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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Yes and that's why they do it. However Second life is a virtual reality, not a platform designed solely for virtual sex.
  2. So who is gonna stop non-premium members from having sex, or from being naked.
  3. I've started to cam around when I hit a new place that looks busy. If there's 20 avatars jammed into a tiny room at 3000m I leave, and i never go back.
  4. Just wondering... ok so all these empty abandoned sims are "idled", or taken offline until someone interacts with them, but I like to tp at random to sims from the world map. As soon as i hit "TP to", will i need to wait 5 minutes for the sim to come back online? Empty or full every sim has to be 100% ready 24/7, and the difference between maintaining a full sim and an empty sim would be minimal in terms of server costs. And bandwidth on a full maxed out sim costs nothing either until someone shows up. Perhaps LL should just cut the number of mainland sims in half, and force everyone to move to the remaining sims, then their server costs would be reduced and everyone can get the cheep land they all seem to be demanding. I don't think the land costs are excessive, but all I own is 4608 sq m
  5. So at what point does an empty sim power up? I could buy a whole sim, then 2 minutes later set out 30,000 prims containing 1000 scripts. It seems to me each sim must be in a full ready state 24/7. There can't be a sleep setting on mainland. Its just how it is. I know there was talk about sims going to sleep until someone looks at it or walks on it to save server space, but how practical is that? I'm suspecting not very, since its never been implemented.
  6. I would think it would cost the same as any other sim. Its not like an empty sim goes into "standby" mode until someone crosses the sim border. Every sim takes up dedicated server space regardless of if its maxed out in prims or just has a LL road crossing it. Even totally void of content, the terrain mesh is still there.
  7. Part of the cost one pays Linden Lab for land goes to maintain all the abandoned land on the mainland. Maybe someday Linden Lab will realize if they lowered land costs, more people would buy land, thus maintaining their profit. But obviously even with all that abandoned land, enough people are willing to pay current prices for land, and they have a healthy profit. So why should they do anything? One easy way to increase interest in mainland, even at current tier, is to eliminate the classification rating of General, convert all General sims to Mature, and all Mature sims to Adult. If nothing else, the sale price of land would drop immediately on Zindra.
  8. I've seen a few anorexic-looking women in SL and I hate them. They make me look fat.
  9. You have that backwards> People get banned because they pissed the landowner off. Banning new players is a pro active way of preventing thin skinned crybabies from creating a throwaway alt to come back and grief you. Another reason to ban noobs... a lot of them still have system avis *shudder* I wonder if there's a security script that only allows Mesh body avis onto your land, i might get an orb like that *smirk*
  10. Land bots have been done away with for a long time now.
  11. There are whole blatantly racist sims devoted to the "black gangsta" type of person. If people wish to be offended, they can easily find things to offend them. The decor of my club offends many many people, but oh well, sucks for them. As my hero Happy Bunny would say in reply, I know how you feel but i just don't care.
  12. Are you buying/selling the parcel, or the business located on the parcel? Empty land by itself will have zero traffic, so its current number of visitors is irrelevant
  13. How would anyone know what you are in RL? And why would anyone care. My SL boyfriend started out as a skinny white guy, but me and my partner gave him a makeover, now he is a big black bull. *grins*
  14. Good thing not everyone thinks that way. If they did, Second Life would have been terminated a long time ago. I'm premium, and I buy Lindens for land and clothes etc. Considering how many hours i'm in SL every week, my expenditures work out to pennies an hour. If you work inworld, that's different, because even though you don't buy Lindens, someone who pays you had to, same with when you use the Lindens to buy stuff, you are contributing to the SL economy, and in the end to LL's profitibility and Second Life's continued existence. I guess SL makes it easier for freeloaders and moochers to get by, i just hope they don't whine too much when SL folds. *shrugs*
  15. You see a rl building that's partially settled into the ground and think they did a poor job of lining up the prims You look out into the distance in rl and think that seamless background texture is amazing. You look at a rl building and wonder how many prims it took to build it. You walk thru an empty warehouse where u work in rl and wonder why the music stream is down, and where the dj booth and group inviter is. Yes, i like to build in SL *smiles*
  16. Yes and doesn't it totally suck when someone in the first group falls for someone is the second group? Sucks for them i mean.
  17. I never ask anyone to voice, and neither does my circle of friends or my family, IM me if you wanna hang out sometime
  18. The survey wanted me to name the mesh head i use, even though i chose "none" in the question above it. I typed "none" and that was accepted
  19. Those aren't sims, they are just parcels with no traffic. Someone is paying tier on then however, so LL doesn't care how low the traffic is. My neighbor has a "dead" property, and i wish he would get back to me because i really really really want to buy his parcel.
  20. $ 512 L is a generous asessment, All he needs to do is find a similar parcel in the middle of nowhere and have LL put it to auction. He'll probably get it for the opening bid of $ 0.5 L per sq m
  21. if you never want to talk to them, wait till they are offline and unfriend them. Then in 3 months when they have figured that out and im you, either say it must have been a glitch, or you were deleting all the deadwood from your friends list and was clicking too fast and must have deleted them by accident. Apologize profusely and offer to friend them again. Its not a permanent solution but in some cases, it can buy you a year of peace. *smirk*
  22. There is no such thing as realistic mesh hair, unless you think realistic means setting your hair with a gallon of shellack. Shoulder length hair is the perfect length for flexi prim because it doesn't go thru the body like longer styles (mine included) does. Yes its true I still have flexi prim hair too, and I'm ridiculed for it, but untill the day i see a mesh hair with the same "wow" factor i felt the first time i tried on my flexi prim hair, I'm keeping it
  23. Linden Labs doesn't just randomly put abandoned land up for auction. Someone has to submit a support ticket expressing their interest in obtaining the land. If it is a worthless irregular shaped parcel beside land you already own that no one else could possible be interested in, they might sell it direct to you. Most times they will list it for auction, high bidder gets it. So, deliberately or accidentally, the OP either listed his parcel for sale or abandoned it, or his premium membership lapsed
  24. I hope its not in world. So many profiles say "What are you doing here stalker?" I'm sure i'd get harassed by at least some of them. Oh, and if a profile does say that, hell would have to freeze over before i'd actually IM them. I stay away from drama queens that advertise on their profiles. *smiles*
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