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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Sweetie the guy has said several times he refuses to reply to any more of my posts, yet every time I reply, he replies yet again saying that he is done and won't reply again. I'm simply giving him the opportunity to do what he has said many times he is going to do. I'll make you the same offer.
  2. Whats his name has said several times hes not going to reply to me any more. I'm just trying to give him the opportunity to do it. As for selling Premium, no one needs to sell Premium, it will sell itself to anyone objectively looking at the benefits. *Waiting for the storm of "I don't need no stinking Premium benefits" replies*
  3. One more time sweetie, my 300 Linden dollars a week is worth 5 dollars US if i chose to BUY them, NOT sell it. Rent on a 512 is 5 dollars a month if i chose to BUY it, NOT sell it. I receive that value every month by not having to pay rent. Instead of paying 10 dollars a month I pay 6 dollars a month. I save 4 dollars every month plus get the myriad of other benefits I've already listed elsewhere. Are you incapable of understanding 6 dollars is less than 10 dollars. I save 4 dollars every month which IS real cash that I can apply elsewhere in my budget. Oh, and you will reply, You don't want to, but you can't help it.
  4. I log in with Lumiya on my tablet when I'm away from home. The graphics suck, but at least i can see something. And, I get to chat with my friends. Not sure how my logging in on one of your "unapproved" devices affects your SL though.
  5. No, the problem is you chose to accept the dollar value of one benefit , but chose to ignore the dollar value of another benefit, simply so you could claim that i was wrong. 5 plus 5 equals 10, in any part of the universe except the space between your ears. Done yet?
  6. If i find something encroaching on my parcel even 3000 m up, i return it. You can rezz a full sim mega prim on your 512 if you want, as long as the co-ordinates of the prim are inside the boundary of your parcel.
  7. because you could slip a pony into their thigh gap and go giddy up
  8. Well you see, slim hipped, slender women are considered "near noobs" to some and the only acceptable proof that you have put some serious effort into your avi is that you have a hideously large butt, and giant breasts. "near noob" and proud
  9. My ideal parcel is on mainland roadfront, and I'm the only one on the whole sim.
  10. The problem is you hate that I'm right and you are wrong, but don't hit reply and we'll call this done
  11. Takes two people to argue sweetie, but make you a deal, you don't hit reply to this and we'll never need to mention it again.
  12. The fact is i can spend 10 dollars a month to buy 1200 Lindens and rent a 512, or I can spend 6 dollars for premium. I'm saving 4 dollars every month. what part of that don't YOU understand?
  13. I've not had a Linden house in years, I have mainland plots on road front. I'm so happy for you that you own a whole sim
  14. I get back more in dollar value than i pay in membership. If i chose to purchase land and Lindens separately it would cost me more money. What part of that don't you understand?
  15. No one cares but, my free 512 is on Zindra, i pay 25 dollars tier on a 4096 on a mature sim and I pay 40 dollars a month as my share on a good sized lot on a sailing estate, so no i'm not one of these "just pays Premium and thinks they are supporting LL while trashing others that don't" people.
  16. And Klytyna, all my "demands" actually came out of your own head
  17. I never ever suggested people should be forced to go premium, in fact on another thread saying people should be forced to buy premium to access adult content i said it was a terrible idea. Some one said every store should have an in world presence, and I agreed to that, but you jumped all over it saying they would be forced to open one on griefer infested madlands, but i've already corrected you on that point too. Forcing everyone to go premium would destroy second life quicker than anything else. But hey, now we have beautiful, wonderful Sansar.
  18. That's 5 dollars a month i don't have to pay to rent a 512. If i wanted the premium "benefits" of land and tier without paying premium, i'd be out of pocket 10 dollars a month, instead of 6. I'm saving 4 dollars every month with the premium benefits i mentioned. Lets see.. 10 dollars a month for 1200 Lindens and rent on a 512, or 6 dollars a month to pay for my premium membership. Maybe you prefer to spend more money to get less, i don't. Everyone feel free to stop responding and we can let this thread die.
  19. I suppose its possible for a person to see no benefit in a benefit, so they will decline to take advantage of it. I don't want the 5 dollars in Lindens I don't want the 5 dollars in tier I don't want 60 groups instead of 42 I don't want premium access to a full sim I don't want access to premium sandboxes I don't want access to live support and I certainly don't want those cheesey gifts LL gives out every few months. Okey okey, i agree with that last one, its definitely not a benefit
  20. They are a benefit to anyone buying a membership. If you don't see them as benefits, if you see no value in what a membership gets you, then don't buy a membership. Its that simple. Whats the problem here?
  21. Its the same benefit for everyone that pays for premium, are you trying to tell me you won't get 5 dollars a month in Lindens and 5 dollars a month in tier for your payment of 6 dollars? Do you buy Lindens? Do you rent land? if the answer is yes and yes, then those are benefits you yourself will also get if you sign up for premium.
  22. I already posted that i get about 5 dollar a month in Lindens (300) a week, Tier for a 512 is 5 dollars a month so... 5 dollars in Lindens, plus 5 dollars in free tier... 10 dollars in benefits each a month for a payment of 6 dollars... omg I make money every month, its an even better deal than I though, and its not just a deal for me, its a deal for everyone that pays premium for a year up front. So, you don't want to go premium, don't, but don't try and tell me i don't know what i'm talking about.
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