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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. I went premium at about 2 months. I was living in a friends tee pee and had a vertical take off aircraft parked out in front. She said something about it not being in theme. So, i went premium, got a LL house and parked the aircraft on the roof. Against the rules i know, but no one complained.
  2. Access should also to be set to a white list, or an invite-only group, so a child doesn't wander in and see some adult activities going on.
  3. Yes, tier is like rent, but the advantage of mainland is there's no landlord telling you what you can't do. LL can respond to AR's ofcourse, but if its just a whiny neighbor that hates your prim build, they won't do anything. Note to anyone not familiar, anyone can rent mainland, but can only buy mainland if you are premium. *waiting for all the premium haters to respond saying why premium completely sucks, has no benefits and is a total utter waste of money*
  4. I love living on mainland. My current property (it's beside a full sim owned by family) is blocked from the road by a 512 belonging to a guy that never logs in, but when he does I'm gonna offer him big bucks for his land.
  5. Second Life is a platform that can realize the hopes you elucidate, unfortunately its over run by the a/s/l/skype name crowd
  6. any avatar that makes me look fat is too skinny
  7. i think you were the only person in colorado that didnt go
  8. of course its grossly overpriced because for some unfathonable reason land flippers think others would love to live on those horrible looking sims and will pay obscene amounts for the privilege
  9. thats ok the rest of us "buy" land that you can enjoy for free
  10. well then... I live in north carolina probably three hours from the centerline but i decided years ago i wasn't going to chance carolina weather so i flew out west to view it in nebraska. however the weather didnt cooperate so we decided at the last minute to drive into wyoming. the skys were perfectly clear and we were treated to an amazing experience. unfortunately the drive down to colorado springs afterwards wasnt quite as amazing the i-25 was gridlocked and it took us 14 hours to make a four hour drive. I dont mind though, the memory of the eclipse, which i shared with my daughters will last forever
  11. i'd post about my eclipse trip but the thread will probably be locked or removed because its not sl related.
  12. nude there is no comparison between system and mesh. Mesh looks so much smoother. if you are choosing between mesh head or mesh body i vote body
  13. If I see a kid on any of my properties I immediately eject them and ban them.
  14. Yes a non mesh guy, probably with a freenis to boot, is a definite put off. He didn't mention if they all moved away after he said "who wants to eat my man meat"
  15. 25 alts parked in a box at 3000 M count for traffic too. When i go to a "high traffic" club lately, first thing I do is check the radar to see where all the people are. If they are in said box, I leave and usually don't return.
  16. Its possible to buy a parcel on mainland and be the only landowner on the whole sim. It will be less laggy that a fully occupied private estate. Mainland tier and estate rent is more or less the same. Mainland rent is quite a bit cheaper, but you get a lot less land rights since you don't "own" the land.
  17. Did you ever get it fixed? Sounds like a neighbor has something on their parcel that senses when you land inside the range of their scanner and sends you that. I've had auto-greeters iming me from a neighbors parcel because they didn't set their own land restrictions or greeter range correctly.
  18. Actually i can have it both ways, i'm not encroaching on another persons private property, i'm linking my property to the edge of the paved roadway with a transitioning prim. If a LL employee finds that to be a problem, fine let him return it. As i said returning the prim does not affect the integrity of my build. It does not impede travel on the roadway, it just ties everything together and makes things look more finished, but whatever.
  19. Obviously I need to clarify myself here. I always have property lines turned on. When i buy a new property, i'm always very careful to build entirely inside my parcel lines. I even make sure the bounding boxes of sculpted prims are inside my property line. So yes when someone encroaches on my property I return their prims. As for Linden roadfront parcels. I build my place, then to finish it off, to make it look neater and more finished and more realistic, I'll rezz a prim running under my build out across the road allowance to the edge of the actual road pavement. I'm not encroaching on anyone elses property, I'm simple leveling out the ground between my property line and the roadway. Its not even integral to my build, its rooted to a buried prim on my parcel, so if a bored LL employee with nothing better to do decides to return it, it doesn't affect the integrity of my build in any way. In real life, you are allowed to build a driveway from your property line across the road allowance to the actual edge of the pavement, that's the same thing i'm doing in second life. I've seen many posts in this forum saying LL will not bother with encroaching prims on LL roads as long as they don't impede travel along the road. If there is a new policy to return all encroaching prims from the LL road right of ways, LL employees are going to be busy for a very long time.
  20. The parcel in question was a 300 sq m parcel, no one will buy it. And, I normally wouldn't buy a parcel that wasn't directly road front. I'm talking about rezzing a flat prim running across the road allowance from my irregular property line to the actual pavement, kind of like a parking strip if you will. And its not me, many many people fill in the land between their parcel edge and pavement in a similar fashion. We aren't encroaching, we are beautifying, LL should be thanking us. They aren't gonna put a warning on my account for having an encroaching prim, that's just tough talk... gotta play the bad cop i guess to keep the natives in line.
  21. He should consider himself lucky. She could have taken him for thousands of dollars in RL instead of a few tens of dollars in here.
  22. And be prepared to pay robber baron prices, since all the adult land is located on one continent, Zindra.
  23. Yes but its on abandoned land, who is going to complain? Also, in the past I've paved over the right of way between my road front parcel edge and the roadway itself, it makes for a much neater look than the terrible job LL usually manages to do with terraforming along the edge of the pavement.
  24. If it's abandoned land, then another solution is to just rezz a prim, rooted on your parcel that reaches the road. Then you have walk up access to your property from the road.
  25. I guess there's no point in me replying if the thread is going to be removed.... oh crap
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