baked in Blender to get lighting effects. Those can be cleaned up or enhanced in PS. Using Blenders UVMapping has a high learning curve. If you are considering working in Blue Mars then Blender is a good choice. The Primstar (http://dominodesigns.info/project/primstar) add-on to Blender allows one to import/export SL sculpties. With the other file formats that Blender provides it would allow you to convert sculpties to almost any file format you need.
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