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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You probably should post this question on the Firestorm JIRA or contact the Singularity people. There are few Linux users hanging in the forum. So, if you do want to stay with the forum, I suggest you make it a separate thread with LINUX in the title. The TECH->Viewers is probably the best part of the forum to ask for help. You can search the ANSWERS section of the forum. Unfortunately most of those helping with answers are not Linux users. So, you are not likely to get an answer if you ask a Linux question. You have to hope you find a previous answer. There are 84 Linux groups in-world. You might get help there. The Open Development UG would be a good place to ask for help. Time and SLURL at link... If you don't know, Linux is a pure open source third-party effort now. The Lab does not spend 'development' time on Linux as there are too few Linux users.
  2. 5G is planned to be faster and more robust. So, theoretically it should be better. Monti may be right. There may be an issue moving from cell to cell in the 5G network. But, I only occasionally have a problem with streamed audio at 70mph (112kph) on my 5G connection. The glitch is a twitch coming back in 1 or 2 seconds, which generally would not force a disconnect from SL. I am not sure switching cells will break the SL security. I'm not deep into how SL sec works. As I remember it is token-key based so a routing change shouldn't matter. Even on a land based wired network the backbone routing can change in a session.
  3. @Israel Schnute The subject came up in the Server-Scripting UG meeting Tuesday. So, you are not alone. Post a JIRA.
  4. The reason we harp on CONNECTION is this type of problem is almost always a connection issue. Never having had a problem means nothing. The entire Internet is changing by the millisecond. The large ISPs shift traffic to balance load by the second and are changing out and updating equipement every day. Techs are connecting new accounts and disconnecting others affecting local neighborhood connections. Traffic and construction accidents take out a route and push traffic to different hardware. A rat chews a cable... Once you restart your computer and router you have taken care of the connection within your house. Next to test is the ISP's connection from your house to their data hub. Then from backbone your ISP is using through the backbones to the one the Lab is using. Then into the Linden part of the network. All these parts are owned by different people and any part may be having a problem. Until the lab gets about a billion calls per minute they seriously doubt it is their system... Most of the time the problem is out THERE, not in the Linden house. But, until a large number of people have the same problem at the same time, we are going to give you the proven most common advice that fixes the problem, 'look at your connection'. You are, of course, free to ignore our advice. In which case we sit back and watch you whin. Eventually the ISP or backbone provider will find and fix the problem... but if it is in your particular leg of their system that may take a really long time for them to notice.
  5. Even after they move to using cloud servers they will likely have software channels just as they do now. The software update process will still continue. Being in the cloud does not eliminate the need for comparative testing nor the need for testing in small increments before rolling across all the servers. Plus, the Lindens have said why they are making the 'naming' change.
  6. There are a number of reasonable things one can do to get the jerks after them. Often just exercising your free speech rights will get one in trouble.
  7. I'll answer another way... I agree with Rhonda. BoM is a way to bring the efficiency of classic/system skin and clothes to mesh bodies. The problem with mesh bodies is the 'one face, one texture' which Rhonda points out above. So, skin (a texture and possibly materials) could be applied to the faces of a mesh body. To add a tattoo on the same face in the mesh body would require us to bake/composite the tat into the skin so we have just ONE texture, not two. Since the tat and skin makers are usually different people that is not easily doable. The solution for mesh bodies was to add a copy of the mesh body just above the skin. The skin and 'copy' we call 'layers', like a layer cake. The result is we see a tat on top of the skin. So, a layer for skin, tats, underwear, and clothes had to be built into mesh bodies. That is 4 copies of the body... not render efficient. These layers are accessed via Appliers, of which Omega is a specific brand of general purpose Applier. With BoM the mesh bodies can use a single layer just as the Classic avatar does. The bake service takes a list of the textures to be used and composites them into a single texture for use on the Classic and mesh bodies. In the BoM world the system makes the baked composite texture UUID available for use by the mesh objects, usually a body (and head). This complexity is handled by designers and the viewer. End users just wear the stuff. Part of the idea is to improve render efficiency and another part is to make dressing the avatar much easier. BoM greatly reduces the need for appliers, almost eliminating them. We can use the Classic/System layers with our mesh bodies, which are generally much easier to understand and use.
  8. That is the difference in people. I've noticed some people are constantly making new looks for their avatar. Others create an identity of which the appearance is a part. Changing the appearance changes the identity. So, for some it is a thing not to be changed. I spent a long time tweaking on my shape and face, over years. So, getting one I liked well I didn't want to change to a face unrecognizable as me.
  9. In a large part it is a time thing. If I see a notice pop in I can nearly always open it and get the attachments. If it is a couple of hours old, arrived while I was off line, or I put off opening until after a relog... then I nearly always have to open the group, the notices and grab attachments from there.
  10. The problem of losing everything is it means one has nothing left to fight with... Most people that can't fight back within the system will find ways to retaliate outside the system. These means do not have to be 'illegal' and often aren't. And even those that are illegal leave people feeling justified in their use. The movie industry makes good use of this sentiment to maintain a profit margin. SL has its share of vigilante groups. They are one of the factors that makes Abuse Report enforcement in SL such a complex task. The governance team is not anonymous. You just have to know where to look to find them. Once a month you can talk with them. They won't talk about individual problems. You can however tell them your specific complaints about specific people... and they will hear you but tell you to file an Abuse Report. One reads the ToS and Community Standards. If you can't understand those then you hire an attorney to do the interpretation. Otherwise you decide who to trust.
  11. Performance in SL is CPU, memory, and GPU bottlenecked. You need clock speed in the CPU and memory. So, it is GHz over core-count. That is why the i5 Intel is a better SL deal for the money than i7s. 8GB of RAM is on the low side. 16 to 32 GB of "fast" memory works better. Memory speed is limited by the motherboard and CPU. You have know the specs on the motherboard to get the fastest memory it can handle. The CPU then has to be fast enough to notice. GPU... in general NVIDIA provides better support for OpenGL, the basic render language for SL. Any of the 1,000 and 2,000 series cards is way more than enough. More VRAM helps especially of you multitask. The GPU cannot make up for a slow CPU. My GTX 1060 runs SL with a 25 to 50% GPU load with a i5-6600k clocked at 4.1 Ghz. Harddisk or SSD... these mostly affect scene render time and the viewer UI way more than FPS.
  12. In Firestorm there is a Move Lock (Ctrl-Alt-P or menu Avatar->Movement->MoveLock). But, this generally blocks all AWSD movement... The setting is a per avatar setting. A way laggy connection or a region that has a poor connection can block AWSD movement while allowing the avatar to spin in place using the AD keys. I have seen this problem apply to one avatar in the region and not another. So, I assume something in the frozen avatar's connection didn't connect. A relog or two generally solves that problem. That you can move sideways but not forward and backward... that is new to me. Make sure your problem avatar has disabled all its Gestures (Ctrl-G). Vehicles and other things can add gestures that take over the AWSD keys.
  13. Yeah... flat inventory can be a problem. When that becomes a login issue depends on the size of your inventory and the quality of your connection. So, think 5k items in a single folder and packet loss >1 or 2%. Even then you may not have that many problems or often. OR... you may have them much sooner and almost every login. I think most of us keep less than 1k items in a single folder. I think my average is around 300. And a folder, no matter how many items are in it, is just one item in its parent folder. Why this is so is less important than knowing a "flat" inventory can be a problem. Total size is not import. Total size is essentially unlimited. Size does have a minor effect on login and if overly flat can become a significant problem blocking login, requiring help from SL Support to get back in. A bit less known are the issues from Calling Cards. If you don't use them, delete them to reduce the load from them. This affects login and post login performance. Fortunately it is not a high impact thing. It is minor enough most of us can ignore them. Another lesser known issue is your Favorites Landmarks... Dead LM's in your 'Favorites' bar can cause problems at login. You can test this by dragging all your Favorites LMs into a folder and emptying the viewer's Favorites Bar. Then add them back one at a time to find the problem LM. Tedious. Or just use each LM in Favorites to make sure they all work. There are live regions, like Scandalous' recent move, that move to a new place in the grid (a new coordinate location) but retain their region name. This messes up the old LMs and if one of those is in the Favorites Bar it can cause login problems. Generally none of these is often a sole, single cause. They can be. But, most often these issues are often just significant factors in a 'Perfect Storm' sort of way... and fixing them breaks the storm and solves the immediate problem.
  14. I think you have it figured out... SL jargon can make talking about this confusing. Pre mesh, all clothes were either system clothes, i.e., skin, tat, underwear, shirt, jacket... these were all textures painted on the avatar skin as composite layers. So, there is nothing to poke through anything. The only other clothes of the time were prims. With prim skirts we had avatar legs and skin poking through. So, skirts came with 'glitch pants' made of the same material to hide poke throughs. Mesh clothes came along. These clothes were another rigged (meaning connected to the avatar bones to move and bend with them) surface enveloping the avatar. We saw more poke through problems and used alpha layers worn on the classic avatar to hide that problem. The problem was worse because the classic avatar uses a completely different algorithm to connect its skin to the skeleton. The solution was to make mesh bodies and clothes that use the same algorithm. So, we have mesh bodies and clothes that fit specific brands of mesh body.
  15. I'll point out that you are learning how to dress and style your avatar just when things are in upheaval. BoM is changing how we handle the avatar skin,tats, underwear, makeup, and clothes. So, I suggest you spend more time learning how Classic/System skins, tats, and clothes work as that is how BOM works. The Bento bodies look much better but those are in change because of Bakes On Mesh (BOM). Take your time with mesh bodies. I expect we are 2 or 3 months away from most mesh bodies changing over to BOM. BOM is controversial, for now. Some of us changing over immediately and some saying 'wait' and others 'never, no point'. But, things are shaking that will likely press people to adopt BOM. Going that direction is probably the best direction.
  16. You have done amazingly well replicating your Classic look. When I started trying to replicate my classic look with mesh heads I spent a lot of time trying to get my look with my first pick, finally giving up moving to another and trying again. I went through 3 or 4 heads before realizing not all heads can be adjusted to a particular look. Then I went through a dozen plus heads trying to find something close to my classic look. Finally found something I could adjust to the look I wanted. So... you did it well and quickly.
  17. Look through the third-party viewers list. I think Cool VL and Singularity both have Linux versions. I just don't know if they are 32-bit. Life might be easier if you update to a 64-bit Linux...
  18. Now that we have BoM I think skin for mesh heads is going to be less of an issue. Plus it will make skins usable with the Classic head, which means new skins for Classic.
  19. You did well enough I was going to ask you where you got that ball... If you would like to see a pro adding a glowing ball check out Nemanja Sekulic's tutorial. I've tried that in a couple of recent images. I'm not that good at it. But I am getting better. Oh... and nice image.
  20. If the computer sees and uses a motherboard network card and not an addin network card, but Windows see it, the question is where is the ethernet cable plugged in? If you are moving the cable between the two, you may have to restart the gateway/modem each time you move the cable.
  21. It is more out of date than flawed. But, today it doesn't really represent the render load being placed on the computer and that certainly is a flaw. Five years ago the system was closer to representing the actual render load. Graphics cards, CPUs, memory available, storage speed, the network and more have changed. The ACI/ARC algorithm needs to change to reflect those changes. Plus avatar render cost wasn't that big a thing until mesh and onion-skin-mesh with loads of 1024px textures became a common part of nearly every avatar. Some means of putting pressure on users and designers to create better bodies, hair, and clothes is needed.
  22. @buttonsnrubbish You'll probably also find it handy to make a copy of your nude avatar, body feet, hands, head, and shape. Put these duplicate parts in an outfit. You can then use the outfit/parts to test things. It saves having to figure out how to undo something that screws things up.
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