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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. I think you are asking about scene rendering. There are things you can do to improve it. Firestorm viewer has tools to help that the Linden made SL Viewer does not. But, both have the basics. You can turn down the Draw Distance. For the example you provided (just above) 64m would work. For general outdoor scenes go with 128m. In Firestorm enable Progressive Draw, Preferences->Firestorm->Extras->(Check box) Progressive draw... Check your settings (Preferences) and make sure your cache is set to the max size. Then avoid ever clearing cache. In Preferences->Graphics->(tab) Hardware Settings->(slider) Viewer Texture Memory set the value to the max. Make sure your Debug Setting for RenderVolumeLODFactor is at 2 or less. This is tricky and needs to be set differently depending on the picture you are trying to take. For the example above 1.5 to 2.0 is good. For the opening post image 2 to 4 is good, but expect scene render to take longer. The Linden default is 1.2 I think. Firestorm's default is 2.0 and that is a controversial thing. You can get into the drama about this setting or just use 1.5 or 2.0 and ignore them. At 4.0 your are affecting others ()forcing the system to download more), so I recommend a lower setting. If you are using Catznip Viewer... on some graphics cards it is slower rendering the scene. From time to time I benchmark viewers on scene render time. I ran into that in testing. So, try another viewer brand and see if that helps. There are other drastic limits you can set, but they really degrade the visual quality. So, for pictures they aren't really helping. You can use Graphics Presets. Make your own. Most viewers have them now. You can have a set of settings for; shopping, exploring, close photography, and panoramic pics. Make use of those.
  2. OK... we'll give that 'behavior thing' a few minutes...
  3. This is a nice belief. Unfortunately it doesn't fit reality nor with human nature nor the Linden marketing plan. We have about a half dozen viewers with extended and/or different features than the Linden made viewer. All free. The only viewers that anyone has charged for have been the mobile viewers. They provided something not available anywhere else. So, you might be able to build a mobile version and sell it. However, the Lab is building a mobile version and it is going to be free. The first versions are likely to be text only. So, there will be a window in which an alternate mobile graphics viewer might be sold. You also face the problem of the Linden's viewer code being open source. The licensing requires any use of their code to also be open source. So, you will have a number of people that either rip you off and compile the viewer to give-away for free or if you don't make it open source file suit to force you open source it or take it off the market. You really need to take a closer look at reality and get a better understanding of the open source community.
  4. Apple or Windows? Generally just do a standard system app uninstall. The viewer installs do a pretty good job of removing most of the viewer and its support files. Also, there is an uninstall executable in the viewer's program folder that you can launch. It is the same one the operating system uses when doing a standard system app uninstall. If you want to do a manual uninstall, that is a PITA. But, look up Clean Uninstall for your brand of viewer.
  5. The AMD Ryzen 5 comes in two flavors, one with CPU graphics and the other without. You don't give us enough to know which you have. It is best to get your computer and viewer specs from the Viewer's HELP->About... and past that info with your question. Also, AMD is not that good at keeping their support for OpenGL up to date. Versions that work with SL tend to be every other or every 3rd version. Search the SL forum for " RX 5700 XT" and see if there are driver problems. You may need to run an older version. On the off chance this is a laptop, know that power saving modes may switch off the RX 5700 XT. You'll need to go into the graphics setup for the card/chip and create a game profile for SL. Set it to "performance" to force use of the graphics GPU when running SL. Also, depending on how you upgraded the viewer may still think it is supposed to use your old graphics device. You can rename the FS Viewer's settings file and then launch the viewer. It will reset to a new default set of settings based on the new hardware.
  6. This may help you understand what is going on...
  7. OOoooh! That is so feminine... 😄
  8. When the computer is crashing a lot you need to figure out why. Running SL will stress the computer. So, if something isn't right running SL will usually push it into a crash.
  9. Jargon and numerous tech issues make it difficult to ask a questions. Of course, ambiguous questions or miss use of jargon make it difficult to answer correctly. SL has a learning curve. People do what they can to reduce the tedium and complexity of the learning. But, some amount of effort is required of new people. Check the videos second life basic tutorial. These should help with the basics and jargon. Avoid pre-2018 tutorials unless there is nothing else that is relevant your interest. SL changes too. That will add to your confusion. To give you an idea of the timeline changes... Once upon a time... SL started with the basic avatar built into the viewer. We call that avatar Ruth/Roth or the Classic or System avatar. The words System and Classic are interchangable. Classic was added to the language when Mesh Bodies were introduced. The idea was to have Classic and Mesh bodies in use in marketplace promotional material to distinguish which was which and which clothes were for which body. Because of all the brands of bodies that has evolved into Classic and Maitreya-Belleza-Slink-Legacy-etc. types of clothes and stuff. With mesh bodies Classic skin and tats were useless. Appliers were developed to solve that problem. Appliers are scripted HUDs that apply the skin or tat to the mesh body or head. They are useless on the Classic avatar body. So, you have to know which type of body or head you are trying to skin or tattoo. Plus you have to know which brand of body or head you are trying to work with. Stuff is not interchangeable because different people are making it. Obviously lots of people are making skin and tats for lots of different bodies. Skin makers got tired of making their own appliers and keeping up with all the body brands and their updates. Omega stepped up and made what might be called a converter or translator so that skin makers could design for Omega and Omega would figure out how to work with each brand and model. Saved skin makers lots of work and gave end users a wider selection of skins for their brand and model of body. Being Omerga compatible is a good thing. Your skin, applier, and mesh or Classic body all have to be made to work together. So, you have to know what you have to know what to buy. When you need help you have to be able to relate the information about what you have with your question. There are just too many variables to have us guessing making it improbable you'll get good answers. Now along comes BOM (late 2019), Bakes On Mesh. This is a change in how the SL system works. It allows us to use the Classic/System skins, tats, clothes, etc. with the newer mesh bodies. It makes way less difference whether you are wearing a BOM; Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, etc body. Classic skin and stuff will work with most BOM Mesh bodies regardless of brand or model. This should simplify what new users have to learn. The problem for now is the large amount of pre-BOM stuff in the SL marketplace. This probably sounds complex. But, once you get it, it is pretty easy. I label my stuff in inventory as Classic, Mesh (in my case that means applier type mesh), or BOM. When I buy it I know what it is. So that is when I label it. ...hope this helps.
  10. There are places that provide backgrounds for free. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Silky Moon/210/208/983 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Backdrop City/165/50/21 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brethren Cove/72/28/22 Also, search the How does your avatar look today? thread. Try backgrounds, backdrops, and locations.
  11. Don't let the clowns make you feel bad. They are trying to emotionally bully you to not do something that we have all done at one time or another. Nero-posting is neither wrong or bad. However, waking an old thread up may or may not be productive. So, you have to decide whether you think the thread is a subject relevant to today or from someone you think has the answer. If not, just ask your question in a new thread. GuRL 6 has vanished from SL over the last 8 years. I think it was 2018 when I last looked for them. They do not come up in the marketplace or in-world search.
  12. There is a load of subtle and not so subtle conditioning in our world (RL). People unaware of it tend to absorb it and never question it... often are totally unaware of it. An interesting experiment is along the line of asking the religious or political people why they believe. VERY few have a good answer. How we see something like Conall's image and comment shows our conditioning whether parental, community, social, or media impressions. It isn't about Conall unless he explains his thinking and motivations. It's all about our reaction and perception. If you find those that have watched the American impeachment hearings and those that have only read/watched/listened to the news coverage, I find their opinions are 180 degrees apart... conditioning is a major factor in our perception of our world. So any reaction to an image or comment reveals us... I think Conall's image is nice, content and quality-wise. I appreciate your (Orwar) take on it and the responses here.
  13. I am assuming your server is at a hosting company. So, you should be able to go into the Cpanel (or similar) and see what is happening via the Metrics section. That will tell you if it is server side or Lab side. Have you searched the SL JIRA? For all things bug related check with @Whirly Fizzle
  14. I am glad you found the problem. Looking at your specs I suggest you increase your Max Bandwidth setting 1500. Otherwise all your posted settings look good.
  15. I think you are going to have to be more specific about what you are attempting to do when you get the error. In the SL frame work we consider the Linden Lab side of things the servers. We consider the user, player, or the one using the viewer the client side of things. If English is a second language, try writing in your native language.
  16. There are numerous types of 'ADULT' games here. So, you need to be more specific.
  17. You gotta know the batteries will run out at just the worst moment...
  18. Its Christmas! You can take that any of several ways...
  19. Orwar is right. But it should be other ways. Long ago Kelly Linden developed HTML HUDs. Those are still available but require one know how to write HTML into the script. Thus upping the learning curve. PITA. Also, there is the LlDetectedTouchPos function that will allow use of a single prim. Paint your buttons on the texture and use LlDetectedTouchPos to tell if they clicked within the area that is the button. I made a script to help me get the button's location/area when building a script. I used to try and sell it. The downside is lots of buttons makes for a complex script. Regardless of how many buttons or pages of menu one has in the HUD a single texture can be used with LlOffsetTexture. The texture can devote a strip in the texture to buttons and divide the rest in to the pages of menu. The HUD can be made of a mesh plain with 8 faces and have a Land Impact of 0.5. So, 2 mesh plains can make 1LI and 16 faces. Then one 1024 texture and some fancy offsetting and you can have a very complex HUD for almost no LI. The thing is the multiple textures and numerous prims make for an easy to build and script HUD. Since it is generally seldom worn or used, there is minimal need for efficiency or economy. When I made my helicopter paint and wheels HUDs I considered they would be only occasionally used. How often does one change the wheels on their SL heli? Putting effort into a HUD that is very seldom used and affects only the user is a waste of time. One can easily build a complex HUD from textures and prims and that is what people do. The part that is DUMB is using a 1024 texture for buttons or a HUD that is not even 512x512 on the screen. A solid color button without a texture works and can change color easily. A 64x64 texture for a button with text works. But, many builders in SL are clueless when it comes to HUDs... or just clueless...
  20. Posting Flickr Images - The longer version... Often I want to control the size of the image appearing here. The forum imposes a maximum size but, no minimum. On Flickr click an image to get to its page. Notice in the lower right there is a down-arrowish-icon for downloading. Click it and select 'View all sizes.' In the list of sizes click the size you want. The page changes to show that size image. Right-click the image and select 'Copy image address.' Paste that address in your post here. This does not work for all Flickr images. If they have reserved all rights it isn't going to work. For most others it works. My ghost image
  21. There is the game GTFO (F=freight) that involves driving, flying, and sailing. They do caravans. It may not be exactly what you want. But, they are people into the driving experience and they are likely to know of related groups.
  22. There are places that provide free backdrops... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brethren Cove/72/28/22 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Backdrop City/165/50/21 In the SL Forum there is a thread titled, How does your avatar look today? it is close to 1,000 pages. The people there are often talking about where they took their shot and/or asking where they can find photo locations. So, lots of handy information and some really great images. Flickr has some groups that are about SL locations for photography. Landscapes SL - Angel's Art (SLurl required) SL Stunning Landscapes - SLURL Required ♥ Photo Locales in Second Life (SLURL REQUIRED) Start with these and watch some of the blogs covering SL travel...
  23. With Outfits you have a choice to SAVE AS, which creates a new Outfit, or SAVE which saves over the Outfit you are wearing. So, you can wear the outfit you want to update then change what you are wearing and just SAVE it. If you are wanting to update a bunch of Outfits, like with a new body or head, then moirakathleen's answer to use REPLACE is the better choice.
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